Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 72: The Impeccable Almighty Gunner

The warship Garp brought was the iconic dog-headed warship, so the people on board were naturally his old subordinates.

As soon as he boarded the ship, Tang Yuan was surrounded by Garp's subordinates.

In particular, when Garp introduced that this Mr. McCree was a Shinsō who came to help, the Marines became even more hostile towards him.

If the one invited back is a powerful fruit-capable user, or something else, it’s fine, but people like Shinsōshou need to be invited. I really look down on them, students who graduated from regular military schools!

A Marine with a captain's rank on his shoulders and a lot of muscle on his body said directly: "Mr. Garp praised him as a Shinsō hand, and Mr. McRae's marksmanship must be very good.

"Well, good." Tang Yuan was not modest at all.

Veins twitched on the captain's forehead, it was the first time he had seen such an arrogant person!

"I'm Captain Jin Ge of Naval Headquarters. I think I have some accomplishments in marksmanship. I wonder if I can ask you for advice?" The captain took a deep breath and said suppressing his anger.

Garp wiped off his cold sweat. He must not tell the crew that this is a member of the Twilight Brigade. Don't be fooled, you can only say: "Golden Pavilion! What nonsense! Mr. McCree is a foreign aid we invited, how can we have time to talk to you?" You compete!"

Tang Yuan smiled and said: "It's okay, Bibi is fine, but we bounty 960 hunters don't like to compete with people without betting, Mr. Golden Pavilion, what are you going to get?"

"..." Jin Ge was stunned for a moment. As a Marine who abides by the rules, he is really not used to this kind of topic, so he said after a few seconds: "Bet 10,000 Baileys!"


Tang Yuan couldn't help laughing, and many Marines beside him also turned their heads with red faces, as if I didn't know this person.

Garp also couldn't laugh or cry, 10,000 Baileys, that is, the purchasing power of a few hundred RMB, this Golden Pavilion, after all, is also a captain, and his words are too unreasonable.

Jin Ge seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, blushing up to the neck, just about to grit his teeth and raise the bet, Tang Yuan had already waved his hand to interrupt him.

"It's no fun to gamble... In this way, if one of us loses, we can do something for the other party. Isn't that good?"

Jin Ge was a little hesitant, Tang Yuan's confident look made him a little tangled.

In addition... this is the foreign aid appointed by Mr. Garp. If the strength is not as good as your own, why would you ask him for it?

As soon as I thought of this, I heard Tang Yuan say again: "Don't worry... I will let (caab) let you, for example, I only use half of your aiming time?"

The Golden Pavilion was furious: "Are you looking down on me?!"

For a marksman like him, even if he hits a moving target, the aiming time is very short. If you want to be half as short as him, it is almost equal to a sharp shot without aiming at all!

This McRae is too deceitful!

He stepped forward: "Okay! I..."

"Golden Pavilion!" Garp frowned and cut him off, "Shut up Laozi! You are still not a soldier! How could you be provoked so easily!"

The Golden Pavilion shivered, and quickly retreated. No matter how angry he was, until he lost his mind, he didn't dare to disobey the orders of his old boss, Garp.

Garp looked at Tang Yuan: "I'm sorry, McCree, I just watched the discipline go unnoticed."

Tang Yuan thought for a while, and said: "Actually, I also think it's better than trying it out. No matter where the paratroopers are, it's hard to convince the public. It's normal. If you don't show your ability, others have no reason to cooperate with me. Don't worry, I don't want to cooperate with you." will lose."

Garp's face was embarrassing, he was not afraid of Tang Yuan losing, he was afraid that after the Golden Pavilion lost to Tang Yuan, he would be asked to do some bad things... such as revealing Marine's secrets or something.

This ignorant person in the Golden Pavilion nodded along: "Vice Admiral Garp, I think so too!"

Garp glared at him.

However, although he was unhappy, he also realized that McCree and the Golden Pavilion were right.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Mm...Mr. McRae, it's not that the old man doesn't believe you, but can you add in the bet that it must be something that does not violate justice and does not harm the interests of Marine?"

Tang Yuan nodded without thinking, "Okay."

This easy-talking appearance made Garp praise him in his heart. He deserves to be a conscientious character in the Twilight Brigade, which is great.

Half an hour later, the Golden Pavilion knelt on the deck with an expression of disbelief.

The other crew members looked sympathetic and started sailing at the same time.

Tang Yuan stood not far away, blowing on the muzzle of the gun, and was gently wiping it.

Several Marines with military ranks stood beside them, looking at Tang Yuan with devil-like eyes.

Garp swallowed too.

In the eyes of everyone, McRae and the Golden Pavilion had three contests.

In the first round, with a fixed target, the Golden Pavilion's ten spears and seventy-two rings were perfect.

You know, what Marine is using now is round lead bullets. The shooting distance of this kind of gun is more than 30 meters, and there is basically no accuracy at all. Most of the accuracy of shooting depends on experience and luck. A high number of rings, in the eyes of the Marines, is already the best of the best.

As a result, McRae came on stage with the same gun, and from the beginning to the end, there was no aiming action. The long rifle, as if he was playing with a pistol, grabbed it with one hand, slammed it sideways, and then filled it Bullet, hit a target.

After the audience, McCree's actions were flowing like clouds and flowing water. Compared with the sequential aiming of the Golden Pavilion, it was so high that I don't know where it is.

The final score... 100 rings!

The Golden Temple can't believe it!

After that...moving target, same as above, McRae is still playing pistol style, strolling in the courtyard, and scored full marks.

Finally, there is obstacle moving shooting.

Under the huge pressure of the previous two times, the Golden Pavilion really put in all its strength and exploded to the level of 200%. In the end, it bravely won the 75th ring, which was a little higher than the fixed target. It should have caused an exclamation, but this time everyone showed a hesitant expression and didn't shout out.

Sure enough, McRae passed through the obstacle zone easily, and finally hit a hundred rings.

The Golden Pavilion is completely defeated!

Seeing Tang Yuan's expression, Marine seemed to have seen a ghost!

Garp asked in disbelief, "McRae..... have you eaten the fruit of shooting?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the Marines lit up. If so, they would feel much better.

Then, McCree smiled, took a piece of seastone, and played with it lightly with one hand.

Marines, completely speechless!

===Separation line==

After finishing a chapter with sleepiness, take a nap for a while, wake up and continue writing, let’s write two more before going to bed tonight.

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