Hot and sour powder tastes between sour and spicy.

Not only appetizing, but also energizing.

“Hmm—this hot and sour powder is so delicious.” After taking a bite, Tetsuo Redfoot’s eyes widened, and his eyes were full of shock.

“Good, boss – another bowl!”

Jinping was the fastest eater, everyone only ate one or two bites, Jinping not only finished the hot and sour powder, but also drank all the soup.

After he finished eating, he called the boss in a joking tone.

“Sorry, chutney powder limited, gone.”

Lin Nan didn’t give anything at all, and said indifferently.

“Lin Nan, do you really want to be at peace with me? You know, this is my territory! ”

Jinping looked around, and then questioned in a deep voice.

“I don’t care whose territory is here, anyway, this hot and sour powder is not your share-” Lin Nan still said indifferently.

“Boss Lin – your hot and sour powder is really delicious, it’s better to cook me another portion, just one portion!” If I eat it, I won’t eat it-” Jinping raised an index finger to Lin Nan and said solemnly.

“When you’re done, wash the dishes for me, wrap my apron around me, and work!” Didn’t you see any guests coming? I’ll do it for you when I’m done. ”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes from Jinping and said angrily.

“Hehe, that’s pretty much it!”

The previous words, Jinping automatically ignored, mainly Lin Nan’s last few words, which made him feel like chicken blood.

After Jinping finished eating, Hawkeye Mihawk and the others also ate the hot and sour powder in their bowls one after another.

It was midday.

There are small stalls here, and a group of people hula hula eating some kind of unknown food around them, and they all eat very well.

Not only that, but there is also a strong fragrance wafting in the air.

Many mermaids or fish people passing by the square came to Lin Nan’s stall.

“Hot and sour powder?”

The people of the merfolk and the fish-man tribe were all literate, and they immediately read the words on the signboard that Lin Nan had made improvisationally.

“Boss, how much is it?”

A fishman born with an octopus head asked.

“It’s not expensive, it only needs 10,000 Baileys.”

Jinping said enthusiastically to the fishman.

“You—you’re the boss of Jinping?”

The fishman with an octopus head looked at Jinping who spoke, and his eyes straightened.

“I didn’t expect this to be recognized by you, yes, I’m Jinping-”

Jinping was slightly stunned, then raised his head and said solemnly.

The captain of the Fishman Pirates – who doesn’t know who on Fishman Island? Even the king of Dragon Palace City had to pay three points.

“But Boss Jinping – why are you setting up a stall in front of our house? Are you out to sea? ”

As soon as the octopus head fishman spoke, Jinping’s blue face instantly turned green.

But Boss Jinping, why are you setting up a stall in front of our house? Are you out to sea?

Why do you set up a stall in front of our house?

The corner of Jinping’s mouth twitched, and the words that this guy said reappeared in his mind, and his face was so hot and painful——

The captain of the dignified fishman pirate group, setting up a stall in front of his house –

“What—we’re a restaurant with a façade—”

After a while, he thought of a relatively high-end and high-grade answer.

“Is the façade hot and sour powder?”

“Ya, you don’t eat it, do you? If you don’t eat, don’t get in the way, you don’t eat others and eat! ”

Even on the plane could not get by, I couldn’t help but be embarrassed and angry, and my heart was extremely suffocated.

The idea of setting up a stall was all thought up by Lin Nan, and now his prestige on Fishman Island suddenly disappeared.

If this matter is spread, his face will really be shelved.

“Eat, of course I want to eat, since it is the stall of Jinping boss, of course I have to take care of the business!” You guys say yes, guys? ”

The octopus hurriedly said that he wanted to eat it, not only that, but he was also afraid that the people behind him would not know that this was the same as the stall set up by Boss Jinping, so he spread his throat and shouted at the back in a high-decibel voice.

This shout, many people responded:

“It turns out that this is the stall of the boss of Jinping! That dares to take care of his business! ”

“What! Jinping boss set up a stall! ”

“The boss of the stall!”

“I want hot and sour powder too!”

“I’m willing to pay as much as I want.”

Lin Nan endured the smile in his mouth on the side and did not speak.


But after enduring it for a long time, he finally couldn’t bear it, laughed directly, looked at Jinping who had a gloomy face next to him, and asked out loud: “Jinping, you are a great hero of our restaurant today!” ”

“Great hero? Lin Nan, didn’t you see what they said about me? They said I was a street stall! ”

Jinping’s expression was as much as he could hold back, and his blue face turned into a green face.

“But no, it is because you are here, everyone seems to be very enthusiastic, today’s business must be very good, I have prepared the amount of five thousand points of hot and sour powder, come on very flat, after a while is busy, how much hot and sour powder you want to eat, I will make it for you!”

Lin Nan swore and said.



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