Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 77 You Will Have A Bloodbath Four Years Later

Seeing the scene on the pier, Sengoku was shocked and angry.

"What's going on?! Garp!"

Garp scratched his hair, "Well...It's not a big deal, it's just that I brought someone back and wanted to pass the checkpoint, and these people won't let me."

These words made all the officers blocking the way stunned. They really didn't expect that Vice Admiral Garp would answer with such a statement that was completely beneficial to them.

The corners of Sengoku's eyes twitched. Are these officers out of their heads? They are all at the rank of school officer and lieutenant officer. If they are placed in other divisions, they can be mixed with leaders, but come to serve as immigration inspectors?

Fortunately, the people from the Twilight Brigade have a good temper this time, otherwise there will definitely be another drama in Naval Headquarters!

As expected of the soldiers brought out by Akainu, they are all as empty-headed as him!

Sengoku was so annoyed that he pointed at the officers: "All of you! Go to the confinement room and wait for the notification! If you don't get the notification, you don't have to come out!"

The colonel and the others turned pale, but they didn't dare to say anything, they all turned their heads and left.

Garp looked at Tang Yuan helplessly: "I'm sorry, maybe the old man hasn't interfered with the affairs of the headquarters for a long time, and these young people look down on me a bit."

Tang Yuan smiled: "It's okay, I understand, people who have just joined the Twilight Brigade are much more difficult to manage than them."

These words made everyone's scalp tingle.

Sengoku wiped his cold sweat with his hand, isn't that right? Those guys from the Twilight Brigade are all heaven-defying, each with their own personality, and they don't know how to convince people casually. It's really hard for the Twilight Brigade to take so many blame Unified management of tires......

He stepped forward: "Hi, McCree, I'm Marine Admiral Sengoku."

"McRae, an ordinary bounty hunter, can be regarded as a member of the Twilight Brigade. Next to him is Alisa, the eldest lady in the organization. You should know him." Tang Yuan shook hands with Sengoku and said with a smile.

"Don't you have the alias Tang Yuan?" Sengoku asked a bit puzzled.

Tang Yuan shrugged: "The qualifications are not old enough to accept this title~"."

"Oh..." Sengoku suddenly realized that McCree hadn't been with the Twilight Brigade for a long time.

"Let's not mention this for now, are the materials we need ready?" McCree said with an expression that he didn't want to talk about this topic.

"Hmm.....ready." Sengoku nodded, "By the way, why do you want news about Golden Lion...?"

"Haha, it's hard to say, it's all decided by the higher-ups." Tang Yuan shrugged.

Sengoku quickly stopped there and didn't ask any further questions.

Under the escort of the Marines, a group of people walked into the headquarters building.

It hasn't been long since DIO left last time, but the main building has almost been repaired. Combined with the world's backward industrial technology level, people have to feel the high efficiency of Marine.

Tang Yuan looked here and there with great interest, and asked Garp, "By the way, I heard that when DIO came last time, he had a fight with your Akainu Admiral, right here?"

"I wasn't there," Garp said.

Aokiji, who was following them, said, "Yes, right here.

"Your Akainu Admiral, you are so brave." Tang Yuan said.

It sounds like you're praising Akainu, but all Marines can't help but laugh.

Why don't you directly say that you, Akainu Admiral, are a SB.

As if he didn't see that the Marines didn't want to mention this matter, McCree continued: "DIO is a strong man who can stop time. If I fight him, I don't have any confidence in winning. That Akainu Admiral at that time should It's not good either."

All Marines showed shock at the same time.

Sengoku turned around and looked over: "Really! DIO's ability is to pause time?!"

"Why, you haven't figured it out until now? Don't you think his ability is teleportation..." McCree asked amusedly.

Aokiji and Sengoku have the thinnest skins, showing embarrassment directly, they really thought so before.

Garp watched their reactions, a little strangely.

Staff Officer Crane remained expressionless the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zephyr frowned and said: "Your companion's ability, you just say it so openly, who will believe you!"

"Ha..." McCree glanced at Zephyr lightly: "It's also funny, when did you have the illusion that I was reporting work to you?"

Zephyr was choked, "Frowns deepened: "Do you not understand what this place is..."

"Zephyr!" Sengoku suddenly interrupted him with anger, "Are you just like Colonel Bandjero and others, your head is broken!"

Zephyr stopped talking.

Garp was in a bad mood. He pulled McCree to invite him to join the Marine. The plan was good, but was interrupted by pig teammates one after another.

Tang Yuan looked at Zephyr for a while, and said with a half-smile: "This is... the headmaster of Zephyr, may I ask how old you are this year?"

Zephyr snorted coldly and didn't speak.

Garp said with a smile: "Sixty-one, just like us, has a bunch of old bones."

Tang Yuan nodded: "I know a little bit of divination technique... so I am sorry to tell you that four years later, you may encounter a heart-wrenching event, as well as a bloody disaster. Good luck."

Sengoku was taken aback, not knowing what he meant by that.

Crane was a little dignified, she could feel that McCree didn't look like he was lying.

Tang Yuan did not lie. Four years later, when Zephyr took his students out to sea, he would be attacked by a pirate named "Whitebeard II". His students would die in that battle, and he himself would die. Lose an arm.

He said this, of course, not to remind Zephyr.

It's just... such a vague prophecy must be enough to torture Zephyr (by Li Qian) for the past four years.

In Tang Yuan's opinion, this is much more interesting than punching him in the past!

Garp said, "McRae, Zephyr was just being a little grumpy, and he didn't mean anything malicious.

"Huh? I didn't mean anything malicious. I'm not joking. What I said just now is true." McCree said with a confident face.

Sengoku didn't say anything, but wrote down the matter. Everyone in the Twilight Brigade has great powers, and what they say must be taken to heart.

Zephyr snorted heavily: "Nonsense!"

Then he turned around and left without even saying hello!

Tang Yuan also waved his hand at him: "As for your moody personality like a child, I am afraid that you will verify my prophecy in less than four years."

Zephyr stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and showed killing intent on his white face!

Tang Yuan looked over with squinted eyes, with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, and put his hand on the holster of his gun.

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