Kebi saw the yellow ape’s black line, and heard what Orochimaru said to the yellow ape again, and he couldn’t help but cover his stomach and laugh.

What kind of generals there are, what kind of soldiers there are!

The yellow ape touched the footprints on his face, snorted coldly, and glared at Zhan Taomaru fiercely:

“What about the pacifists of PX? Stop being stunned here, quickly arrest the remaining pirates, the old man will go back to sleep.”

“Old man, we can go back now, there are no pirates here.”

Seeing the yellow ape frowning, Orochimaru sat on the ground and picked up a fresh fruit to eat, and told them what happened.

Basoromi Bear, one of the Seven Seas, and the pacifists were rescued by Hades Reilly when they captured the Straw Hats.

The remaining sea pirates don’t know where to go, and Capone Becky, who he is pursuing, is seriously injured by a punch from the red dog.

“By the way, old man, I captured a devil fruit from Becky, so I should honor you.”

Orochimaru said, taking out a banana-like fruit from him and handing it to the yellow ape.

“Oh, it’s really a devil fruit!” The yellow ape pouted and carefully looked at the devil fruit in his hand.

But in the blink of an eye, the Devil Fruit disappeared from its hands!



The yellow ape and the war peach were shocked, how could they disappear? Was it an illusion just now?

At the same time that they were looking at each other with wide eyes, Kunpeng appeared on Kebi’s shoulder with a devil fruit in his mouth.

“Thank you for the gift, I won’t be polite to you.”

After Kebi finished speaking, he didn’t care about their shocked eyes, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, as if his own things were in his pocket.

Then, as if nothing had happened just now, he turned around and waved at them.

“Go back, don’t send me, I’m still going to find Qiwu Hai?”

“Ahhh… You return my devil fruit.”

Orochimaru angrily picked up the axe in his hand and slashed at Kebi, this is his loot, how can he let strangers grab it?

“Don’t, Orochimaru is back”

He heard the anxious voice of the yellow ape, and then saw Kebi’s body without any reaction, thinking that he was worried that he had hurt him, and showed rampant laughter.

“Don’t worry, old man! I’ll be merciful! ”

“I thank your subordinates for showing mercy!”

Kebi smiled indifferently, and his muscles tightened violently.


The earth collapsed under his feet, and Kebi’s figure disappeared in an instant, and came to the blade of Orochimaru’s axe.

“Do you want to travel too?”


Orochimaru looked at Kebi who appeared in front of him in shock, his face full of incredulity.

How can it be? How could he be so strong?

However, Kirby did not give him time to react and think.

His feet were wrapped around the blade of the axe, and his body spiraled into the air, instantly blowing him away.

With lightning speed, he grabbed him by the collar and spun it up, like carrying a chicken, without any resistance.

Now Kebi’s casual Dao power value has reached 38,000, and it is also integrated with the blood of Super Saiyan, and it is like playing against Orochimaru.

“You can travel too, and clear your head!”

Kebi said, and let go of his collar, he did not resist without any resistance, like a rocket, turned into a black dot and ran into the distance.


When he fell from the sky, there was a loud noise on the ground, but he did not hear the miserable and dull sound of Orochimaru.


At this time, Kebi found that the yellow ape had disappeared, and then fixed his eyes, and the yellow ape caught the rapidly falling war peach pill with both hands.

It’s just that dense cracks appeared near his feet, and due to the impact on Orochimaru’s body, the clothes on the yellow ape’s body burst instantly

“Yes, what kind of monster is this?” The yellow ape felt the shock of this power and couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

“Extreme speed, powerful strength, immortal defense, plus that mysterious Maqin behind him, what disciple did Karp accept?”

When the impact disappeared, after the yellow ape put down the war peach pill, he looked at Kebi coldly and scolded:

“How can you lay such a heavy hand on the Navy, where is the “justice” in your heart? ”

“Hey, whoever moves first, you know in your own heart, I won’t waste time with you” Kebi yawned, and a look more lazy than the yellow ape appeared on his face.

“By the way, in the future, I will say in front of you: speed is power, and what kind of lightspeed kick you have, I am upset when I hear it”

Kebi’s arrogant words were so harsh in the ears of the yellow ape.


The yellow ape’s body began to tremble, and his whole body turned into countless golden rays and rushed towards Kebi, ready to fight him again.

“When you’re old, don’t fight and kill” Kebi was undaunted, took the Kunpeng on his shoulder in his hand, and said lightly

“Let’s have a gamble, you win, give you a devil fruit; On the contrary, you lost and gave me a devil fruit. ”

“Huh?” The yellow ape suddenly stopped, and ten thousand golden rays condensed his body, “How to bet?” ”

“Just bet on the speed of your hand and see who can catch up with whom!”

“Speed? Haha, are you sure”


Kebi smiled evilly, raised the Kunpeng in his hand, and smiled indifferently: “When can you be faster than him, you can challenge me again!” ”

ps: kneel for the support of readers, flowers, evaluation walk!

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