Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 95 Kaidovs Zephyr

Under the gaze of the empress, Wuhe Qinli frowned and began to think.

"What, still thinking about Marine?" she asked.

Kotori shook her head: "I just feel like I forgot something..."

After a few seconds, he suddenly realized.

"By the way, I was going to deliver something to Kaido, but I forgot."

As she spoke, she patted the empress on the shoulder.

"Little girl, play well, I am optimistic about you, and when you grow up in the future, I will come to you again.

"What..." The empress wanted to say something in surprise, but Qinli moved her feet and appeared in midair.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first. Bye, I will miss your good figure." As he said, Tang Yuan blew a kiss to the empress before disappearing into the sky.

Looking at the direction where Kotori disappeared, the Empress showed a thoughtful expression.

"Kaido....... Four Emperors?"

When you reach that level, you can talk to the Twilight Brigade at a high level?

She clenched her fists and secretly made up her mind. 20

Halfway through the flight, Tang Yuan waved his hand, and the red ace was drawn out.

He now needs the perception of red ace to find Kaido's position.

Sure enough, as soon as he came out, Red A sensed where Kaido was.

Moreover, it's not just Kaido's breath.

"This grandson, won't he start messing with others again..."

Tang Yuan thought about it and decided to change his identity to have a look.

In mid-air, he closed his eyes and began to conceive of his new transformation.

After a few seconds, his long red hair receded and turned into a neat short silver hair.

The gorgeous red eyes turned into deep emerald green.

The white Yuyi turned into a black kimono + white haori.

On his back is a long samurai sword.

The size hasn't changed much.

【New transformation "Hitsugaya Tōshirō" completed!】

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, like Ulquiorra before it, comes from the world of "Shinigami"! It's just that the two belong to rival camps. Rank the "Captain" rank of Shinigami faction top 1 point!

Feeling the new power in his body, Tang Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

But, to be honest, from the first transformation to the present, he was not dissatisfied at all, even when he accidentally transformed into two rituals, he also satisfied a bit of femininity... Ah bah, it is different Experience the great joys of life from a different angle, so it is still flattering.

After counting the reputation, Tang Yuan found that there were many more, which were too much to spend, so he simply and neatly poked Hitsugaya Tōshirō to the full level.

[Hitsugaya Tōshirō's transformation strength has been improved! And opened the big move "Bankai"!】

【Bankai, following Zanpaku's first battle to liberate Shikai, the second phase of Zanpakutō's liberation requires the concretization of Zanpakutō's body, making Ling submit. In the end, Zanpakutō's ability will be more thoroughly and comprehensively exerted, which is the final liberation of Zanpakutō. Bankai is also one of the prerequisites for Shinigami to become the captain of the Goutei 13th Division. Currently level 4!]

[The level of the ultimate move is full, and the skill "Frozen Flower Burial" is obtained! Hitsugaya Tōshirō's transformation is fully activated!】

After recharging, Tang Yuan pulled out the Zanpakutō on his back and waved towards the sea under his feet.

"Sit upright in the frosty sky! Hyōrinmaru!!"


An ice dragon drilled out from the tip of the knife, twisted and danced, and rushed into the sea.

A large piece of sea surface turned into a mass of ice. Tang Yuan and Hong A landed on it without shaking.

"Not bad, I feel better than Aokiji." He said with satisfaction.

Suddenly, he was taken aback.

Then he stared at the sky speechlessly.

He connected to Illidan's Transformation just now, and got the news when he was disconnected.

Alisa, this girl, has a really good intuition, she just played with the Empress herself, and she has a feeling...

It's not good to go on like this.

He squinted his eyes, feeling that it was time for him to train this little goddess.

Manually funny.

After thinking about it, he decided to send Red A to the floating Sky Island, and then asked Illidan to transform and bring Alisa over. Anyway, it was not far away, and with Illidan's speed, it was easy to catch up.

Before Red A left, he also ordered a ring for Kaido, the ring was so big that Tang Yuan could use it as an armband.


Put away the armband... Ah no, the ring, Tang Yuan went to Kaido, and Red A went back to Sky Island.

After a while, Tang Yuan also sensed Kaido. Although Tōshirō is not very good at scouting, he is still a Shinigami anyway. Reiatsu has a strong sense of perception, which is why he was a little surprised.

He actually knew the breath with Kaido.

It's Admiral ex-Marine, Black Arm Zephyr!

"The two of them...how did they bump into each other?"

In the distance, Kaido stood on the sea, quietly looking at the man in front of him.

Zephyr adjusted his sunglasses, and said coldly: "Four Emperors Kaido...is actually here too."

"Also?" Kaido raised an eyebrow, wondering what Zephyr meant by that.

Zephyr snorted coldly: "The dignified Four Emperors will also pretend to be confused. It's ridiculous. I just received a report that the Twilight Brigade and Akainu had a conflict in this sea area, and I saw you appearing near here. How dare you say that?" This is not yours?"

Kaido squinted his eyes for a few seconds.

He didn't turn his head very quickly, but he could guess what was going on right now.

To put it bluntly, it was a coincidence to catch up with 303.

Just after I left the floating Sky Island, the people from the Twilight Brigade happened to meet Akainu near here, and there was a conflict...

This matter, in the final analysis, has nothing to do with myself.

But since Zephyr is here to find fault, he will not be idle to reason.

"Fuck or die," he said.

Zephyr's veins popped.

"Fuck or die. Marine has been invincible for too long. Whether it's the Twilight Brigade or the Four Emperors, they all think they are invincible?"

As he said that, he already punched Kaido!

"Ridiculous..." Kaido didn't bother to complain, he flicked his forearm, and hit Kaido sideways, the two collided together, and a cyclone exploded!

"Huh?" Zephyr's eyes lit up, "Your condition is not right...you are injured!"

"There are only a handful of people in this sea that can hurt you....Whitebeard is not here, it can't be him, so...is it the Twilight Brigade?"

Speaking of this, Zephyr's tone was obviously a little joyful. It was great to see the Four Emperors fighting the Twilight Brigade.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Kaido shook his head and kicked away, as if a mountain was flying towards him!

Zephyr stepped back far away, and laughed: "If you are in full strength, I really want to avoid the edge for a while, but now you are injured, I want to see [what you use to fight me!"

Kaido sneered, as if hearing some very funny joke. .

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