In the temple above the head of Angel Island, there was a dead silence at this time, and hundreds of corpses that had turned into char lay chaotically on the island clouds, without the slightest bit of life.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen scorched black craters left by lightning bombardment scattered on the white island clouds, and the scene is quite terrifying with the corpses lying on the ground.

On the temple, Anilu sat quietly at the top, looking down at Angel Island, with a defiant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tall, wearing a white turban, two white ribbons on his long earlobes, shirtless upper body, a thunder drum painted with three jade on his back, gold rings on his hands and ten fingers, a gold stick in his hand, bloomers on his lower body, and ten gold rings on his bare feet.

This is Anilu, the Thunder Fruit Ability, a native but not at all like the Empty Islander.

“Yehahaha, finally cleaned up this group of obstructing guys, I can be a god here again!” Raising the golden stick in his hand, Anilu once again announced his arrival to the sky.

“Hey, I said, didn’t you guy already build an ark and go back to the infinite earth, why did you run to such a remote little corner to become a god?”

Before anyone arrives, the voice arrives first.

Just as Anilu was celebrating his re-ascension to the throne, Ross in the distant sky approached at a speed visible to the naked eye, and stopped beside Anilu in the blink of an eye.

“Damn? Why do you guys know the infinite earth and explain it clearly to Lao Tzu? ”

Hearing Ross’s voice, the excitement on Anilu’s face instantly disappeared, and his erect face was covered with clouds.

There is no doubt that what Ross said directly pointed at Anilu’s heart.

Two and a half years ago, Anilu, who claimed to be a god, suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Luffy here, and the whole person was completely broken mentally after being beaten, and he drove the Ark Proverbs to the infinite earth in panic.

It is simply a shame to think that he is naturally the strongest thunder fruit ability, who controls the thunder and lightning with the strongest attack power, and is actually beaten by the rubber fruit.

With Anilu’s brain capacity, I am afraid that he will not know in his life that it is not the rubber fruit that restrains the thunder fruit, but that his development of the thunder fruit is too shallow, and all the moves pay too much attention to the surface, but forget that the power of thunder and lightning is not limited to this at all.

The two most basic forces of current and voltage, electromagnetism, electric heating, etc. as an extension, and even electrolysis of water, positive and negative electricity and other profound methods.

Compared with Anilu, a lucky man who does not know science, if there is a person in the entire pirate world who can develop the thunder fruit to the limit, it is Vegapunk, a super genius scientist who claims to be five hundred years ahead of the times and — technology.

Ross can be sure that as long as the Thunder Fruit reaches Vegapunk’s hands, I am afraid that this super scientist will be able to play with the strongest natural Devil Fruit.

It’s a pity that Vegapunk doesn’t have that luck after all, and the world government can’t let him have such a strong power as the Thunder Fruit.

After all, what the world government needs is a genius who obediently studies all kinds of advanced technologies for them, not a “monster” beyond their control.

Genius can endure, while monsters can only be erased.

It is precisely because the world government attaches great importance to Vegapunk that there is a general-level CP cadre by the side of this genius all year round to protect and monitor it, so as to prevent Vegapunk from doing things that harm the interests of the world government.

Similar to the situation of Vegapunk, although Ross knew how strong the potential of the Thunder Fruit really was, Ross had no intention of reminding Anilu.

Even if he subdues Anilu, Ross will at most hand over the cultivation method of armed color domineering to him, so that Anilu has no shortcomings when facing many strongmen in the new world.

Regarding the secret of the development method of the Thunder Fruit, it is safest to let it lie in the bottom of the heart forever.

After all, with Anilu’s arrogant personality, his strength will definitely not be willing to continue to be a little brother after surpassing Ross, this guy is a natural anti-bone boy, and he may rebel if he does not pay attention.

If you want to make Anilu have no evil thoughts, you can only be stronger than him, subdue him with absolute strength, so that he does not dare to have the slightest idea of rebellion.

Because of this, Ross did not dare to hand over the development method of the Thunder Fruit to him.

If Anilushan only got the blessing of armed color domineering, Ross is still confident that he can still overwhelm Anilu, but if Anilu gets the real method of developing the Thunder Fruit, with this guy’s talent, I am afraid that he can easily develop the Thunder Fruit to the realm of awakening.

By that time, Ross didn’t have enough strength even if he wanted to subdue Anilu.

Whether it is based on that angle consideration, how the thunder fruit is developed cannot tell Anilu, or let this simple-minded and well-developed guy play his volt attack, scientific development is not suitable for him at all.

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