After Ross left Hive Island, Blackbeard sent someone to summon all the other pirate group leaders except the pheasant.

“Captain, is that guy gone?”

Looking around, Heeryu, who was the first to come to Blackbeard’s exclusive room, looked up and did not find Ross’s figure, and quickly opened his mouth to ask.

“Ah, gone, but he did bring me a good thing.”

After casually perfunctory two sentences, Blackbeard stopped.

“It seems that the captain has already obtained the surgical fruit, but I don’t know who this top superhuman ability will fall into.”

Looking at Blackbeard’s absent-minded attitude, Xiliu began to make up all kinds of brains in his heart.

A few minutes later, when the last Chote was belated, Blackbeard finally sat up from the couch.

“That guy just now is named Ross, I think you also know, he wanted to use the fruits of the operation to do a business with me, I agreed to his request, and the transaction time was just three days later.”

With his right hand tapping lightly on the tabletop, Blackbeard directly spoke out about the deal between him and Ross.

“What about the conditions? Let him take out the fruits of surgery to trade, presumably the conditions he prescribes are not simple, right? ”

As for the ability of the surgical fruit, although Hiliu is very hungry, he is not a brainless person, it is clear that this transaction is not simple, otherwise Blackbeard would not have gathered all of them.

“Thief hahaha, guess right, that guy’s target is Kuzan’s frozen fruit ability, although I appreciate Kuzan’s strength, but as for whether he really wants to join our Blackbeard Pirates, I prefer to believe that he is an undercover agent sent by the Navy!”

“Instead of leaving behind such an internal traitor with an unclear attitude, it is better to directly trade him in exchange for the fruits of surgery, and we will earn this business no matter what the outcome is.”

Taking a gulp of rum, Blackbeard directly revealed to everyone that he had betrayed the pheasant.

Since everyone present is a notorious pirate, and the former admiral-turned-pheasant is naturally hostile, even though they are now members of the same pirate group, the relationship between the two sides is still bad, so Blackbeard is not afraid that they will betray him.

“Kuzan? Although it is a pity, but this uncertainty can be resolved, this transaction is indeed not a loss. ”

After hearing Blackbeard’s words, Lafitte, who was responsible for the IQ of the Blackbeard Pirates, quickly figured out what his captain was thinking.

“It’s a pity if it’s just a simple transaction, the ability of the frozen fruit is quite powerful, I don’t want to give it to that little ghost like this!” Why don’t we start in secret and take it all? ”

Looking up at Blackbeard, Pizarro made a hand knife with his right hand and gently cut his neck, wanting to play black and black.

“Hey, you guy is naïve, people are people with fluttering fruit ability, if they are really good bullies, how could the golden lion Shiji break into such prestige thirty years ago?”

For Pizarro’s words, Katerina sneered and mocked mercilessly.

“Captain, what do you want to do? That guy in Kuzan is not low, do you need our help? ”

Although he knows that his captain is a double-fruit ability, his strength is unfathomable, but as a subordinate, sometimes a good attitude is obviously more important than his own strength.

“Thief hahaha, what about strength? Can he still beat me, a person with dual abilities of Dark Fruit and Shock Fruit? ”

“Besides, I was able to get drunk Saatchi and snatch the Dark Fruit, and used the navy to kill Whitebeard’s daddy to obtain the Shock Fruit ability, and now I can directly poison him Kuzan, this world is not a strong combat power can be completed!”

Seeing his little brother so good, Blackbeard patted Lafitte’s shoulder with satisfaction and said domineeringly.

“Poisoned? That’s a good idea. ”

After hearing Blackbeard’s words, Lafitte smiled, raised his hand and took out a vial made of sea lou stone from the mezzanine of his top hat, and handed it to Blackbeard.

“Captain, this is the venom I took the opportunity to collect when we met Magellan in Impelton two years ago, this is the venom released after Magellan’s poisonous fruit ability awakened, a drop can poison a sea king type of poison!”

“The venom of the poisonous fruit? This is a good thing, if it weren’t for Hillius, I’m afraid we would all be planted in Magellan’s hands. ”

Looking at the vial in his hand, Blackbeard couldn’t help but recall the fear of being dominated by the poisonous fruit, the terrifying suffocating poison, even after two years, Blackbeard couldn’t help but feel palpitations.

Fortunately, Magellan can only be trapped in the advancing city, guarding this prison where countless pirates are held for the navy, which can be regarded as the luck of all pirates.

“With this bottle of poison, it is not enough to kill Kuzan, and tomorrow I will gather everyone for a banquet on the island, and the poisoning will be left to you, Lafitte.”

“Boom, this is really in line with the style of our pirates, I’m afraid Kuzan never dreamed that we would secretly poison it, right?”

As soon as Blackbeard finished speaking, Katerina on the side laughed strangely.

“Leave it to me, Captain.”

Putting the Hailou stone vial back into the top hat compartment, Lafitte bowed slightly to Blackbeard.

“After getting the surgical fruit this time, I will not give it to you for the time being, but rest assured, I have already identified several high-quality Devil Fruit abilities, which will definitely meet your taste.”

As the boss, although Blackbeard has a short time on the throne, he also knows that the radish stick is half each, and if he wants the little brother to work for himself with a dead heart, he naturally has to come up with a matching reward so as not to chill people’s hearts.

“If you can, can you tell me which Devil Fruit it is, so that we can prepare early.”

When he met his vital interests, even Qiute, who had been drinking alcohol on weekdays and pretended to be drunk, became sober at this time.

“The ‘Moonlight’ Moria of the previous king Qiwu Sea, the superhuman line shadow fruit ability he possesses, the superhuman transparent fruit owned by the leopard man named Absalom under his command, the natural sand fruit of the ‘sand crocodile’ Klockdar, and the superhuman line chopping fruit, superhuman explosive fruit, and superhuman imitation fruit owned by several younger brothers under his command, these abilities can be regarded as first-class.”

Perhaps he had already found a target, and Blackbeard said all the Devil Fruit abilities he saw in one breath.

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