Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 68 Tang Yuan's Double Standard

Seeing the expressions of Garp and Rayleigh, Tang Yuan suppressed the fire on his body, and smiled: "Just kidding...don't panic, I can't move anymore."

Rayleigh: "...


Sabo looked strange, saw Ace standing aside, and hurried over to ask what was going on.

Tang Yuan crouched in front of Garp and Rayleigh.

"Okay, don't look frustrated, I'm merciful, you shouldn't be seriously injured, especially Mr. Garp, aren't you quite strong? I'll give you extra treatment, a lot of big tricks I didn't concentrate on you, but spread out.

Garp was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect that he would have this special treatment.

Rayleigh said helplessly: "You guys won't do anything excessive to Ace..."

"He's not a little loli, what can I do to him?" Tang Yuan sneered, and then, as if thinking of something, he quickly added: "Even if it was true, I wouldn't do anything."

Garp looked at his expression, as if he was looking at a criminal suspect who molested a minor.

Rayleigh nodded helplessly, even if he refused to accept it now, there was nothing he could do.

But he still has something strange: "Naz, why do I feel that the people in your Twilight Brigade have a different attitude towards Marine and Pirates? I read the news before, and bigmom was labeled as a "big mom" by your deputy leader. Seriously injured, but Sengoku and the others were just blown away, and you are the same today.”

Tang Yuan tilted his head, putting on a look similar to Alyssa on weekdays: "I don't need to ask... Once you mention the two names Pirate and Marine, don't you understand? "

"Huh?" Rayleigh looked confused.

Tang Yuan also sat down and shrugged: "I'm not talking about anyone else, but your captain Luo Jie, Mr. Rayleigh, if you were asked to give Luo Jie an evaluation, what would you give"々?"

"The captain...a man with courage, foresight, courage and perseverance." Rayleigh said.

Tang Yuan patted his leg: "That's right, but do you know what ordinary people think of Luo Jie?"

Rayleigh froze for a moment.

Tang Yuan pointed to Ace: "Ace asked various people about their impressions of Luo Jie since he was a child, and the answers he got in the end were basically the same. People think that Luo Jie is the devil, the biggest villain, and he wants to eat his flesh alive. "

.” Rayleigh's expression hardened.

"The reason is very simple, because most of the people in this world are not powerful fighters, but weak civilians. Pirates like your Luo Jie Pirates who go out to sea just for dreams and adventures are not actually pirates. An adventure party at best.

"And the vast majority of people who were called by onepiece and rushed to the sea are pirates. Countless peaceful islands have turned into ruins and seas of fire just because of their arrival. The men were killed, and the women became RBQ. The profession of thief, no matter how glorious it is whitewashed, cannot conceal that it is a profession that brings pain to others."

Having said that, Garp kept nodding along, while Rayleigh was lost in thought.

Tang Yuan is right, not to mention those lawless little pirates, even the Four Emperors have a pile of blood debts in their hands, not to mention bigmom and Kaido, not even the Whitebeard pirates. It is too likely that the net worth is clean, that is, the red hair may be influenced by Luo Jie, and it is more of an adventure group nature.

Tang Yuan continued: "And Marine...Although there are all kinds of moths, black sheep, and extremist idiots like Akainu, you can't deny that it is precisely because of the existence of Marine that the sea has a little With proper order, people have the basic conditions for a stable life, instead of fleeing here and there every day to avoid pirates."

He smiled and leaned closer to Rayleigh: "If... now you are a commoner, and your fighting power is only comparable to that of ordinary pirates. At this time, pirates attacked your village

Killed your parents, put a knife on your neck, captured your wife, captured your daughter, and you still ask me, why do you give Marine special treatment?"

The corners of Rayleigh's eyes twitched, this kind of imagination was really unacceptable.

Garp admires: "What a great idea."

Tang Yuan curled his lips and looked at him: "Wait a minute, Mr. Garp, don't rush to agree with me. My theory is only valid for conflicts between you Marine pirates. Our Twilight Brigade doesn't care about it. Our purpose is to Happiness comes first, conscience comes second.”

"Actually engage in double standards?!" Garp was also shocked.

Tang Yuan smiled and was about to say something when Ace walked over with Sabo.

"...`Senior Natsu!" Ace leaned forward and pointed at his buddy: "He is Sabo! He fights very well, we are very good friends, his talent is definitely not inferior to mine, can you bring him along? "

Sabo showed a nervous expression, took a step forward, and held his head high: "I'm Sabo!"

"Oh... the noble young master of Goya Kingdom, do you also want to join the Twilight Brigade?" Tang Yuan looked at Sabo and said with a playful expression.

On the surface he looked indifferent, but in fact he was very happy.

Even if Ace doesn't say it, he still wants to find Sabo, this is the second in command of the Revolutionary Army in the future, talent is not only good, but it is not good!

However, on the surface, I still have to pretend to be profound, and my heart is tired!

Sabo didn't know what Tang Yuan was thinking, and when someone revealed his identity, the boy was taken aback for a moment, and immediately wondered whether Tang Yuan's family had come to arrest him, but then he reacted (to Li's ) Come here, this is a member of the Twilight Brigade, not to mention their family, even the king of Goya Kingdom may not be able to invite them!

He has a firm expression: "My dream is to become a free person, who is not bound by money and rights! The main purpose of the Twilight Brigade is what I yearn for! So, please let me join the Twilight Brigade!"

"Success!" Having reached this point, Tang Yuan was not pretentious, "But let me say hello first, before you have a certain level of strength, the Twilight Brigade will give you special training, and the special training is very strict. "

Sabo and Ace's eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "We have no problem!"

At the same time, a reminder sounded.

[Conquer two subordinates, Potter Cass·D·Ace, Sabo! Gain 300,000 reputation! When the two gain enough strength and influence, make up the remaining reputation!】

Tang Yuan raised his eyebrows. .

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