Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 57 Shanks' Big Move!


Just one confrontation made Shanks feel great pressure, and the terrifying power from Ulquiorra made his internal organs tremble!

Fortunately, he is very young now, and Haki is strong. If it were an old man like Rayleigh, he would probably spit out blood now!

too strong!

In addition to his own captain, there are also several legendary pirates when he was young. This is the first time Shanks has seen such a strong person!

"You're so strong... You guys, you must not be an ordinary member of the Twilight Brigade!" Shanks took a few steps back, gritted his teeth and said.

Tang Yuan remained expressionless, as if the confrontation just now had no effect on him at all.

He looked at Shanks indifferently: "It is true that my current strength is stronger than most of the existences in the Twilight Brigade, but compared with the deputy head, it is still far behind."

The role of Ulquiorra, in the high-energy world "Shinigami", is also a group of existences standing at the top of the pyramid. If we only talk about normal combat power, rather than competition for authority, rules and other settings, then there are existences stronger than him. ,~ but not too much.

"You said that... I feel more relieved." Shanks showed an unattractive smile, "If your strength in the Twilight Brigade is only mediocre, then I really want to give birth to the fear of fear as you said. upset.

As he spoke, his remaining left hand tightly held the knife in his hand.

"Ulquiorra, do you know why I have the strength I have today?"

Tang Yuan ignored him, and Shanks continued: "Although my physical talent is good, in this vast sea, I can only barely count as a good one. In terms of swordsmanship, I am not as good as my partner...... Now Hawkeye is already a member of your organization, but... I have grown to this point!"

As he spoke, his body suddenly became pitch black.

"The reason is, my Haki is what I am most proud of!"

As he said that, he came over with Wolf Wolf Saber.

For a moment, Tang Yuan thought he was watching slow motion.

The speed at which Shanks swings the knife seems to be too slow, as if someone has used a slow-motion video to lengthen the time.

But in the blink of an eye, the blade was already in front of him!

"That's it, you still say that your swordsmanship talent is not good?" Tang Yuan shook his head, and then, the Thunder Spear in his hand rushed towards Shanks, and the point of the spear slammed into Shanks' wrist. With the harsh explosion, Shanks was powerful Forced to take several steps back.

But... His wrist did not become bloody and bloody as imagined.

The Armament Haki on his body, upon closer inspection, is indeed different from Rayleigh's.

Rayleigh's Armament Haki is black and shiny, looks like some kind of metal, tough and solid, even the Thunder Spear that Ulquiorra used when he returned to the blade, he can forcefully eat it.

Shanks is also black and shiny, but it doesn't feel like metal.

His armed color is like... a black orb, like a jade, shining with a strange light!

Tang Yuan felt it carefully with Reiatsu, and was surprised to find that Shanks' Haki is really powerful.

If Rayleigh's Haki is to cover the skin with energy to hard-resist the enemy's attack, then Shanks uses Haki energy to form many small facets on the surface of the body, so as to direct the enemy's attack to other places!

"No wonder the Thunder Spear didn't poke you... You're quite good at playing." Tang Yuan was slightly taken aback, and said.

But he didn't know that Shanks was more surprised than him now: "You won't see my Haki's secret in just one fight, right? Is this something made by humans?"

"What people can't do, doesn't mean the Twilight Brigade can't do it." Tang Yuan said, then raised his eyebrows: "The game time is over, I'm going to deal with you, redhead, be mentally prepared.

 …I don't need to be reminded, it's a fight!"

"That's right, I was negligent." Tang Yuan nodded.

Shanks was about to say something more when he suddenly realized that Tang Yuan had disappeared from his sight.

In the next moment, a black claw covered his head from the side, and the terrifying force instantly pushed his head, brought his body, and tilted to the side.

0 looking for flowers......

Then, all the powerful kinetic energy was poured into his body.

Without even having time to react, Shanks flew out sideways like a fired shell, and hit the coastline not far away with a bang, smashing the rocks on the shore, and blasting a huge wave in the sea !

Tang Yuan withdrew his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

This move is in the story of "Shinigami", when Ulquiorra transformed into the second stage of returning to the blade for the first time, he used it to hit Kurosaki Ichigo. It is a classic posture. did not find.

Other tricks with wonderful postures, such as the mid-air spinning Rasengan when Fourth Hokage hit Obito, such as Monkey King's teleportation with two fingers on his forehead... Tang Yuan will also play with it sooner or later.

Shanks got out of the water and stood in the water, staring at Tang Yuan closely.

The move just now did not hurt too much, but it brought a lot of psychological pressure.

What speed is this!

Fighting with Hawkeye all the year round, Shanks always thought that Hawkeye's speed was fast enough, but unexpectedly, another faster one appeared!

Not even a little bit faster!

"Can I just try that trick..." Shanks gritted his teeth, showing a determined expression.

Then, he took a deep breath, bent slightly, and made a half-squat position.

"Huh?" Tang Yuan showed a curious expression. At this moment, he felt that Shanks' danger was constantly rising!

"It's interesting... Let me see what you're going to take out." Tang Yuan scattered the Thunder Spear in his hand, waiting for Shanks' attack!

==========Splitting line============================

Second update.

I read a book review and someone said that it is not as good as a five-speed electric fan on the live broadcast day, compared to cutting and hanging?

I just want to know how much hatred there is?

In addition, the repetition of chapters must be Feilu's fault, it has nothing to do with me...don't ask again.

What a few!.

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