Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 98: What Are You Going To Fight Me With?

There was a loud bang.

Aokiji didn't have time to react - all his actions were slowed down infinitely under the extreme cold, even if he was an ice man, he couldn't escape being frozen and was directly gathered by Hachi An icicle was sealed inside.

Eight icicles condensed into a huge ice tower, standing above the sea, looking full of oppression.

Around, the white cold air drifted away, most people would be frozen to death just by approaching.

A large piece of sea surface directly turned into a layer of ice.

Crane frowned: "Did you...kill Aokiji?"

Tang Yuan looked at her and shook his head: "Although Admiral Aokiji made a provocative move, he is not bad in nature. I saved a chance. If he fights hard, he won't be trapped to death. However, if he gives up by himself, there is nothing he can do about it." gone."

As he spoke, he let out a breath of cold air.

"Crane Vice Admiral, do you still want to try my strength?"

"I'm old, I don't have that plan—" Crane said.

Tang Yuan nodded.

"So, do you want to think about joining the Twilight Brigade? Although we don't urgently need someone like you who is wise and capable of commanding war, we are willing to invite you to join

Crane thought for a few seconds and shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't intend to leave Marine."

"Forget it." Tang Yuan knew that it was impossible for Marine's old stubbornness to join the Twilight Brigade without a very special reason.

He flicked the ice wings on his back and flew towards Duo and the others.

Seeing the direction Tōshirō was flying towards, Tsuru didn't hesitate and started calling Zephyr.

After playing with Zephyr for a while, Kaido really got a little excited.

Although the former Marine Admiral has good fighting skills, although he has been the principal all these years, he is really useless. Kaido thinks that if he shows his real strength, he will be killed soon.

However, Zephyr was a little surprised by how fiercely he fought.

This half-old man tried his best to be armed and strong, and he played the way of exchanging injuries for injuries at every turn.

In the fight between the two just now, although Kaido hit Zephyr in the side ribs with a punch, causing him to vomit blood, Zephyr also stabbed him in the neck with a Finger Pistol, and several pieces of cartilage inside were broken. , It was definitely a fatal injury, that is to say, Kaido was not killed because of his strong resilience.

"You bastard, you are really merciless." Kaido tutted.

"How can you show mercy to you pirates!" Tufa scolded angrily.

"I didn't provoke you... Your hatred is so strange." Kaido said.

Zephyr was about to say something more when he was taken aback suddenly.

He took out the phone bug in his pocket (this phone bug is considered to be a powerful one if he was not killed in the battle).

It is very stupid to make a phone call during a battle, but the ringing of the phone is unique to the top of the Marine. No matter what happens, the phone with this ringing tone must be answered. Even if Kaido calls in the next second, he must be firm Block it.

Fortunately, Kaido is not the type who likes to take advantage of others. Seeing that Zephyr was about to make a call, he stopped.

Line connected.

"Zephyr, stop fighting Kaido and get out of there immediately!" Crane said.

"What?!" Zephyr frowned.

"Kaido has joined the Twilight Brigade, and a powerful member of the Twilight Brigade is rushing to your side, and will be there soon!" Crane said.

Zephyr was taken aback.

He looks at Kaido.

"You... are actually a member of the Twilight Brigade?!" He asked in disbelief.

Kaido scratched the back of his neck and shrugged indifferently: "Well, almost, I just joined."

Zephyr took a deep breath, feeling a bolt from the blue.

"Marine and Four Emperors... have always been the two top powers confronting each other on the Grand Line. Now, there has been an incomprehensible Twilight Brigade. As Four Emperors, you actually descended again. Already?! Kaido, you still have a little pride in being a single? Zefa said angrily.

Kaido sneered and was about to say something when a voice suddenly sounded.

"Tsk tsk, wanting to meddle in other people's business... First show the corresponding strength, just you three-legged pussy, you have the nerve to point fingers at Four Emperors, isn't it embarrassing?"

The two turned their heads and saw Tōshirō flying in mid-air with ice wings.

The veins on Zephyr's neck popped up: "Boy, who are you talking about?!"

"Look at you, not only are you thick-skinned, but you also have problems with your brain. You have to ask such obvious questions again and again. I suggest you go to the Department of Brain Medicine. By the way, isn't there a Dr. Vegapunk in your Marine who is awesome? , hurry up and beg him to watch your head." Tang said.

0 for flowers...

Zephyr roared and rushed over, pointing at Tang Yuan.

"Damn it, boy! Fly Finger Pistol!!!"


An invisible force suddenly appeared in front of Tang Yuan, like a machine gun bullet!

But in the next second, under Zephyr's shocked gaze, that invisible Finger Pistol power was actually frozen in the air, forming a tangible object, and falling down!

"What?!" He was dumbfounded.

Tōshirō looked behind him.

"There is only one ice flower left, and there is quite a lot of time, in fact, it is fine to play with you, but I have other things to do when I come here.

With that said, he ignored Zephyr and flew in front of Kaido.

"Kaido, you're right," he said.

Kaido nodded: "Who are you?"


"Twilight Brigade, Hitsugaya Tōshirō." Tang Yuan said, taking out a big iron ring at the same time.

"Wuheqinli forgot to give you something, I'm here to run, it's something to show the identity of the brigade, don't lose it, the material is very precious, it's very troublesome to reissue.

Kaido took it and put it on his right index finger.

"A little brat like you is actually a member of the Twilight Brigade...but that's right, just because of the move you made to freeze and fly the Finger Pistol just now, you are considered strong."

"Am I strong? Do you want you to try it yourself? Don't say you are a good-for-nothing, even in your prime, I can beat you to the point where you are worse than a kid..." Tang Yuan said with a chuckle.

As he said that, he suddenly turned his head, and an Armament Haki fist rushed past the position where his head was just now, and let out a burst of anger.

"No matter how strong your strength is, if you don't have enough skill or speed, it's useless. You have to learn more from Garp about this. If he comes to sneak attack, he will definitely be much stronger than you." Tang Yuan said

Returning is a sword.


Zephyr couldn't dodge in time, and a gash was cut directly on his chest, and blood flowed out.

"Look, with your speed, how can you fight me?" Tang Yuan said with a last shot.


Ah, bad grades

Sure enough, it will be a tragedy if the update is slow.

I'm pretty much a waste tower.

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