“Look at your appearance, this ship has been with me for many years, and there will be no problems sailing at sea.”

Nami confidently patted her seductive chest and 2 and said.

Because Lei Tian is a Devil Fruit ability, Devil Fruit Ability is afraid of seawater, even if Lei Tian Devil Fruit is mutated and evolved, it is tight that it can hold on for a while longer than others.

So Lei Tian cautiously hid in the middle of the ship, ready to expose his ability at any time to deal with the sudden capsizing state.

“Is it so scary?”

Looking at Lei Tian’s appearance, Nami was even more convinced that Lei Tian’s identity was undoubted.

–“Your crooked broken ship, there is a possibility that it may roll over at any time, that person is not afraid, even if One Piece comes, he is afraid of three points, this is a ship that will be used as a ship if it is not done well!” ”

Listening to Nami’s muttering, Lei Tian rolled his eyes and was really unable to vomit.

Although Nami’s boating skills are not great, the prediction is 100% accurate, and the wooden boat that looks like it may roll over at any time actually sails on the sea, and it is okay to drive for an hour.

But at this time, Lei Tian was on the ship, already dizzy and a little unable to hold on, when did Lei Tian suffer this sin!

Lei Tian felt that the meal he had eaten earlier was about to be shaken out, and he was lying on the deck with an ugly face, no, the deck from such a wooden ship should be lying in the cabin.

“Nami has arrived, I will be shaken to death by you if I don’t drown in this situation!”

Lei Tian asked Nami, who was driving the wooden boat.

“I was unlucky today, and the wind direction has not been strong.”

Nami looked at the sails on the wooden boat, stretched out her thin white right hand to feel the breeze flowing in the air, and said with a slight frown.

“Then you want the wind in that direction?”

Lei Tian was ready to help the other party ask, but Lei Tian regretted it after exiting, why because someone seemed to have long known the east, west, south and north!


Sure enough, hearing Nami’s direction, Lei Tian was immediately dumbfounded.

“North over there?”

Of course, Lei Tian would not ask such an idiotic question that looks for mockery.

“Hey, let’s lie on your stomach safely…”

Lei Tian directly gave up resistance and lay tightly in the cabin.

In this way, after a long journey, Lei Tian and the others finally came to Nami’s hometown, Coco Yasi Village.


As the sound of the wooden boat landing sounded, I was really worried that the wooden boat would be crushed.

“Why haven’t you come down yet?”

Nami, who had already landed, was a little eager to go home and couldn’t help but urge Ray.

“Here it is…”

Lei Tian replied weakly, and walked out leisurely.



Immediately, Lei Tian’s body was unstable and fell towards a sea!


The tragic thunder sky directly planted into the sea from the wooden boat.


Nami, who was waiting for someone to come up on the shore, looked at the bubbles constantly bubbling on the sea, but the figure could not see Nami and was suddenly shocked!

“This idiot, he can’t swim, no wonder he was so scared along the way.”


Nami didn’t have time to think about a jump, and dived to the bottom of the sea like a mermaid.

A few minutes later…

“Haw! Haw! ”

Lei Tian was lying on the shore, constantly spraying seawater, and the whole person was like a centenarian, pale and powerless, as if he was about to hang up.

“Hey, don’t die, although I will have less big creditors, but I will not be able to care about it.”

Nami kept shaking Lei Tian’s body and said loudly to Lei Tian.

“Even if you still have a little conscience…”

“Don’t shake it, it’s really going to hang up when you shake it…”

Because of the sea water, it was just that Lei Tian, who was physically weak, scolded Nami, even if Nami didn’t save him, Lei Tian couldn’t die, in the sea, Lei Tian was just weak all over, and Lei Tian’s Devil Fruit ability was not lost.

Therefore, Lei Tian devoured part of the ability of the gas fruit, and the Devil Fruit ability of Lei Tian naturally also has the ability to extract air and oxygen, and Lei Tian cannot die among the sea thieves, unlike other Devil Fruit ability people who will be suffocated.

Of course, this situation basically does not happen, in the moment of encountering water, the devil fruit ability will use the ability to quickly leave the sea, without sinking all the time, the sea water just makes the devil fruit ability person lose the ability to swim, the fruit ability is still there.

“Yes… Sorry, I didn’t know you couldn’t swim. ”

Nami looked at the pale and powerless Lei Tian and said apologetically.

“I want you to help me this time, it’s hard for me to walk like this.”

In fact, after leaving the sea water, the Devil Fruit ability will soon recover, even if it is serious, it will recover as long as it rests for a while, and it is not as serious as Lei Tian’s performance.

But Nami didn’t know this, looking at Lei Tian’s bloodless look, how could Nami bear to refuse, after all, all this was caused by her.

In this way, at Lei Tian’s request, Nami helped Lei Tian to walk towards her home, and along the way met a familiar person, Nami almost stuffed her head into the ditch in front of her chest 1 with a shy face.

“Don’t mess with it!”

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