Just as Kebi’s voice fell, the voice of a telephone bug suddenly sounded on the yellow ape, and then he let out a deep sigh of relief.

“It’s nerve-wracking!”

The yellow ape touched his brain, pouted, and said helplessly, and then a series of explosions occurred where they were.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The roar of artillery fire continued, shaking the heavens and the earth, and a steady stream of shocks spread out along the sound, even the houses not far from them were trembling with the sound of artillery fire.

Each round of cannon fire on the five warships seemed to make the entire Chambord Islands tremble, as if a ten-magnitude earthquake had occurred.

A minute later

The Chambord Islands were calm again, except that the place where Kebi stood was in ruins.


From directly in front of them came countless navies, and in the front was the Marshal of the Warring States, only to see him squinting slightly at Kaido.

And behind him are red dogs and pheasants, as well as Kapu, who eats senbei, and Zefa, who is equipped with a robotic arm “powder machine” equipped with sea lou stones.

They looked very exaggerated muscles, and their eyes stared at Kaido, which was the most terrifying for the Four Emperors who did not have any injuries.

And behind them are cloaks of justice, even if they are wearing suits, they are not a little elegant, but the suits are bulging with muscles like steel, showing the naval style.

“Hey, Zefa, I’m just curious, this time I called you, why did you come so quickly?”

No matter where Kapu goes, there must be senbei in his hands and mouth, and he tilts his head to ask Zefa, the “black wrist”.

“Because I see your disciple well, and I still owe him a favor,” Black Fist Zefa thought of the scene where Kebi had given mercy to his trainees before, and said slowly:

“You know me, my favor has not been returned, how can I let him die?”

“Thank you!”

Karp suddenly said seriously, but before the black wrist Zefa could react, the painting style changed instantly, holding the fairy shell in his hand.

“To thank you, I give you one of my senbei”

“Get out!” Black Wrist Zefa scolded with a smile: “You are also too stingy, just give me one?” ”

It’s just that what ushered in was the white eyes of Lieutenant General Karp, and the sound of him eating senbei “crunching”, and the last senbei was not given to Zefa.

“Who did I say?” After Kaido saw Sengoku, Karp, and Zefa, he suddenly laughed.

“We can meet together, it’s really a hundred years of encounters”

“Yes, the few people left have not arrived” Sengoku looked at the sky, not knowing what to think about.

As the person in charge this time, Kebi, who was the main culprit in the fuse, was carefully preparing to leave here.

He wasn’t afraid of them, but he saw Karp looking around angrily for him.

Kebi understood that he could not resist Karp’s “fist of love”, so it was better to get out of here.

But before he could take a few steps, he was grabbed by the collar by a pair of powerful hands and hit his head with a hammer.

Not long after, a densely packed bag rose in his head, and Kebi covered his head and looked at Kapu, who was holding senbei in his mouth in front of him, and said viciously:


Before he finished speaking, he tilted his head and fell asleep again, which made Keru feel like he had nowhere to do it.

The movement between Kebi and Karp just now made Sengoku and Kaido focus on Kebi.

“Hey, why are you looking at me like that? I don’t have flowers on my face.”

Kebi said, and touched his face, and also took out the decapitation knife as a mirror to look at himself, nodded fiercely, and said with certainty:

“Still so handsome!”


The red dog snorted coldly, pulled his hat, and then clasped his hands together, indicating that he was angry now.

And the Warring States were also so narcissistic by Kebi, they had nothing to say, but turned to look at Kaido, one of the four emperors, and said solemnly:

“Kaido, can this be done today?”

Sengoku now just wants to calm the people, and it will be time to execute “Fire Fist” Ace soon, if he offends another Kaido, it will definitely be a trouble at that time.

“Sengoku, don’t ask me, you should ask that kid”

Kaido waved the wolf-tooth stick in his hand and pointed at Kebi playfully, “He cut me into a badly injured person, and this matter would rather depend on him?” ”

As soon as Kaido said this, the navy behind. Including Chi Inu and Qingzhi, and even the black wrist Zefa opened his mouth and showed an incredulous expression.

But seeing the extremely deep knife wound on Kaido’s chest, and the yellow ape’s nod, Qi brushed and looked at Kebi.

There was admiration and disbelief in their eyes, Kaido was known as the most powerful creature, how could he compare with the three generals? And still so strong?

But there is only one resentful look, he is the red dog general, every time he thinks that he was blinded by the volcano, and Kebi takes the initiative to jump off the volcano, his face is suddenly hot and painful.

It was as if he was grabbed by the collar by Kebi and slapped his mouth fiercely!

Sengoku was also stunned, looking at Kaido’s huge wound, fell into deep thought, and was taken aback by the combat power that Kebi was standing on.

If Sengoku left a similar wound on Kaido, he would have to activate the ability of the Eighty Percent Devil Fruit.

This made the Warring States pay more attention to Kebi, with a heavy voice and a deliberative tone.

“Kebi, how about this ending here?”

When the Warring States said this, he suddenly felt that the drama of the Tai Special Code was too dramatic.

They came here to rescue Kebi, and they couldn’t imagine that such a thing was happening here.

The matter was provoked by Kebi, and in the end, it depends on the meaning of Kebi, which contains almost all the combat power of the Navy.

Now just wait for Kebi’s agreement or a nod to collect the troops and return to the base.


Kebi suddenly stood up and stared straight at Kaido.

“You have to compensate my spirit with the Devil Fruit, and you have to make up for my young heart”

“Good,” Kaido agreed without hesitation, revealing a conspiratorial smile.

“Just come to my island directly to find me when you have time, remember to take Kunpeng with you then”

After speaking, he showed a treacherous laugh, and seeing Kebi’s nod in agreement, he lowered his head and looked at Doflamingo viciously.

“You too, hurry up and compensate him for the Devil Fruit!”

“, old fellow, but…” When Doflamingo was about to continue, he was greeted by Kaido’s shocking mace.

“Good, good, I compensate! Come to the Kingdom of Dressrosa and bring it then.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hawkeye stepped out from next to the yellow ape, took out a devil fruit and threw it to Baili Luochen.

“I’ll just use it as a teaching fee for me.”

PS: Thank you readers for your support! Don’t be disgusted with the slow codeword!

If the codeword speed does not come up, it will take time to make up for it!

It won’t spoil your appetite, the update will definitely keep up!

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