Kebi squinted slightly at the Blackbeard Pirates who were approaching little by little, as if a ferocious beast was awakening, which filled the entire shore navy with endless fear.

But not knowing where the fear comes from, this is the most terrifying!

Suddenly, Kebi laughed, and at the moment when his white teeth were exposed, those navy heavy chuan sighed, feeling the warmth of spring blossoms, as if the fierce momentum just now did not appear.

And next to him, Colonel Tina was sweating profusely and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar Kebi with a look of horror.

The qualifications of the king, the chosen one.

As a colonel in the ministry, she certainly knew what it was.

Originally, with her position as a colonel, she did not need to pay attention to Kebi, who was the commander of Cao, but he was a disciple of Lieutenant General Karp.

Karp has driven One Piece Roger into a corner several times, and how can his disciples be ordinary?

Now she understands that she has seen that in the future general competition, there must be Kebi’s figure!

Just as Tina was secretly thinking about these things, Kirby’s soft voice sounded in her ears.

“Colonel Tina, you gather all the shells on the warship.”


When Tina was about to continue, Kebi looked at her indifferently and shouted loudly

“Do you want pirates to be presumptuous on the naval base? Where is the justice in your heart? If that’s the case, do you deserve to wear this navy uniform? ”

“Now follow my orders and quickly gather all the shells.”

Tina heard Kebi’s words full of incomparable justice, and then thought that she had watched the pirate ship slowly approaching, and felt ashamed of her actions.

With his head raised, he walked towards all the warships with ashamed eyes, and gave orders at Kebi’s request.

Not long after, Tina came to Kebi sweating.

“Having gathered all the shells on one warship according to your orders, what is the next step?”

Kebi didn’t hear what she said at all, his eyes were on her sweat-soaked navy uniform, which was bulging and faintly visible as a black hood.

And her pants were already attached to her thighs, setting off her slender thighs and very upturned little ass, with looming seams under her boast, which made Kebi’s inner fire burn.

But Colonel Tina did not know that she had been seen by Kebi, and anxiously repeated her previous words again.

This caused Kebi to slowly move away from her figure and wave his hand at them deeply.

“In order to defend the dignity of the Navy, I will carry justice to the end.”

After speaking, Kebi stepped on the air, and with each step, a pleasant sound sounded under his feet, like stepping on a staircase, he came to the warship that was full of shells.

“This is one of the six forms of “moon step”, what is that adult going to do? The somewhat knowledgeable Navy exclaimed.

Tina’s black eyes also looked at Kebi in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do?

I saw that after Kebi got on the warship, he carried all the shells to the Blackbeard Pirates.


“Captain, there is a warship ahead of us, do you want to sink it,” a one-eyed little pirate ran to the captain and said slowly.

“No, let’s wait for him to come, he must have been negotiated with us by the envoy of the navy.” The captain waved his hand and said to the person next to him: “Bring my dear captain Ace, he is our bargaining chip.” ”

Not long after, a figure fell on the deck, and he was seen wearing an orange hat with a treacherous and sad expression on it, and a skull sign tied to the hat rope.

He is the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, “Fire Fist” Ace.

“Hurry up, hang him up and greet the messenger of the navy.”

And when Kebi drove the warship slowly approaching the Blackbeard Pirates, he saw a man dressed in black with a mouth full of missing teeth looking at him.

Kebi’s smile grew brighter and brighter, and his cold eyes flashed.

Finally, when the pirate ship and the warship leaned together, before the pirate could speak, Kebi showed an incomparably innocent and bright smile and said to the person with a mouth full of missing teeth.

“Blackbeard Marshall M. D. Tinch, a big gift for your first meeting, okay? ”

Blackbearded Marshall M. D. Tinch realized that it was not good, and was about to turn and run, when there was a loud bang behind him.

Pirate ships and warships turned to ashes in an instant, the sea surface burst into flames, and the sound of explosions spread throughout the naval base.

And Kebi was secretly happy when he watched his explosive damage impact on him:

“MMP, I should be able to die this time, right?”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for dying once, keep up the good work”

ps: Can you help the street cat break a thousand flowers today! Kneel and beg!

And give you a little joke, anyway, I watched it several times and laughed several times!

Cao Cao held a banquet at home, during which the two concubines quarreled over favors.

The two fought for your life and death, and shouted for the prime minister to be the master.

Cao Cao was so angry that he had a headache and shouted loudly: “You two are all right!” ”

The people present were silent, there was a dead silence, and suddenly the general forbidden rushed out of his seat, fell to his knees and shouted:

“Last General Xie Cheng rewarded!”

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