Will came to the “black wrist” Zefa and lowered his head in shame.

“I’m sorry, teacher.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for me, if you want to survive in this world where strength is respected, then you should cultivate well! That’s what makes you right.”

Zefa’s words were not only to Will, but also to everyone present.

And at this time, Lieutenant General Karp did not listen to Zefa’s words at all, he and Zefa have been good friends for many years, and he has already heard those words and does not want to listen to them anymore.

Hurriedly pulled Keru aside like a baby, and explained the specific content and meaning of domineering with a solemn face.

“Domineering is a potential power that all people have, and it is also an innate ability…”

Among them, it is divided into “overlord color” domineering that has the “qualification of a king” and can shock or stun the enemy by relying on its own “courage”; The “armed color” domineering of the entity that can improve the defense and attack power and can touch the “natural” fruit ability entity; It can predict the opponent’s next move and position, “seeing, smelling, and domineering…”

Kebi stood in front of him and listened carefully to Karp’s explanation.

“The domineering of the overlord color can be encountered but not sought, and there is no special training method, but the armed color and the color of seeing and hearing are very good training.” Karp said with a light cough. “You have learned to see and smell color domineering, so now I will teach you to arm color domineering.”

“Concentrate on luck, convey your will to the arm, there is a feeling of luck to the arm…”

Kebi nodded, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

His attention is single-minded, his mind is concentrated, and his breathing carries a unique rhythm, long and slight.

Looking at Kebi’s concentrated practice, Karp couldn’t help but sigh helplessly, and a helpless expression appeared on his face.

“Although he is gifted with demons, this domineering is enough for him to digest for a while. When he wakes up, let him go to the sea to hunt pirates, let him know what it means to be a person outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. ”

Just when Karp was secretly happy with his wise decision, he suddenly saw two black colors appear on Kebi’s wrist, and a strong aura emanated like a beast.

Suddenly, I felt that my throat was very dry and I couldn’t speak.

Are you kidding? When was domineering so simple?

“What? Armed color domineering learned. ”

“Am I dreaming, is this still human?”

The trainees who were being educated by Zefa felt the beastly aura on Kebi’s body, staring at him as if he were a heinous sinner.

And at this moment, Kebi’s body suddenly erupted with an extremely strong momentum, and when this momentum swept through those navies, all the navies below the rear admiral had white eyes and foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Those navies above the rear admiral shivered deeply, sensing this momentum, and looked at Kebi and stammered

“Ba… Overlord…… color”

Zefa and Karp both opened their mouths, their eyes frantically staring at Kebi, who was standing straight like the shaft of a ship, and their hearts were deeply shocked again.

“Old friend, I take a hundred bags, no… A thousand bags of senbei and donuts for your disciples, how? ”

“Okay!” Karp agreed very happily, and then carried Belumeber to Zefa, “Here you go, you must teach him well.” ”

Zefa looked at Karp with a black line on his face, and roared loudly at him: “What I want is Kebi, Kebi, Kebi.” ”

“What else can you teach him?”

Kapuhaha smiled, twisted the dog’s head cap on his head, and broke the key in one word.

He has already learned the six-style combination!

He also mastered three domineering!

“What else can you teach?” Black Wrist Zefa’s words echoed in Karp’s mind, looked at Kebi bitterly and helplessly, and said no more.

The entire training base was quiet and terrifying, and the ground was full of unconscious navies, which added to the weird atmosphere.

Kebi slowly opened his eyes, admiring the strength of the relic in his heart, and actually let his brain hole develop so thoroughly, so that he instantly opened the “king’s qualification – overlord color”, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he was also stunned.

“What’s going on?” Just now, I only cared about comprehending and opening the overlord color, and did not notice what was happening in the outside world.

Zefa saw Kebi’s innocent eyes, and a terrible thought suddenly rose in his mind, and he looked at Karp angrily.

“I see that you are not here to teach disciples today, but to play here with me.”

It’s just that after speaking, he was stunned, and Karp actually slept with his head up, making him feel like eating a closed-door soup, helpless to Karp.

“Kebi, come here, I have something to say to you.” Zefa beckoned to him and said slowly: “Thank you for showing mercy to Will’s subordinates just now, not embarrassing him, I owe you a favor, and come to me if you encounter difficulties in the future.” ”

Before Kebi could react, Zefa’s voice reached his ears again.

“From now on, congratulations on becoming a major, I believe that when we meet again, you will surprise me.”

ps: If you like the author of this book, please give away the free flowers, monthly passes, and evaluation tickets in your hands!

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