“Anilu, you have awakened when you see the color domineering, this is the cultivation method of armed color domineering, as well as the introduction of the overlord color domineering ability, I hope you can study it well and master it as soon as possible.”

Taking out the domineering cultivation experience left by Shiji, after thinking about it again, Ross still handed it to Anilu.

After all, Ross’s journey next is a new world, and there are countless people in this place who master domineering, even if Anilu eats the thunder fruit, he will definitely suffer a big loss without armed color domineering protection.

If you want to traverse the new world, the ability of the Devil Fruit alone is not enough.

Ross didn’t want Anilu, a thug who had been recruited with great difficulty, to be cut before he could shine, if so, then don’t cry to death?

“Armed color domineering? Is this the move you used to defeat me before? ”

Taking the book handed by Ross, Anilu was pleasantly surprised, he didn’t expect that he guessed that he had just got on the ship and had such a big gain, this is the power of the same level as Xingang in the Qinghai population.

“Seeing the color domineering can allow you to anticipate the enemy and enhance your perception within a certain range, the armed color domineering is to greatly enhance the user’s defense and attack power, as for the final overlord color domineering, I will not introduce much, I will give you a detailed introduction to the cultivation and use of the three-color domineering in the booklet.”

“Although the domineering cultivation can’t be delayed, but my next words are related to your little life, you must remember it clearly for me, otherwise you will be killed by someone one day, don’t blame me for not reminding you!” After roughly introducing the role of the tricolor domineering, Ross’s tone of voice became more serious.

“In the previous confrontation, I found that you have a serious flaw, you rely too much on the ability of the Thunder Fruit, the hand-to-hand combat ability is simply unbearable, if you don’t want to die in the new world, then give me a good exercise in physical skills and armed color domineering.”

“Don’t put a face on me, you can be lazy and choose not to practice, I can also take it as if I didn’t see it, but the murderous guys in the New World won’t be soft on you.”

“Remember, no one is the protagonist of this world, no one will change without this sea, and if you are killed, it is just one more corpse at the bottom of the sea, that’s all!”

After saying a long paragraph in one breath, Ross stopped, looked at the purple-faced Anilu, Ross shook his head and ignored him, lay back on the beach chair and rested.

For Anilu, everything that Ross can say has been said, the domineering cultivation method has also been given to him, his weakness and the direction of the next cultivation Ross has also put forward opinions, and the rest can only be seen by Anilu himself.

To practice this kind of thing, the master has always led the door and tried to look at the individual.

Even if the cultivation method is good and the effect is strong, if Anilu himself is not willing to cultivate, then who is to blame?

Ross is not obliged to help Anilu become stronger, if it weren’t for the fact that Anilu was already a general under him, his talent was still good, or a natural thunder fruit ability, who would look at him more?

There is no lunch in vain, there is no concern for no reason, and everything has two core themes: profit.

It is precisely because Anilu can bring enough and enough benefits to Ross that Ross will make a heavy bet on Anilu, wanting to help him improve his strength, break through to the realm of generals as soon as possible, and fight for himself in the new world.

If Anilu is really a mud that can’t support the wall, Ross has already made other plans.

Sell Anilu directly to the Blackbeard Pirates, and use Blackbeard’s Dark Fruit ability to extract the Thunder Fruit ability on Anilu’s body.

Blackbeard, who already has the dual abilities of the Dark Fruit and the Shock Fruit, will definitely give the Thunder Fruit to his subordinates afterwards, and then Ross can quietly take the Thunder Fruit back.

At the end of the day, except for Marshall M. In addition to D. Tichy, the huge Blackbeard Pirates are just a group of rabble in Ross’s eyes, and only Yu no Hiru, who is a great sword man, has the strength of a general.

The group of so-called sea pirates who escaped from the infinite hell, the strongest “evil king” Basaro Pizarro and the “Xuanyue hunter” Katerina Deppon are only the strength of the peak of the lieutenant general, in the new world surrounded by enemies, what is the strength of the peak lieutenant general?

“I understand, next I will focus on exercising my physical skills and armed color domineering, I will definitely not delay you!”

Perhaps it was Ross’s words that scared Anilu a lot, and the series of “dead and dead” sounded really quite deterrent, and Anilu finally absolutely obeyed Ross’s decision, worked hard to practice physical skills and armed color domineering, and filled the black hole in his physical skills as soon as possible.

Although I don’t know how true Anilu’s guarantee is, these Ross don’t care, as long as Anilu has a stronger heart, this is enough.

Exercising physical skills, cultivating armed color domineering or something, what is faster than actual combat?

As for the question of timing, this is also a problem?

Just as the so-called time is not enough, desperately to make up, just next there will be a big war, as long as it is baptized by blood, compared with Anilu’s qualifications, there will be a considerable transformation after these battles, right?

PS: Yesterday I stayed up late and worked overtime for half a day this morning, and I slept hastily in the afternoon, my spirit was not very good, and I actually fell asleep when I coded this one… Can’t bear to go to sleep, go to bed early to make up for it, get up early tomorrow to continue the codeword struggle, the two chapters of the difference will be made up tomorrow. Tomorrow the codeword will be updated all day, I can’t help everyone.

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