Wilderness can’t wait!!!

After he said hello to Sengoku and the others, he took a step.

And it was at this moment!!!


The soldiers of the naval headquarters, all of them, did not say a word, but they all saluted the field with a serious expression!!!

All this without prior rehearsal!!!

Saluting the military is the respect of the soldiers for the field!!!

It doesn’t matter age, it doesn’t have to do with rank!!!

A field that kills the dignity of the navy and the bloodiness of the navy!!!

Such a person is worthy of a soldier in white to give a military salute!!!!

“This little one…”

“The soldier has returned to his heart…”

Looking at all this, Sengoku’s scalp numbly muttered!!!

Such a scene, even he got goosebumps!!!

After the war, there should have been silence, but at this time, there was some blood boiling!!!

“A born king.”

Zefa took a deep breath and said word by word!!!

These five words are the best summary of the wilderness!!!

None of those present denied this!!!

Now the little guy already has such treatment, so if the little guy really becomes a marshal in the future, how terrifying should the dominance and prestige be?!

After World War I, the status of the wilderness has been established!!!

And in this solemn atmosphere.

Faced with this heavy respect from the entire Navy, he smiled and then accepted it!

That’s it.

Under the military salute of the white-clothed soldiers, the field left the ruins step by step.

It was not until the field was completely gone that the white-clothed soldiers put their hands down, and after sending the heroes to each other, they began to “rectify and rebuild after the disaster”.

A mighty war that almost destroyed the naval headquarters came to a complete end.

Wilderness is the only hero.

This war exists, as if only to declare the world –

– The navy has a king, and it is rising!!!


Wilderness is thankful that Karp’s home is still intact.

Otherwise, he would be homeless.


Returning home and locking the door, Harano sat down on the sofa.

His face turned a little pale.


There were only eight doors in total, and he opened four doors at once, and the reaction was quite large.

That is, he mastered the skill of life return, transferring the pain of regurgitation to other insignificant body areas, otherwise he would not have walked home, and it would be difficult to even stand.


With a long sigh of relief, Yuan Ye drank his saliva and eased his mind.

Then, a look of excitement appeared on his pale face!!!

“System, come out!”

The Wilderness calls for the ultimate destruction system!!!

After he killed the Golden Lion, the system was supposed to appear, but he stopped it.

No way, there are too many people on site, in case the system rewards some big objects, it can’t be explained.

For now, he is alone at home, ready to begin tasting the fruits of victory!!!

“Host, are rewards being given out now?” The system is available and reassuring.

“Come on!” The wilderness is rubbish!

“The host destroys all the life of one of the strongest in the world, the golden lion Shiji, causing it to die, reward…”

“Ultimate Form: Overlord Color Domineering !!!”

Wilder’s eyes suddenly lit up!!!

Overlord color domineering!!!

Unattainable ability!!!

Not necessarily one out of a million people has !!!

This is a symbol of kings, innate abilities!!!

As the name suggests, the owner is the king!!!

If you want to stand on top of the world, dominate the four seas, and suppress all enemies, it is absolutely impossible to do without overlord domineering!!!

What’s more, the wilderness is about to go to sea, and it is necessary to plunge into the wave of the era of sea thieves, and the overlord-colored domineering body must be a great weapon!!!

And this is the ultimate form of overlord-colored domineering!!!

The overlord who has just awakened is domineering and uncontrollable.

Further, the controllable overlord-colored domineering coverage area is small, and at most it only makes people faint.

Further, like Luffy and Mingge in the original work, the overlord-colored domineering can be turned into substance and used to attack!!!

These fields are all understood, but what is the overlord-colored domineering of the ultimate form?!

Harano didn’t know, he wanted to try!!!

And after the first reward method of the system was completed, the ultimate form of overlord-colored domineering had also entered his body.

Yuan Ye just wanted to test it, but unexpectedly the system appeared again!!!

“The host successfully destroyed the golden lion’s corpse, cut off its head, and obtained the sword technique: one person beheaded!”

Another sword art that I have never heard of at all.

“What is a one-man beheading?”

Harano suppressed his excitement and asked, knowing the truth of asking if he didn’t understand.

“One-man slash, pure murderous art, fierce and fierce, frontal beheading of the enemy, which is completely different from the nature of assassination with a sword sealing the throat, in addition, this sword technique can be upgraded.”

“As the host beheads off, the more powerful a person’s beheading becomes.”

“Continue to advance, it is ten people beheaded, a hundred people beheaded, a thousand people beheaded, ten thousand people beheaded, and so on.”

The system is explained in detail.

The field showed a clear look, and immediately rubbed the first generation of ghosts, and the light in his eyes became more and more hot!!!

This sword art was an unexpected surprise!!!

Very bullish, very strong!!!

The most important thing is that this sword art can be upgraded!!!

This also means that no matter how strong the field is in the future, a person will be killed and will become a big killer!!!

It’s just that at that time, it may be called a hundred people beheaded, a thousand people beheaded, or ten thousand people beheaded, and the name will change!!!

It is the same as a sword sealing throat, it is an extremely sharp sword technique!!!

But how do you tell the difference?

Very simple.

If a sword seals the throat is an assassin, then a person is a butcher!!!

A sword seals the throat without moving, and when it moves, it is thunder, and the enemy general is the first rank in the chaotic army.

One person is beheaded on the frontal battlefield, a husband is a man who is incomprehensible, sees people kill, meets God and kills God, and slaughters millions!!!

A kind of assassination.

A hard !!!

The two do not conflict, and the wilderness loves it!!!

It’s just that in order to make that one person’s slashing power stronger, it is necessary to kill more people…

Just right.

It’s about to go to sea.

There are many vicious pirates.

Kill them all!!!

Yuan Ye clenched the original Oni Toru, and the corners of his mouth rose!!!

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