“System, say the ability of the Universal Fruit?”

The field rubbed his fists, and his eyes were blazing!

The Devil Fruit obtained by killing Roger will not be too bad!

Listen to the name of this pulling wind, the almighty fruit, the almighty!!!

I really don’t know if it’s a big breath, or this fruit ability, it’s really that strong!!!

“The universal fruit, as the name suggests, its ability is omnipotent.”

“The host can rely on this ability to evolve all other Devil Fruit abilities!!!”


Yuan Ye suddenly clenched his fists, and two rays of essence shot out from his eyes!!!

The ability of the Universal Fruit is the ability to evolve all Devil Fruits!!!

Inverse…… Sky…… Finish!!!

Wildhearts beat like drums and excitement!!!

“Of course, all this requires the host to develop it itself.”

“It doesn’t mean that if you get the ability to achieve the universal fruit, you can evolve all abilities at once.”

But then the system spoke again.

The system’s words were regarded as a basin of cool water poured on the head of the field, making his heart cold.

However, this is also within the scope of acceptance.

Harano took a deep breath and calmed down.

It is normal to develop slowly, if you can evolve all abilities at once, then isn’t he directly invincible?

“How to develop? Point it up. Wilderness asked.

“Take an example.”

“Kuzan is a frozen fruit ability, if Kuzan casts freezing ability in front of the host, then the host can evolve the freezing ability!”

“One look, the host learns!”

“That’s what the so-called development is!”

Hearing this, Yuan Ye suddenly became excited, and then became excited again!!!

Big ups and downs, nothing more than that!!!

He also thought how difficult it was to develop the ability, it turned out that he only needed to look at it!!!

It’s too easy!!!

It’s a bit similar to the Sharingan, but it’s more advanced!!!

With a long sigh of relief, Wilderness licked his lips!!!

“System, I only need to look at it to evolve this ability, right?”

“Yes host.”

“What about the trick?”

Wilderness asked a crucial question!

Evolutionary abilities are completely different from evolutionary moves!!!

Take Kuzan, the wilderness can evolve freezing abilities, but what about the rest?!

It’s like the “ice age” that shattered the world!!!

If the wilderness only has the ability to freeze, it will not be able to perform this trick!!!

Unless he is also like Kuzan, who has studied the freezing ability for many years, it is possible to learn!

But this is unrealistic!

Wilderness is a universal fruit ability, he has to evolve various abilities, not just study the freezing ability!!!

He couldn’t spend all his time honing his freezing ability like Kuzan!

Then the question arises.

Can evolve ability, can it evolve moves?!

This question is crucial!!!

And the answer is yes!!!

“As long as the capable person performs a trick in front of the host, the host can learn and evolve.”

The system did not disappoint the wilderness!!!

The ability of the universal fruit did not disappoint the wilderness!!!

This is a shot in the arm, allowing the field to completely put down the hanging heart!!!

The almighty fruit, dare to call this name, really has confidence!!!

Too strong!!!

Outrageously strong!!!

To use a cliché, it’s terrifying!!!

– Evolve all Devil Fruit abilities!!!

– All moves can also be evolved!!!

– Against the sky!!!

Yuanye’s breathing became a little rapid, and he clenched his fists, his eyes shining!!!

In this way, he has now obtained the ability of the Universal Fruit, which means that he can evolve all kinds of powerful abilities and perform all kinds of powerful and terrifying moves!!!

You know, on this sea, there has never been a lack of powerful Devil Fruit abilities, nor has it lacked terrifying Devil Fruit abilities!!!

For example, Kuzan, his ability: freezing, his special move: ice age!!!

Ice Age: Freeze all the miles for up to two weeks!!!

Another example is Whitebeard, his ability: shock (shock), as for the special move, then every punch under the shock ability is a special move, which can shake everything in the heaven and earth to pieces!!!

But if you have to talk about powerful moves, then it is [Shock • Tsunami], [Vibration • Ground Crack], [Shock Crack • Void Fragmentation]!!!

These three moves, Shock Tsunami, can tear the atmosphere with both hands, thereby splitting the sea and causing a tsunami!!!

Earthquake and ground fissure, directly hitting the earth, shaking the earth, causing earthquakes, and you can control the degree of earthquakes as you like!!!

Crack and Void Fragmentation, as the name suggests, a white sphere halo will appear when you hold a fist with one hand, and the halo can shatter the air, but all the targets that this halo touches are turned into fragments!!!

In the case of Trafalgar Rowe!!!

His ability, surgery!!!

The strength of the surgical fruit does not need to be repeated!!!

This is the ultimate ability!!!

There’s nothing it can’t do!!!

It’s just a headache that Luo should still be very young now, and he can’t evolve for a while and a half…


There is also the Thunder Fruit ability! Thunderball!!!

Dark Fruit Abilities! Darkness swallows everything!!!

Regressive Fruit Ability! Go backwards until they are completely erased and disappeared!!!

Momo Fruit Ability! All objects touched are hundreds of times larger in size and speed!!!

Meat Ball Fruit Ability! Bounce everything off, including any attack! Any tiredness! Any pain! Any physical exhaustion! Bounce open!!!

Bounce off crow’s feet!!!

There are many, many powerful and terrifying devil fruits, inexhaustible!!!

Each of these abilities is extremely powerful, and each of them has created a strong and hegemonic on one side!!!

It can be said that as long as you have any of the above abilities, you can become a super strong!!!

But the wilderness can evolve all !!!

As long as you see the person with this ability exert your ability, the field can immediately master this ability!!!

How against the sky!!!

It’s terrifying to think about!!!

Yuan Ye took a sharp breath, and then spit it out little by little, his expression becoming more and more determined!!!

At this moment, he set a goal!

Find the guy with the above abilities, find a way to make them perform abilities and moves, and then evolve!!!

Take the essence, go the bad!!!

Take the best of a hundred!!!

Make yourself!!!

Become the pinnacle king!!!

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