Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 89: The Road To The Peak

Kaido swung his fist, Tang Yuan swung his double-edged axe, and went straight to meet him without dodging or evading!


After a confrontation, Kaido's expression changed drastically.

This young girl who seemed to weigh less than a hundred catties was actually on par with his punch!

What's the matter?!

Kaido raised his hand subconsciously and looked at it.

The strong muscles and bones are all my own, and they haven't changed!

The only change is that there is a deep chopping wound on the knuckles of the fingers, exposing the bones.

There was still a hot flame burning on the wound.

Kaido frowned, and cut off that piece of meat without saying a word.

He looked at Kotori and became serious.

This little girl who looks soft and weak has already been regarded as an opponent by him at this time!

Tang Yuan is also looking at Kaido.

The reason why he chose to become Wuhe Qinli also had his own plans.

Kaido is too powerful in the world of One Piece, and he even has a Dugu Qiu defeat mentality.

One of the most unacceptable things for this kind of person is to be defeated by the existence that he originally looked down upon.

Especially, being beaten by a little girl who looks effeminate!

And, as expected, Kaido's mind fluctuated greatly after discovering that Kotori's power could rival him.

Definitely not a femme fatale episode!

Thinking of the end, Tang Yuan stared at the sky speechlessly, the double-edged ax in his hand drew a brilliant red arc, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of Kaido, this time he chose to attack actively!

With a bang of both fists, Kaido covered Armament Haki, swiped, and punched Kotori in a mess!

He is not in good condition, he was fatally injured in the previous battle with Sasuke, and he has not recovered yet, but this is not a reason for him to avoid the battle, and it is not a reason for him to be willing to lose to a little girl!

Tang Yuan is also true, not to mention that Wuhe Qinli has good strength. He has experienced so many transformations, and his combat experience is not a joke. At this time, he is better than the one in "Date A Live". Wuhe Qinli is stronger than one level!

"It's useless, it's useless, it's useless!" While pirating DIO's lines, he swung the giant ax like a lightsaber at such a fast speed!

"Hey... what's the matter, big guy, you are the strongest creature in the world?" Kaido's stamina dropped rapidly after more than a dozen confrontations, and Tang Yuan had time to taunt.

Kaido fell silent.

His mood has changed.

He still has a lot of hole cards, if this is a battle of life and death, he will definitely not lie.

But at this time, compared with winning or losing, he had something else in his mind.

Looking at the girl standing in front of him, who was playing with the double-edged ax so fast, he took a deep breath, punched out with both fists, and with a bang, the distance between the two was broken.

Under the gazes of several people, Duo shook his head: "No."

"Admit defeat?" Tang Yuan subconsciously continued to mock.

"Yeah." Kaido nodded.

But Tang Yuan was stunned, he didn't expect Kaido to really admit defeat!

This is not his character!

Why would the strongest creature in the world choose Mo?

Originally, he thought that he would use three or five transformations here, round Kaido hard for a few rounds, so that his self-esteem would be frustrated, and finally his nerves would break down, and he would kneel down and surrender.

Holding a double-edged axe, he asked curiously, "Have you been hit?"

Golden Lion also looked curious. He played all his cards before and still lost, so he was defeated, but Kaido obviously didn't show his full strength.

Kaido grinned.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, I will go back and disband my pirate group, and then announce to the world that I am joining the Twilight Brigade.

"That's not necessary." Sasuke stood up and said.

"Your Beasts Pirates, you can keep it as you like, and even do whatever you want to do afterwards, without reporting to the brigade," he said

Kaido wondered: "Is there anything I need to do?"

Sasuke's words made him very surprised. He admitted that he is not the strongest creature in the world now, but his strength should not be underestimated. What's the point of not using it?

"The Twilight Brigade is a free organization, and unless there are special circumstances, there is no restriction on the freedom of the members." Sasuke said.

Kaido smacked his lips with an expression of disbelief.

This is the first time he heard that there is such an organization......

In this case, isn't it better than the "freedom" advertised by pirates?

I really don't understand...

Although he didn't understand the concept of the Twilight Brigade, Kaido accepted Tang Yuan's invitation and became a regular member of the Twilight Brigade.

At this moment, reminders sounded in Tang Yuan's ear continuously.

【Successfully conquer Four Emperors Kaido! Get 4 million reputation rewards!】

[Get the achievement "The Beginning of the Road to Peak 1"! The number of energy avatars +1!]

0 looking for flowers......

["Road to the Peak" is a series of tasks, and you will receive generous rewards after completing them all! 】

Listening to the prompts one after another, Tang Yuan was slightly dazed.

Four million reputations......

A new embodiment of energy...

There are other series of tasks...

He looked up at the sky, this reward [is so rich that it is outrageous.

The way he looked at Kaido changed.

He used to look at Kaido with the way he looked at SB, but now he looks at the God of Wealth!

Kaido frowned, he felt that Tang Yuan's gaze was like two iron guns, piercing him with discomfort.

After recovering from his injuries, Kaido stood up and walked slowly to the edge of the floating Sky Island.

He squinted and looked down.

"If I don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first, and there's nothing to do if I stay here."

"Hey, what are you going to do? Are you really going to pull your Beasts Pirates over here?" Golden Lion quickly interjected and asked, he didn't want so many people floating on Sky Island, which meant he had to find several islands again ........

Kaido glanced at him.

"Since the brigade didn't ask for it, I don't have that kind of leisure either.

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and jumped directly from the edge of the floating Sky Island.

Golden Lion's eyes widened: "He committed suicide!!"

"..." Illidan looked at him speechlessly, "Do you think Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, can't Moonwalk?"

"Oh! There is such an operation!" Golden Lion suddenly realized.

Seeing Golden Lion's stupid look, Tang Yuan shook his head amusedly.

Then something suddenly occurred to him.

"Ah, I forgot to give Kaido the logo of the Twilight Brigade, I'll give it to you."

As he spoke, he also walked to the edge of the island and jumped down with a whoosh.

Sasuke looked at Golden Lion: "Do what I told you before, and I will also withdraw."

As he spoke, he made a seal with his two fingers, and with a bang, he disappeared into the air as white smoke.

Golden Lion: "...

He looked at Illidan, wondering if the man was leaving too.

Illidan was surprised by him: "Why do you keep looking at me? I have flowers on my face?"

.....…fine. "Golden Lion subconsciously imitated Tang Yuan's action, he looked at the sky speechlessly, and then began to wonder where he could get some new islands.

On Tang Yuan's side, as soon as they landed on the sea, they saw a big ship.

A big ship pulled by two sea snakes!.

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