Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 82 Planetary Devastation!


The Great Fireball hit the Golden Lion's earthen wall, and the two sides had a stalemate for less than two seconds before the earthen wall was shattered, and the huge fireball swept towards the Golden Lion!

"Slash Wave!!" Golden Lion raised his foot, threw out a sword energy, and sliced ​​the fireball.

"Nice fencing," Sasuke said.

"You plan to negotiate with Laozi just like this?! What kind of negotiation is this?!" Golden Lion angrily yelled.

"I wanted to negotiate, but you attacked me," Sasuke said.

"Didn't you say this is called greeting!" Golden Lion gritted his teeth.

"Where did you say hello like that?"

Golden Lion:...." Looking at Sasuke's handsome expressionless face, he just wanted to stab him hard!

"What the hell are you going to talk about!" he asked desperately to control himself to calm down.

Seeing that Golden Lion was planning to talk, Sasuke also put away the Kusanagi sword. He wanted to put his arms around his chest, but found that he didn't have a left hand, so he had to pretend to tidy up his skirt and put it down again.

"I'm Tang Yuan from the Twilight Brigade. You can also call me Uchiha Sasuke. I'm here to ask you, are you interested in joining the Twilight Brigade?"

"What?!" Golden Lion was taken aback, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Is there something wrong with what I said? Could it be that you are too old to have ear problems?" Sasuke asked.

"Fart!" Golden Lion's face twitched: "You boy...you dare to let Laozi, let me Golden Lion Shiki join other people?! Are you crazy?!"

"Not only am I not crazy, but I also gave you the best choice."

Saying that, Sasuke snapped his fingers, and Susanoo, who was flying in mid-air, disappeared into the air, "Really, with your strength, it's really nothing in the Twilight Brigade. The reason why the Twilight Brigade wants There is only one reason for you to join, to let you create a batch of floating Sky Islands, which will be used as organizational bases."

But Golden Lion became even more angry: "You look down on Laozi?! Let Laozi join, but also look down on Laozi's strength, want Laozi to do logistics? 々!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand abruptly: "Tell you! Laozi disagrees! Where did you come from? Where did Laozi go!"

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!!"

Following his movements, the ground rolled violently, a large amount of earth and rock rushed out of the ground, condensed into several huge lion heads, and the lion heads roared and rushed towards Sasuke!!

"Thousand birds flow!!" Sasuke waved his hand, and a large piece of lightning rushed out, scattered in all directions, and blasted together with the earth lions, the sound was deafening!

Golden Lion took the opportunity to rush up into the air again, he was a little panicked, it was the first time he had seen such a terrifying junior after riding the sea for so long!

"Damn it, it really deserves to be the Twilight Brigade in full swing, it's a monster!" He cursed angrily.

"I've been very merciful, Golden Lion, I advise you to use your mind to analyze the situation before you make a decision." Sasuke raised his head and looked at the Golden Lion in mid-air and said.

"Save those words and tell the King of Hades!" Golden Lion shouted, raising his hands high, following his movements, several hills around him flew up at the same time, flying towards this side at a very fast speed , if it hits the body, it will definitely be a piece of meat!

Tang Yuan shook his head helplessly, and put his right hand in front of him.

The gigantic Susanoo rises up again and encases him in his skull!

Looking at the purple giant in front of him, Golden Lion's eyeballs popped out: "Where did the giant race come from!"

It seemed that it was an out-of-line personality attack. If it was the original body, Tang Yuan would definitely not mind complaining to Golden Lion, but now, he is not in the mood.

Susanoo stretched out his right hand, at the same time, Sasuke's eyes opened and a handful of black fire appeared in Susanoo's hand——

A fire that will never be extinguished until it burns the enemy, Amaterasu!!

Then, the other eye exerted strength, and the black flames condensed into a pitch-black long sword!

The divine power to manipulate flames at will, Flame Control!

"Do you have the strength to fight with such a big weapon all the time?" As he said, Sasuke controlled Susanoo, swung the black flaming giant sword, and several flying hills were smashed into pieces in mid-air!

The flying stones were all stained with black Amaterasu flames, and before they hit the ground, they were burned to ashes in mid-air!

Golden Lion's eyeballs widened even further: "This is okay too?!"

Susanoo's Amaterasu sword pointed at the Golden Lion far away: "If you don't surrender, this flame will burn on you."

Golden Lion's face is cloudy and uncertain. He escaped from prison for so many years, and the world government plan of revenge that he worked so hard to plan has finally started to operate. How can he be willing to let him become someone else's lackey at this time?!

"Laozi will never bow his head... If Laozi succumbs, turn Laozi into a corpse!"

Golden Lion shouted, with a ferocious expression on his face, his hands together, like a band conductor playing to a climax, forcefully lifted up!

The entire island has changed its shape! Starting from the bottom of the island, it began to roll upwards, and all the soil became extremely solid, covering it from all directions, forming a huge death trap!

Tang Yuan suddenly turned his head and flew towards the edge of the island.

Jiehahahaha!! Kid! Even if you can fly now! You can’t fly out! Even if you can split mountains and seas! In front of my earth and rocks that have been compressed several times, it’s not worth-!!”

Golden Lion pressed down hard with both hands!

"Go to hell, boy! To hell [don't forget it's you from my Golden Lion!!"

Soil and rock, condense!

In mid-air, the entire island has turned into a ball of earth and rocks, and it is still being squeezed into it.

Gritting his teeth, Golden Lion forcibly compressed the soil ball several times to make sure nothing would go wrong.

After doing all this, he showed a smug smile.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, a voice came from inside.

"With this little trick, do you think you killed me?"

"?!" Golden Lion turned around in horror.

In his gaze, this ball of compressed earth and stone (Li Mo's) condensed from an island, exploded!

Literally, it exploded!

Susanoo is suspended in the air, holding the sword of Amaterasu high in her hand.

Sasuke stood in Susanoo, looking at Golden Lion with vain eyes.

"This level of moves...does it make you feel complacent, Golden Lion, if you only have this level of stamina, then we really have to consider whether we want you to join the Twilight Brigade or not."

The corners of Golden Lion's eyes twitched, he couldn't believe that someone could escape from that trick just now!

Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and patted Alisa's small head. The latter was standing beside him. The reason why he flew over just now was to find Alisa.

He slowly raised his hand towards the Golden Lion.

"Let me show you the real power of this trick."

The crumbling earth and rocks around suddenly stopped.

Golden Lion feels that some danger is coming!

"Earth Explosion...... Tianxing! Altar!".

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