Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 63 Surprised Ace

Looking at Tang Yuan with a bright smile on his face, Rayleigh really wants to yell out his morals now!

As if he had guessed what Rayleigh was thinking, Tang Yuan chuckled: "Didn't I tell you before I came here, I brought you here to prevent disasters."

"That's what you say, but do you have the heart to let me stay here as an old man to face the Marine hero?" Rayleigh showed the face of an old man who touched porcelain.

"It's okay, don't worry, the opposite side is similar to you." Tang Yuan smiled and gave a thumbs up, then turned his head and disappeared on the mountain road.

"Tsk." Rayleigh shook his head wordlessly, then turned his attention to Garp.

Garp was a little anxious: "Get out of the way, Rayleigh, you know what he's going to do!"

"Go find Ace," Rayleigh said.

"He's from the Twilight Brigade! How can you trust him to meet Ace! There will be big problems! Who knows what they will do with Ace!" Garp gritted his teeth.

"I don't know what the Twilight Brigade wants to do to Ace, but I know that you, Garp, have hidden Ace here for more than ten years and never told us!" It's okay not to mention this, just mention it

Rayleigh is also on fire, and his fighting spirit is even stronger!

Garp was taken aback, "I also 367 for the sake of Ace..."

"I didn't see it." Rayleigh briefly expressed his dissatisfaction, and then rushed forward with his sword drawn. Garp had no choice but to fight back with his fist.

On the mountain road, Tang Yuan took Alisa on an outing, leisurely climbing up, and from time to time heard the explosion of Garp and Rayleigh fighting from below.

Alyssa sometimes looked back with interest, but Tang Yuan didn't. He stroked his chin, thinking about other things.

"Speaking of which, according to the era I live in now, many famous and influential people in the future are still children now... If I fool them all into my subordinates, wouldn't I want to open a nursery school? ?"

Thinking of having to take care of a bunch of idiot kids and waiting for them to grow up to become big bosses, Tang Yuan felt that life was gloomy.

This kind of thing...... must never happen!

Those who will be strong in the future must be recruited, but they cannot be turned into flowers in the greenhouse. The process of history is actually a very fragile thing. , It will definitely become useless sooner or later.

"In that case, I still have to (cadh) find someone who can play."

"Well, so I have to get a territory, a big ship, or a small island, these have to be on the agenda.

While talking to himself, Tang Yuan stopped and looked at the lush and intertwined canopy above his head.

"What do you think, kid?"

From the shadow of the canopy, a head appeared.

A child with tousled hair and tits, Madara, looks serious.

After glancing at Tang Yuan, his head suddenly shrank back, not knowing where to go.

It is Ace!

Ace who was supposed to be called Gore·D·Ace, but later changed his surname to Potter Cass, the son of One Piece

Tang Yuan laughed: "Hide and seek, it's a bit nerve-wracking, I'm not good at detection."

He scratched his hair, "However, fortunately, I still have some other abilities."

As he spoke, he slowly opened his hands and took a deep breath.

Following his movements, a huge red magic circle emerged in front of him—

"The Dragon's Roar!!!"


A gigantic pillar of fire spewed out from the magic circle, piercing through a large forest in an instant! A forest that was originally dense and where people couldn't see each other after a few meters was directly turned into a piece of fly ash!

As for the trees outside the range of the pillar of fire, they were not affected at all, because the place burned by the pillar of fire was directly turned into coke and fly ash, and the ability to continue heat transfer to the outside was lost!

A mouthful of flames spewed out, Tang Yuan wiped his mouth, brought down a few curls of flames, and grinned.

"I don't care about playing hide-and-seek, and being burned to death is not bad for me.

On a big tree not far away, Ace stared at the burnt place of Tang Yuan with wide eyes.

"Is this guy a monster?!" he said in shock.

"Haha, it's not a monster, it's just a wizard." Tang Yuan's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Wow!!" After being surrounded by Tang Yuan suddenly, Ace screamed in fright, and fell directly from the branch.


A hand grabbed his ankle and hung him in midair.

Tang Yuan giggled, squatting there, holding Ace in one hand, and casually resting the other on his knee.

"Nice to meet you, kid," he said.

Ace gritted his teeth, and Hypnosis ignored the fear hanging upside down in the air.

"Who are you, guy?!" He said kindly.

Tang Yuan stretched out his little finger and scratched his ears, "What about me...you can call me by my title 'Tang Yuan', or by my real name in the Twilight Brigade, Naz Drago Neil."

"Tang Yuan?! Twilight Brigade?!" Ace's eyes widened, "Are you from the Twilight Brigade?!"

"Eh, you actually know." Tang Yuan was surprised.

"That's the Twilight Brigade! How could I not know!" Ace didn't care about being hung up, and said with bright eyes, "That's... a group that can beat Marine like a dog what!"

"Fight like a dog..." Tang Yuan sweated profusely. This was a strange metaphor. Although he had fought with Marine before, he didn't have any ill feelings towards Marine. It was too cruel to say so.

He put Ace next to him, and the two of them sat on a branch.

Ace's legs were a little weak, but he sat down firmly.

Just as he was about to speak, he was surprised to find a little girl with blue hair sitting on a branch on the other side.

He can guarantee that it is the first time he has seen such a cute girl when he grows up so big.

"She, is she?!" He pointed and asked in surprise.

Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and slapped his hand away: "Don't point and point, that's Alyssa, and she's also from the Twilight Brigade."

"Oh." Ace nodded, and then asked in confusion: "Why did you come to this rural place, a big shot from the Twilight Brigade?"

Tang Yuan showed a smile of "you got the point".

"It's very simple, Potter Cass D· Ace, we have taken a fancy to your potential and invited you to join the Twilight Brigade.

Ace's eyes widened.

======Separation line===========


Cervical spondylosis committed, dizziness, rubbing.

Old book friends should know about my problem, it's definitely not an excuse.

The old rules, five chapters will be updated tomorrow, and there will be no live broadcast......


I won't make a wish this time, haha. .

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