I saw that Whitebeard didn’t know what came to Margao’s side, and a very huge palm was about to fall on his head.

As his words fell, his palm slapped Malgao’s head.


After Malgao took the palm of the white beard, he spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the flames on his body suddenly rose.

The body turned into an immortal bird and roared up to the sky, and the sound was like a shock wave, toppling all the nearby ice blocks.

Ice blocks formed tornadoes whizzing between the pirates and the navy, and Kebi squinted slightly to watch it all.

The palm that Whitebeard had just slapped actually helped Margao shatter the sword qi in his body, and left his remaining shock wave on his body, making him even stronger.

“Hehe, since you want to boost morale so much, then I’ll help you.”

Kebi sat in the position of the general, and the rising sea flame changed various forms on his hand.

Finally, it was thrown out in the shape of a lotus flower, floating freely in the sky, as if this was not a battlefield, but a banquet with singing and dancing.

When the lotus fell on the tornado formed by the ice, time suddenly stopped, and the tornado stopped here and stood still.

But the lotus is still dripping and spinning, in stark contrast to the tornado.

And the ice is not only dissolving, but also burning.

In the blink of an eye, calm was restored here.

The pirates on the white-bearded pirate ship looked at this scene in shock, their minds were blank, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

“The flames actually set the sea water on fire?”

Isn’t that scientific?

Now Kebi’s position in their hearts has suddenly climbed to the “high end” of the devil.


Whitebeard also saw this, and no longer let out his refreshing laughter, but looked at Kebi with stunned eyes.

“I can’t imagine that after so many years, the Navy has such outstanding talents”

The Green Dragon Moon Knife in Whitebeard’s hand smashed the ground, and looked up at the Marshal of the Warring States with cold eyes:

“It really surprised me!”

The Marshal of the Warring States did not expect that Kebi’s current strength was actually stronger, and the heart raised in his heart was slightly lowered.

“There are many more things that surprise you later!”


Whitebeard laughed, pointed to the childish next to Kebi, and laughed strangely.

“Are you talking about a young imp with a blindfold? I often see him riding on the sea, which really surprised me! ”


The Marshal of the Warring States was speechless for a while, pointing at the white beard and unable to speak.

At this moment, Qingzhi suddenly stood up and walked towards the void with “moon steps”, and countless ice cubes suddenly appeared on his hands.

“Euphorbia Spear”

The ice slag and ice cubes on his body fused together, forming ice spears that rushed towards Whitebeard with a thunderous momentum.

Suddenly, the air here suddenly became cold, and the cold aura emitted by those ice spears seemed to freeze the air.

“Wow huh”

Whitebeard still smiled when he saw the ice spear rushing up, and his face did not fluctuate.

“It’s not simple to develop the Natural Devil Fruit to this Celestial Empire level!”

After Whitebeard finished speaking, his hands clenched into fists and smashed fiercely into the void, and cracks appeared in the void again.

Those cracks instantly broke when they touched the ice spear, and then those cold qi crashed on Qingzhi’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Qingzhi’s body was frozen into an ice sculpture by his freezing ability, and he fell on the ice like a meteor with surprised eyes.

Then, a thick wall of ice rose around him, and froze into a thick layer of ice on the original ice road.

“Haha, it is worthy of being a person with the power to destroy the world”

The young figure walked out of the ice wall, stepped on the top of the ice wall step by step, and said coldly:


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The navy began to attack the pirates, and then several extremely violent sounds came along with the turbulent naval base!


“This is a cannon! They opened fire! ”

I don’t know whose exclamation made all the pirates’ faces change greatly.

Suddenly, a large number of pirates hurriedly pushed the fort to fight back, and more pirates collapsed to the ground after being affected by the cannon, with a look of horror.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The roar of artillery fire continued, shaking the heavens and the earth, and a steady stream of shocks spread out along the sound.

“Rush! Let them see how good we are. ”

The navy and pirates, accompanied by artillery fire, launched an attack.

Suddenly, blood splattered on the battlefield, and there was a fierce battle on the battlefield.

Kebi looked at the scene in front of him and sighed without entering: “Troubled times come out of the heroes!” ”

Suddenly, Hawkeye jumped out, and his golden eyes looked at the calm white beard, and his action made the entire battlefield stop for a few seconds, and they all looked at him.

Those pirates showed a terrified expression on their faces, and stammered: “Jorakel Mihawk, is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai going to fight?” ”

And Kebi, who was sitting in the position of admiral, smiled indifferently: “It’s really rare that Hawkeye, who goes his own way, actually walked out first.” ”

Kebi’s words suddenly paused, and he shouted loudly towards Hawkeye: “Hey, Hawkeye, you are cool today!” ”


As soon as Hawkeye heard this familiar voice, the momentum just now instantly disappeared, glanced at Kebi coldly, and said slowly:

“It’s too expensive to compete with you, and I want to see how big the gap is with Whitebeard.”

This seemingly joking sentence came out of Hawkeye’s mouth and made the pirate’s pupils shrink sharply.

“Can’t Hawkeye beat the newly appointed admiral at all? And now Hawkeye still has to challenge Daddy? ”

Just when they were secretly surprised, Hawkeye pulled out the black knife Night behind his back, and the figure suddenly rushed out, and the blade broke through the air.

A knife light tens of meters high instantly cut out, breaking through the thick ice, the speed was very slow, but there was an emotion that made people unable to resist, coercing the audience.

Cold momentum, crushing everything in the world, the pirates on the road were directly cut off by the knife, just when they were about to rush in front of Whitebeard.

A huge figure blocked in front of Whitebeard, and Whitebeard’s face was still very flat, as if the knife in front of him was as weak and crispy as tofu.

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