“Gadari, Balaki, what’s going on with you?”

After saying Doflamingo, Jack was about to go back to find Saab’s trouble again, but unexpectedly found that the little brother he brought this time was all dead.

“Boss Jack, those little ghosts have no bottom line in fighting, and once they find that they can’t live, they directly blow themselves up, and all the brothers are pulled by them to be buried.”

Seeing Jack’s huge figure, Balaki and the other eight remaining brutes looked at each other in unison, and wanted to cry and tearlessly talk about Franky and Usopp.

“You guys said… The elite of the hundreds of mammoth fleets under Lao Tzu are all dead? ”

Staring down at Balaki, Jack’s breathing instantly increased, his black pupils were full of blood, and the whole person fell into a violent state.

“If it weren’t for the scarcity of the number of brutes, Lao Tzu would have torn you alive!”

“Hundreds of elite combatants couldn’t even take down eight or nine imps, but were directly destroyed by others, you few wastes, really lost the face of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group!”

A hint of tyranny flashed in his blood-colored pupils, and Jack resisted his urge to kill, and roared cruelly.

“Jack, now is not the time to teach his subordinates a lesson, those imps have reunited, it seems that they are not ready to give up, and they want to avenge their companions.”

Just as Jack was frantically educating Balaki and the others, Doflamingo suddenly stepped forward and pointed to the stern of the Miles of Sunshine and said.

“Revenge? Lao Tzu wants to see how these little ghosts want to take revenge! ”

Hearing Doflamingo’s words, Jack smiled angrily, his huge body slightly sideways, and looked up towards the stern of the Sunshine.

As Doflamingo said, at this time, on the stern of the Miles of Sunshine, Solon emerged from the sea with a pale face, and after reluctantly handing Luffy in his hand to Robin, he fell into the sea with his head up.

After Luffy fell into the water, although Solon jumped into the sea in time, because Luffy sank too fast, Solon could only follow Luffy’s figure all the way to the depths of the sea.

After diving for a thousand meters, Solon intercepted Luffy’s sinking body in the deep sea area of a thousand meters.

A thousand meters deep sea, although the strength of the water pressure in this area has not reached the extreme, but it is not a pressure that ordinary people can withstand.

If Solon hadn’t been injured, this Cheng would naturally be nothing, but Solon had left a huge wound on his chest during the battle with Zok before.

Under the water pressure in the kilometer area, it only stayed for a few short breaths, but due to the chest wound, the resistance of Solon’s body directly dropped by half, and the water wounds around it directly penetrated into the interior of Solon’s body.

In just an instant, Sauron’s was damaged, and his body was overwhelmed by the pressure of the surrounding water, directly to the brink of collapse.

In order to send Luffy out of the sea, Solon accelerated to swim out of the sea despite the damage to his body, and after handing Luffy to Robin himself, Solon finally fainted uncontrollably.

“Sauron, are you all right?”

Seeing Solon’s whole body like a bloody man, dyeing the surrounding sea water red, Robin’s face changed greatly, and he hurriedly put Luffy in his hand aside, and the flower fruit ability directly conjured up a dense arm, and fished Solon out of the seawater.

“It’s over, it’s really not saved this time! Luffy is unconscious, Solon is seriously injured, and now we have no chance to escape. ”

Looking at Luffy, who had a bulging round belly and didn’t know how much seawater he drank, and Solon, who had been seriously injured and unconscious, Nami’s eyes were confused and she felt complete despair for the first time.

In previous battles, no matter how disadvantageous the situation was, Luffy, Solon, and even Yamaji would stand up to defeat the enemy and lead everyone to victory.

Klockdar of Alabastan,

Anilu on the empty island,

Rob Lucci of CP9 of the Water Capital and Isle of Justice,

Moriah of the Terror Three-Masted Ship,

The general yellow ape of the Chambord Islands,

Hody Jones of Fishman Island

This enemy after enemy is the strong enemy that Luffy, Solon and Sanji defeated as they grew up.

But now Luffy is unconscious, Solon is seriously injured, Sanji is still entangled by Rodman and cannot get out, coupled with the death of Usopp and Franky, Brooke has lost his body, and all the men of the Straw Hat Pirates have all fallen after this battle, leaving only the two women and Joba.

“Guys, it’s too late to say more, which of you is a navigator? Who will steer the ship? We must leave this place immediately, otherwise if Doflamingo and Jack catch up, none of us will escape!” ”

Just when Nami was desperate, Saab appeared in front of everyone from the sky in embarrassment.

“Can’t go, at this time it is a north wind, we want to leave the Gothic sea area need a south wind, the opposite direction of the wind will only block the speed of the ship, we can’t escape the pursuit of Doflamingo and his people.”

Hearing Sabo’s words, Nami’s eyes lit up, but this glimmer of hope disappeared under the blowing of the north wind.

“No matter what, Luffy has to be alive, Ace is dead, I can’t let Luffy die here too!” You guys go, I’ll stay and stop Doflamingo and Jack. ”

Looking at Luffy, who had passed out in a coma, Sabo’s eyes were in a trance, and his tone was more firm than ever.

Recalling that when Ace died in Marin Fandor, he cried for three days and three nights, and this pain in his vertebrae Saab never wanted to experience again.

Even at the expense of himself, he must protect Luffy.

This is not only himself, but also Ace’s last wish! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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