Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 67 Yanlong King Mode!

Garp and Rayleigh, both looked shocked.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the two, Tang Yuan's strength soared again!

The blazing flame breath, centered on him, soared high into the sky!

On Naz's cheeks, arms, neck, etc., red dragon scales slowly emerged. Just by looking at them, one can feel how strong the defensive and offensive capabilities this layer of dragon scales brought to him!

Garp swallowed: "Get stronger again? How many times do you have to get stronger!?"

Tang Yuan chuckled: "Don't worry, this time is enough to deal with you."

As he spoke, he slowly squatted down and made an offensive posture.

"Flame Dragon King mode..."


The flaming figure suddenly disappeared!

on the left!

Garp reacted in an instant, raised his foot and kicked hard!

"Flame Dragon King's, Beng Fist!!!!"


Garp didn't even have time to react. The moment he kicked his foot out, he flew backwards uncontrollably! Along the way, he, covered with Armament Haki, plowed 20 times on the ground for hundreds of meters. Long pit!

Rayleigh was taken aback, he never expected that Natsu could improve his experience again!

His Conqueror's, armed color, was released with all its strength in an instant, and he raised his sword to stab Tang Yuan who had just punched

Then, seeing Tang Yuan maintaining the posture of flying Garp, Guang turned his head back, faced him with a smile, and took a deep breath.

"The Roar of the Flame Dragon King!!!"

The flames and shadows all over the sky illuminated the sky, and even the sun seemed dim at this time, it was a dazzling light that people couldn't look directly at, Rayleigh was like a shell that had been shot out, drawing a long line in mid-air, With a trail of black smoke, it flew out from the middle of the mountain, flew over the top of Fengche Village, crashed into the sea from a distance, and disappeared!

"It's so handsome!!!" Ace, who was watching the battle, jumped up and shouted with all his strength.

Naz's battle, in his opinion, is simply a supreme art, he felt his blood was boiling and his bones were creaking! He wished that he was now a member of the battlefield and beat him upside down!

"Haha! It's handsome enough! There are even more handsome ones!"

Tang Yuan gave Ace a thumbs up with a smile. Ace felt cool, and he is actually very cool now. Natsu's fighting style mixed with magic and melee combat is also very suitable for him. It is addictive after playing. Feel.

Under Ace's gaze, Tang Yuan raised his hands, a fireball spun and began to expand, and within a few breaths, it twisted into a large fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters!

In the fireball, there is a faint flash of thunder!

Tang Yuan looked in Garp's direction.

It's up to you!

"Fire Dragon King mode..... Lei Yanlong's brilliant flames!!!"

Jump high and throw with all your might!

Huge fireball, blowing up a big mushroom cloud on Garp's side! The whole scene can only be beaten by a fairy fighting Badger!

This trick was never used by Linaz in the original book, and Tang Yuan also tried to use it, but he didn't expect it to work.

"Cool?" he asked Ace.

Ace nodded again and again, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, as if he would be such a dick sooner or later.

"Senior Ace!! I must find a flame-like fruit in the future too!!" He yelled at the top of his throat, because the roar of the surrounding fire and the aftermath of the explosion were too loud, and he couldn't hear it unless he yelled out .

Tang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing: "Okay! I'm looking forward to it! You can definitely do it!"

Ace gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and waved it several times in front of him, venting his excitement of being encouraged by his seniors.

Tang Yuan looked at Ace with a smile, but he didn't expect that he made a mistake and let Ace gain love for the ability of flames.

Then, on his hands, flames spewed out again.

With a wave of his arms, he brought up a circle of flames. With his movements, the white flames formed a large circle with him as the center, and the large circle spun and spread, forming a spiral around him— —

At the same time, two figures rushed out of the surrounding fire and smoke at the same time.

There are several cuts on the head, but Garp still has a firm fighting spirit in his eyes, and his body is full of blood!

Long knife in hand, over shoulder behind him, Rayleigh ready for the fatal blow!

"Fist Bone Heavy Cannon!!"

"Break the waves!!"

Both of them unleashed a killer move-level attack together!

Tang Yuan grinned, and all the strength accumulated before exploded!

"Dragon Slayer Profound Truth! Dragon Power! Shiranui Type....... Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!!!!"

The flames scream!

Thunder surges!

Dragon chant resounds through the sky!

The boundless sea of ​​flames condenses into a huge sword that lifts the sky, cut it down!!

The villagers of Fengche Village looked there in shock.

The villagers of the surrounding islands are also watching!

There was just half a second of silence, and then, a pillar of fire connected the sea and the sky.

The circular air wave, seen from the sky, looks like a flower of death blooming on the earth, spreading rapidly, and everything it passes is reduced to dust!

The entire mountain began to collapse during this confrontation, and the mountain collapsed layer by layer. In the end, it was cut off by half of its height directly by 803.

Starting from the halfway up the mountain where Tang Yuan and the others fought, the upper half disappeared!

In the village below, people showed terrified expressions, showing the fearful eyes of the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

When the air waves spread, they spread in a flat plane, so they, who were not at the same height as the halfway up the mountain, managed to escape with their lives.

Otherwise, they probably wouldn't even leave a corpse now!

Standing on the burning ruins, Garp and Rayleigh were completely stunned.

What kind of strength is this...?!

Tang Yuan fell from mid-air, and along with him, there was a big fire ring.

The ring of fire dissipated, and there were some people inside.

Garp knew these people, they were the bandit Dadan's family, responsible for taking care of Luffy and the others.

And... Luffy, Sabo.

Relieved that Luffy was fine, Garp plopped and sat on the ground.

Several villagers who happened to go up the mountain to pick things were also rescued by Tang Yuan.

Seeing what Tang Yuan did, Rayleigh also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Twilight Brigade is indeed a conscientious organization.


As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Tang Yuan laughed and said, "Excellent! Let's play two more games!"

Garp and Rayleigh felt like they were going crazy. .

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