On the ground, blood was drenched in blood, and corpses were strewn all over the field.

In just a few minutes, Lynn solved dozens of black-clad guards.

Although these guards are the best trained by dozens of training bases, they are nothing compared to Lynn.

Although the kneeling people around saw blood on the ground, none of them dared to stand up.

Even if the Draco’s guards die, the Draco are still Draco, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people like them can provoke.

“You pariah, you can actually kill my guards, and I will give you a chance to live.

As long as you give me the woman you just gave me and became my slave, I can spare your life. ”

Draco is still so brain-dead, his own guards have been killed, and they are still so arrogant.

I’m afraid that in his eyes, Lynn doesn’t dare to treat him at all, and will still obediently become his slave in the end.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched.

What do these Draco’s brain circuits think, and when they dare to kill people, it means that they are not afraid of Draco.

And Draco actually dared to be so arrogant with him.

Not to mention being his slave, it was impossible to just give Thor to him.


“Damn it, why don’t you untouchables talk? ”

Seeing that Lynn did not speak, Draco pulled the trigger of the golden pistol in his hand without hesitation.

A brilliant golden bullet rushed out and flew directly up Lynn’s eyebrows.

Although Draco is very wasteful, this marksmanship is really good, it is estimated that he has killed many people in his life, so he has practiced such a skilled marksmanship.


The bullet made of gold hit Lynn’s eyebrow, as if hitting a piece of steel, leaving no trace.

Lynn’s physique, even a full blow from the vice admiral, could not cause any damage, let alone an ordinary gun.

Even if Lynn stood here and let the Draco beat him, it is estimated that this waste material Draco would not leave any damage.

“Damn it, you pariah, you dare to resist. ”

Draco doesn’t think he’s a waste and thinks he’s a rebellion, so he can’t kill Lynn.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

Isn’t it idiocy to be attacked and not resist

How idiotic are Draco, believing too much in others being attacked to resist.

Lynn walked slowly towards Draco, since there was a contradiction, how should he be the first to beat Draco.

As for admitted, that is impossible.

“Untouchables, don’t come near me. ”

Draco still didn’t know what Lynn thought, and with a look of disgust, his right hand kept pulling the trigger.

Bang bang!

One bullet made of gold, hit Lynn directly, leaving white marks one after another.

Lynn patted her body, slowly approached Draco, and then reached out and grabbed Draco’s right arm.

“Untouchables, hurry up and let me go. ”


Lynn suddenly waved her hand and slapped Draco in the face.

The glass hood on the Draco instantly broke, the glass pierced the Draco’s face, and blood slowly flowed out.

“You… You pariah, you actually dare to beat me, I am a world noble Draco. ”

Draco was stunned.

Others around were also blindfolded.

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In this world, there are actually people who dare to beat the world noble Draco.

You must know that Draco was beaten, but there will be admirals who will appear.

Therefore, even if it is unpleasant to see Draco, most people dare not fight Draco.


Without saying a word, Lynn slapped down again and hit Draco hard in the face.

“How about I hit you, don’t think it’s great if it’s Draco, I hit you to look up to you, don’t be too proud.” ”

Draco also reacted, Lynn really hit him, and it was a heavy hit.

“I’m a Draco, a world nobleman Draco, you…”

“You hit me, Admiral…”

Every time Draco said a word, Lynn slapped him down.

Over time, Draco did not dare to be arrogant, he knew that Lynn really dared to hit him.

“It’s not good, Draco has been beaten, and the Admiral will appear. ”

“Run, the admiral is coming. ”

The people kneeling around also reacted, quickly stood up, and ran away without turning their heads.

Once the Draco is beaten, the navy will definitely come over, and these pirates will definitely be captured by the navy.

“Nope… Don’t hit, I’m wrong, I don’t dare anymore. ”

The Draco was also afraid of Lynn, and did not dare to continue to be so arrogant.

Lynn didn’t say anything, put Draco aside, and waited patiently.

The admiral was coming soon, and it would take days for the pirate ship to coat there, and Lynn needed to delay it.

Of course, the main thing is that Lynn wants to see the strength of the admiral, how far away he is from the top of the world, and how far it is.

At the same time, on the other side, a certain coating plant.

When Thor arrives, he immediately finds Jack.

“Jack, Lynn told you to hurry up and coat, you can add money if necessary, I’m leaving soon.” ”

Why does it need so fast?” wondered Jack.

“Well?” T didn’t really know, just unsure, “It seems that we just met some Draco, so Lynn asked us to hurry up and coat.” ”


Jack immediately understood that it was estimated that Draco had provoked Lynn, so there was a conflict between the two sides.

For Draco, Jack also knows, Draco is not easy to mess with.

Provoking Draco is almost provoking the admiral.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the admiral will come.

“I know, I’m going to ask them to hurry up, and I can add money if necessary.” ”

Jack stepped aside and said something to a few coaters.

And on the other side, at the headquarters of the Navy, the Air Marshal was processing documents, and a soldier ran over.

“Report Air Marshal, riots in the Chambord Islands, the world nobleman Draco is attacked, and the World Government Admiral appears to rescue Draco. ”

“Draco, those guys are causing trouble again. ”

The Air Marshal also had some headaches.

For the world nobles Draco, their navy is also quite unhappy, but there is no way.

Who let the world nobles Draco are the nobles of the world government, and their navy is only one of the subordinate agencies of the world government.

It is necessary to obey the orders of the world government.

Even if it’s some unreasonable order.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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