“If you weren’t from the Hundred Beast Pirates, maybe we could be friends too.”

Picking up the famous knife Mingxue from the ground, Solon looked at Zok’s headless corpse and said with a slight regret.

Not to mention the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, if only talking about swordsmanship, Zok’s kendo cultivation has reached the realm of sword hao, not inferior to Solon too much, the level of the two is completely at the same level, and the victory and defeat are only in an instant.

Compared with Sauron’s bells and whistles, Zorco’s kendo is more pure, and the one-sword flow makes it divine, if it were not for the last move in the competition, Zok was defeated by Solon, and who won and lost this battle is unknown.

In the final fight just now, Solon silently interfered with the traces of Ming Xue’s slash with the three generations of ghosts in his mouth, and directly cut off Zok’s head at the cost of the wound on his chest.

Although Solon was also not lightly injured, and the wound on his chest even turned over a roll of flesh, he could kill Zok, who was almost equal to his own strength, at the cost of a single wound, and this transaction was all blood earnings.

Inserting Ming Xue around his waist, Solon took off his favorite green coat, hastily wrapped the wound on his chest with his coat as a bandage, and tied his sleeves around his waist with his backhand.

“Usopp, everyone, hold on, I’ll come to your aid.”

Without his coat, Solon directly rushed into the crowd bare-chested, regardless of his injuries, and killed the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

“Hee-hee, Nami, look, it’s Sauron, he helped us after killing that powerful swordsman.”

In the crowd, Choba, who had eaten Blue Wave Pill and transformed into the fifth form, was taking care of Nami, who was covered in scars, and on the periphery of the two, Franky and Brooke were desperately blocking the charge of dozens of people.

I have to say that although Nami is a genius navigator and an absolute core figure in the Straw Hat Pirates, in terms of combat effectiveness alone, Nami who has not eaten devil fruits or practiced physical skills, and only relies on a weather stick to support the field, is not even as good as Choba.

Before this, Nami was more responsible for the logistics of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the frontal battles were always left to Luffy to solve.

If the enemy is fierce, no matter how bad it is, Solon, Sanji, and even Brook, Frankie, Usopp and even Robin can step up and solve the problem.

Only she and Choiba, a navigator and a doctor, were basically in the quarantine zone of the war, staying in the rear to help their partners.

This mode of separation of battle and logistics is completely fine in navigation on weekdays, and even ordinary enemies can be easily solved, but when encountering such a strong enemy as the Hundred Beast Pirates, a fatal flaw was finally revealed.

This flaw is Nami herself!

Because Nami’s combat effectiveness was too weak, under the siege of the Hundred Beast Pirates, she was severely injured by someone with little resistance, thus becoming a complete burden.

Chopba, Frankie, Brooke, and even others desperately want to protect her, and the entire Straw Hat Pirates are all Jedi because of Nami alone.

In real war, both sides will only grasp each other’s weaknesses and storm, and the characteristics of bullying the soft and fearing the hard are even more prominent in the pirates.

King to king, general to general, soldier to soldier.

This is only the case when the two sides are equal in strength, and when one side has an absolute advantage, bullying more is the favorite way for many pirates to fight.

Unfortunately, as the biggest flaw in the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami at this time has been used as a breakthrough by many members of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

“Nasal Song Three Ding Swallowtail Serial Chopping”

Forcing back the crowd that rushed up again, cold sweat continued to flow from Brooke’s empty skull.

In order to cover the seriously injured Nami, in the continuous battle, Brooke only felt that his bones were hollowed out, and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

At this moment, Brooke really wants to drink a large bottle of milk to replenish the calcium of the bones to avoid osteoporosis.

It’s a pity that the current situation has reached the most critical moment, he has no time to go to the kitchen to get a glass of milk, he can only infinitely overdraw his physical strength, and constantly force back the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who rushed up around.

“How’s that, Brooke, can you still hold on?”

Looking at Brooke’s shaky figure, Franky was anxious, and with a move of the wind roaring cannon, he repelled the enemy in front of him again, and wanted to rush to Brooke’s side.

In the face of hundreds of people encircling and suppressing, with Nami’s burden, it is a miracle that Brooke and Franky have been able to support until now.

Manpower, endless!

Even Kaido, who is known as the “strongest creature in the sea, land and air”, has a time when his physical strength is exhausted, let alone Brooke at this time.

Of course, Franky, who completely transforms himself into a cyborg, who is already a non-human, is not in this category, as long as there is enough Coke, Franky is an artificial perpetual motion machine and will not get tired at all.

“Of course I’m still…”

Just as Brooke was about to answer Franky, a black shadow suddenly rushed behind him, and his thick arms plunged directly into the ribs of Brooke’s chest.

“Click Wipe”

With a piercing friction sound, Brooke, who was already only left with a skeleton, was directly torn from the chest cavity and completely scattered into white bones.

PS: I slept yesterday, and I felt almost good with a cold, but my head was still a little dizzy, and the codeword speed was slow. Usually it only takes two hours, but today it took four hours to barely code out one, and the state is too bad.

Well, today first three changes, I will go to cover the quilt to sleep for one night, born in a hot sweat, tomorrow should be completely fine, tomorrow I will also update the codeword throughout the day, as much as possible.

Finally, the weather is getting cold, everyone wear more clothes, don’t learn me to get a cold, now the cold is really troublesome, one is not good, it will not be good for a few weeks.

I wish you all good health, wear more clothes, and remember ha.

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