The waters of Etvor, the sea area of the future battle between One Piece Roger and Golden Lion Shiji.

But for now, it’s just calm.

There are thirty inhabited large islands, six countries, and many more uninhabited islands in the entire Aitvor Sea.

Around the waters of Atvor, there were seven or eight pirates.

However, among these pirates, only Luke the giant bear still has some ability, and the bounty is enough to have 500 million Baileys.

The other pirates are not very strong.

Of course, even if they are not strong, with their ability to survive in the new world, it can be seen that their strength is still good.

Madagascar, the largest island in the Aitvor Sea.

The entire island covers more than 50 square kilometers and is inhabited by more than 100,000 people.

It is not only the largest island in the waters of Atvor, but also the most numerous and abundant island.

As for its current owner, it is none other than Luke the Giant Bear.

On the beach on the eastern side of Madagascar, a large number of pirates gather here.

Drinking happily, singing, not happy.

“Captain, your bounty has increased again, and I don’t think it will be long before you can replace Lokes. ”

A pirate raised his glass happily.

This pirate was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, and was also Luke’s subordinate, escaping the navy with Luke.

“Haha, this day won’t last long. ”

Luke was also a little proud.

Of course, there was actually a hint of vigilance in his heart.

After all, even Rocks was defeated by the Navy, and he didn’t think he could be more powerful than Locks.

And his pirate group has developed to the present, although the number has increased.

But overall, both in quantity and quality, it is far from comparable to the Rocks Pirates, let alone the Navy.

On a pier on the other side of the island, Lynn’s pirate group slowly stopped, and then stopped at the harbor.

Not far from the port, a pirate was drinking.

After seeing Lynn’s pirate ship, he quickly picked up the knife and walked over.

After all, this is the territory of their giant bear pirate group, and other pirates coming over is tantamount to an invasion.

“Hey, who are you? Don’t hurry up and get out of the way, this is the territory of our giant bear pirates. ”

Lynn didn’t look at a few people and continued to walk towards the front.

Thor walked next to Lynn, opened his mouth, and a faint flame rushed out, directly sweeping the pirates.

Before these pirates could react, they were engulfed in flames and then directly turned into ashes.

“Jack, go and ask, where are Luke and their people now?”

“Yes, Captain. ”

Jack stepped aside and broke into a room.

Bang bang!

In the room, there was a series of collisions.

Not long after, Jack came out, still carrying a small pirate in his hand.

“Captain, Luke they are on the other side of the island and are said to be vacationing there. ”

On vacation, he really has free time. ”

The corners of Lynn’s mouth raised slightly, and she walked slowly towards the other side of the island.

Thor and the others followed Lynn.

More than a hundred people walked towards the other side of the island.

This scene is like the boss of the underworld.

The island is huge, and Lynn walked for more than an hour before she saw the coastline.

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This is also Lynn’s physical strength is enough, if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that he will be tired and breathless.

Not long after Lynn saw the coastline, she saw hundreds of figures, sitting next to the beach.

The person in the center was none other than Luke whom Lynn knew.

“Luke. ”

Lynn muttered, then walked towards Luke.

This island, with a population of more than 100,000, is very suitable as a base camp for Lynn.

Who let Luke have such a good place, and did not have enough strength to protect it.

Lynn had to reluctantly guard him.

“Captain, someone is coming. ”

This vast more than a hundred people can see as long as their eyes are not blind.

Luke’s domineering appearance is not in vain, and he can naturally sense the arrival of Lynn and others.

“Is he?”

For Lynn, he naturally knew it too.

After all, it is the same pirate group, and they have been getting along for a long time, how can they not know each other.

After the other pirates saw Lynn, they quickly stood up, took up their weapons, and looked at Lynn vigilantly.

The people of the Lynn Pirate Group also took out their weapons, and the two sides confronted each other.

“Hey, Luke, long time no see, it turns out you’re not dead yet. ”

“Stinky boy, how to talk to our captain, you know, our captain is a sea thief with a bounty of 800 million Baileys. ”

People who knew Lynn didn’t speak, and people who didn’t know Lynn shouted loudly.

Lynn ignored the pirate and glanced at the people around him.

“Yo, Luke, there are actually eight people who used to be the Rocks Pirates, haven’t they been killed by the Navy?”

The eight pirates mentioned by Lynn did not speak, but just looked at Lynn silently.

After all, this is the conversation of the big guys, and these little brothers of them just need to be obedient.

Luke stared at Lynn, clenching the machete in his hand.

“Lynn, what are you doing here?”

Although he knew Lynn, the relationship between the two parties was not particularly good.

Lynn must have come badly.

“Luke, we used to be from the same pirate group, and we have a very cordial relationship, I came to borrow something from you. ”

“Borrow something?”

Luke stared at Lynn’s pupils, as if trying to see something in Lynn’s eyes.

Unfortunately, Lynn was smiling all the time, and Luke couldn’t see anything.

“Tell me about it, if you can, for the sake of past friendships, I will definitely lend it to you.” ”

Luke also knows Lynn and knows that Lynn is not easy to mess with, so he plans to settle the matter.

“Madagascar, I hope I can borrow this island with you, how about borrowing it?

“Are you kidding me?”

Luke’s face was gloomy, his right hand was clenched with a knife, and his fingers were pinched white.

Madagascar is his territory, lend it to Lynn, so where does he go.

He now understood that Lynn had come to grab land with him.

“Lynn, are you kidding me? ”

As he spoke, Luke’s momentum was released.

A terrifying momentum enveloped the surroundings.

Some of the weak pirates trembled slightly.

Being able to have a bounty of 500 million Baileys and being able to be favored by Lokes shows that Luke’s strength is not ordinary.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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