“What the hell is this!”

Karp’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump when he looked at the cannonballs flying over, and goosebumps all over his body rose!

“Be careful!”

Warring States looked solemn and reminded, and at the same time his body immediately changed into the form of a big Buddha!

“The old man has a number, can’t let Liu Feng take Vegapunk away, the technology in his hands is the future of this world!”

Karp shouted, and the armed color domineering instantly wrapped his whole body.

Although Vegapunk is an ordinary person without iron, his technology is the best in the world!

What he researched, even Karp they had to pay attention to.

At this moment, two shells quickly flew over and rushed towards the two separately.

“Captain, run quickly!”

Without saying a word, Vegapunk controlled the mecha to use his full strength to escape, he did not take the opportunity to escape from the blockade of Karp and the Warring States, but purely to avoid the explosion of these two shells!

Liu Feng glanced at Vegapunk with some surprise, and then his figure flashed, and he had already arrived in the sky of the Holy Land, just looking at it from the perspective of God.

“Boom! Rumble! ”

Two shells exploded at the same time!

Two huge mushroom clouds appeared above the Holy Land, and the impact of the explosion instantly flattened the surrounding buildings.


In Liu Feng’s perspective, he just saw the impact that spread around.

Everywhere you go, it’s a wasteland!

In the Holy Land battlefield, everyone looked up at the two huge mushroom clouds in the air, and everyone’s faces showed doubts.

“What are these two mushroom clouds?”

“That direction is the Holy Land Prison!”

Many of the strong people present were frowning, but they heard the loud noise just now!

Could it be that these two mushroom clouds were created by the explosion?

Just when everyone was questioning, an invisible impact quietly came!


Countless pirate navies all flew up, vomiting blood, and dense cracks appeared on the ground.

The originally questioning faces all became full of shock.

It can be affected from this distance!

This is even more powerful than the last Whitebeard earthquake!

Two fusion shells turned the scene into a dead silence, and even the main messenger, Vegapunk, was stunned.

Although he had calculated the power of the explosion, after the real explosion in reality, he found that he had miscalculated…

“Are you trying to kill everyone?!”

Liu Feng didn’t know when he appeared behind Vegapunk, and slapped the mecha, and the mecha began to spin in circles.

“Captain, this is a pure mistake! I didn’t expect these two things to be so powerful! ”

Vegapunk looked at the mess on the scene, and he was about to cry with grievances.


A coughing sound came out of the smoke from the explosion.

Karp walked out with difficulty, and despite his armed domineering defense, he was injured like never before!

His clothes were covered in dust and blood, and the debris from the explosion left many scars on his body.

“What about Sengoku!”

Karp seemed to sound something, quickly scanned the circle, and finally saw the figure of the Warring States in a pile of waste rocks.

The dignified Admiral was blown to the ground, his appearance was even more miserable than Karp, and almost his whole body was covered in blood.


Vegapunk took a deep breath, he didn’t expect that these two shells directly injured the two veterans of the navy!

“In the future, it is not a last resort to use this weapon, it will hurt the heavens.”

Liu Feng reminded.

“Rest assured, the captain is difficult to make, and it took me ten years to make two.”

Vegapunk said from the sidelines.

Liu Feng didn’t say anything more after hearing this.

“Karp, you’re really fine.”

Sengoku coughed heavily, the explosion just now did not endanger his life, I am afraid that his strength will regress after he recovers.

“If only your life was not in danger.”

Karp was relieved to see that Sengoku was not much of a problem.

“Haha, this world no longer belongs to us, I’m afraid that the old man will retire early!”

Sengoku suddenly laughed, his mentality became very good, and now he was deeply aware that he was old.

“What you think is beautiful.”

Karp said angrily, and then took the Warring States and left here, the Warring States’ injuries were easily life-threatening because of excessive bleeding, and Kapu was not sure to leave Liu Feng alone.


On the battlefield, people were still shocked by the explosion just now.

At this moment, the underground emperor left a fake body, and his real body was quietly hidden in space.

He is a killer in his own right, and now is a good time to assassinate!

His hands were empty, his eyes still looking in the direction of the explosion, not knowing what he was thinking.

The underground emperor in the space already held a sharp dagger in his hand, and it was with this dagger that all the forces were terrified.

After all, everyone is afraid that someone will suddenly give you a knife in the back.

At this time, the underground emperor had already approached the void, and under his perception, no one knew his location.

This is the perfect time to assassinate!

The underground emperor was like a beast waiting for an opportunity at this time, he tore off all his disguise, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

However, just as he was about to make a move, an eerie laughter suddenly sounded!

“I’m a spatial fruit ability, you actually played the trick of space in front of me, I already knew it the moment you retreated into space, didn’t expect it?”

This is the sound of emptiness.

The underground emperor heard that the cold hair stood upside down, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

“Since you are here, stay and try the killing moves I prepared for you!”

Sora some eerie laughter sounded again, and his sudden laughter was particularly conspicuous on this silent battlefield, and everyone looked over.

It was a space visible to the naked eye, and the figure of the underground emperor was inside, and it could be said that he fell into the space trap set for him by himself!

With a faint smile at the corner of his empty mouth,

Then stretch out your palm,

Slowly grasp it,

The space where the underground emperor is located has collapsed!

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