Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 86 It’S Great Not To Die

There is an essential difference between Susanoo's ultimate form and the perfect form.

That is... the Susanoo of the ultimate body, not using the energy of the ninja itself, but Chakra from the Nine Tailed Beasts!

Gathering the power of the Nine Tailed Beasts, its power is comparable to the top legend in the ninja world, Sage of Six Paths!

At this time, Sasuke is mobilizing Chakra, which belongs to the nine tailed beasts, and injecting it into the arrow of Indra in his hand!

As the terrifying energy enough to destroy an entire sea was continuously poured into the arrow of Indra, the light shining on the arrow body gradually became dazzling until the electric light distorted to a jaw-dropping degree. At this moment, this arrow The feeling of the arrow is like a prehistoric beast that has a beating pulse and is about to break out of its shell at any time!


Indra's Arrow, fully formed!

Kaido stood on the island, looking up at the ghostly arrow.

"Is this... a miracle?!" He opened his mouth wide, as if he was fascinated by it.

It was obviously bringing him great pressure, as if an arrow could take his life away in the next second, but he didn't dodge or dodge, and there was an excited look in his huge eyeballs!

"If it's such an attack, maybe it can really..." Kaido muttered to himself, opening and closing his fists, as if he wanted to use this action to relieve his extremely excited mood!

On the sea in the distance, a warship that looks relatively slender is coming here at a fast speed.

On the deck, there are several marines standing.

There are two people in the lead, one is Garp with a serious face, and the other is a man in a yellow striped suit, Admiral Kizaru.

"Oh...Mr. Garp, I was seriously injured and you pulled me out..." Kizaru said while pretending to rub his shoulder.

Garp gave him a cold look: "My men have been attacked, and now life or death is uncertain, Borusalino, if I were you [I would fly over in advance to prevent the worst from developing."

Kizaru waved his hand and took two steps back: "Well, well, Mr. Garp, don't be angry, I'll just go.

As he was speaking, he was suddenly taken aback, and turned his head to look into the distance.

Garp reacted the same way.

In the gaze of the two, on the horizon in the distance, thunder is soaring into the sky!

"...bolt from the blue?" Kizaru asked in surprise.

"Fruit power user!" Garp slapped the side of the boat and shouted, "Hurry up! Pass at full speed!

Kizaru hesitated: "Mr. Garp, it seems that the situation over there is not good."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Garp raged.

Kizaru just shut his mouth, although he doesn't worship Garp like Aokiji, but he has due respect for Garp, and he doesn't want and dare not provoke the angry Garp......

He turned into a ray of golden light and flew up into the air, just as he was about to go to the battlefield, he was taken aback again.


Jin Guang flew back to the deck.

Garp looked at him.

Kizaru was surprised: "Mr. Garp, the attacker is... Four Emperors Kaido!"

"What?!" Garp was startled, and asked Dr. Nakata.

Kizaru hurriedly continued: "But your subordinates are safe and sound, and they are all on board. It is not far from Demorama Island. The two sides that are fighting do not include Marine!"

Garp looked at Kizaru in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

Kizaru added: "In my opinion, nine times out of ten, Marine was rescued by someone, and now that person is confronting Kaido."

"Can you confront Kaido alone? Is it so scary?!" Garp felt that he had been tested by his heart one after another today.

He finalized: "Let's go! Go help him! Such a talent cannot be killed too much!"

Said, Garp a Moonwalk, has rushed to the sky!

Kizaru was in a cold sweat. He just wanted to say, depending on the situation, that person is suppressing Kaido...

Back to Sasuke, under the watchful eyes of the Marines, his ult has been fully charged.


"The Arrow of Indra!"


The world-destroying arrow condensed by the thunder light shoots out!

At that moment, the sky and the earth were darkened, and in the whole world, there was only that blue lightning that fell from the sky, as if to destroy everything.

In the distance, Garp and Kizaru were in the sky, watching the energy column falling through the sky and the earth in a daze. The two were in a daze, speechless for a while.

Kaido burst out laughing: "That's it!!! Come on!!!"

He aroused the strength of his whole body, condensed into a blue light on his fists, his fists crossed the top of his head, he did not retreat or dodge, and he just hit the front!

On the Marine battleship, Beorlandi and other Marines have already held their breath, as if they only need to take a breath, and it will affect the final result of this peerless battle!


The lightning completely flooded Kaido, and also flooded the island.

Marine, who was close, only had time to cover his eyes with his hands to prevent him from becoming blind.

Garp and Kizaru, however, can see something deeper.

"What a terrifying power..." Garp's eyes twitched, his face full of shock.

Kizaru wiped his cold sweat with his hand, "This, is this something that humans can do? Even our Logia three Admirals can't be so exaggerated.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

"Is it me you are talking about...?"

"?!" Garp and Kizaru were startled at the same time, turning their heads to look.

Sasuke stepped on the fully transformed Susanoo, watching them quietly.

Seeing that it was Sasuke, the two were excited again, this is not a cat or a dog on the side of the road, this is the god-tier who just killed Kaido with one arrow!

"You, you are..."

At the same time as he said this, he suddenly seemed to guess the identity of this person... Could it be what Beorland 780di said before...

"Twilight Brigade, Uchiha Sasuke, didn't Beorlandi report my identity?" Sasuke said lightly.


Garp showed a stunned expression, and at the same time he was a little disappointed. He finally met a strong man, and it turned out to be from the Twilight Brigade...

But in a blink of an eye, he regained his strength and bowed to Sasuke: "Thank you for saving the old man's subordinates."

"It's easy..." Sasuke waved his hand.

He looked back at the island—or rather, what used to be the island.

Most of the land has been wiped out, only a little bit remains.

A little bit of Kaido's feet.

At this time, Kaido stood there quietly with his hands hanging down.

He looked, as if dead.

Even in the eyes, there is no look.

But Sasuke could feel the remaining ray of life in that body!

"Is it really not dead? It's not in vain that I took extra care and saved some energy."

Sasuke said, laughing.

"It's great that you didn't die. With you like this, you have the potential to be used as a target for newcomers.


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