Although Marshal Air really wanted to solve the Lynn Pirates, he also knew that the primary goal now was to suppress the pirate riot.

Otherwise, if the pirates are allowed to mess around, the World Government allies of the New World will definitely be captured by the pirates.

Such a huge loss, the world government is definitely not willing to bear.

After all, most of the money of the world government is provided by the member countries of the world government.

Once there are too many alliance countries, the future funding of the world government and navy will definitely be greatly reduced.

Between money and Lynn, their first choice is money.

It is precisely because of this that Lynn has one less big trouble and gives him enough room to develop.

As long as there is enough time, the strength of him and Thor and Liekong will increase, and at that time, he will not pay attention to the navy.

Time is ticking.

It was exactly a year since Lynn captured the waters of Atvor.

Not once in that year, the Navy had no trouble coming to Lynn.

The first half of the year.

The navy kept suppressing those rioting pirates, and it took half a year to suppress the heart of the pirate riot

In the second half of the year, the Navy began hunting for the Golden Lion and Bundywald.

Because the golden lion keeps attacking the world government allies, and does not know how to converge, he naturally becomes a naval target.

The same goes for Bundywald.

Constantly challenging the world government, the world government naturally regards Bundywald as its biggest goal, even more important than the golden lion.

The navy and the two sides have fought many times, and more than a dozen major battles basically ended in the victory of the navy.

However, despite the Navy’s victory, Golden Lions and Bundywald escaped several times.

In the end, the navy also knew that it could not catch them, so it gave up the battle with heavy losses.

It is precisely because of the Golden Lion and Bundywald’s ‘death’ that the world government and the navy completely forget Lynn.

This is also Lynn’s strategy, first develop obscenely, and secretly crazy rioters.

When you grow to a certain extent, as long as you do not openly rebel against the world government, the world conquest will ignore you until you have the opportunity.

Lynn, as a traverser, the way of nature, the strength of the world government, it is still necessary to instigate when it is time to instigate.

The waters off Atwall, an unnamed island.

The island is constantly trembling, and the nearby sea is constantly rolling and lapping against the coast.

Layer after layer, shells, fish and shrimp that were not washed up on the shore and left on the beach.

In the middle of the island, a tall figure rushed towards a short figure.

However, it is not as everyone imagines, the short figure will be knocked away by the tall figure.

Instead, it was a short figure, smashing the tall figure out with a fist.

It’s very relaxed.

Although it seems impossible, the people watching nearby look like a matter of course.

These two people, naturally, are Jack and Thor.

And the people nearby, this is Lynn, Luke, Ross, and some core members of the pirate group.

“Gee, Jack is so miserable, he was actually sent flying by the deputy captain again. ”

Ross shook his head, looking cynical.

It has been a year since he joined the Lynn Pirates, and Screw is already familiar with the people of the Pirates.

There is no more nervousness at the beginning, and even laughing at other people and making jokes.

As he spoke, Ross felt a little solemn in his heart.

A year ago, he was still sure to compete for the position of captain of the second team.

But now seeing Jack’s progress, he is not sure.

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Luke didn’t say anything, just stared at Jack tightly.

If it had been a year ago, if there was absolute certainty to defeat Jack, it would have been easy.

But who would have thought that the current Jack has not only greatly increased his strength, but also learned to be domineering and very skilled.

Once the fight starts, he is not sure of defeating the thick-skinned Jack.

Lynn also looked at Jack, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a faint smile on his face.

In just one year, under Thor’s ‘tuning’, Jack’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he can definitely defeat some ordinary sea thieves.

The current Jack gradually has the appearance of the drought Jack in the future.

But think about it too.

Now Jack is twenty years old.

Even if it is not as good as Luffy, the protagonist, but how is it also a future ship mate, there must be achievements.


Another loud bang.

While Lynn was thinking, Jack was once again knocked out by Thor, smashing a large tree, and breaking the tree.

Sure enough, even if Jack becomes stronger, but Thor becomes stronger, it is still very simple to smash a Jack.

“All right, Jack, Thor, that’s it. ”

Lynn saw that the two were almost fighting, and interrupted the two at the right time.

“Lynn. ”

Thor immediately stopped and quickly walked to Lynn’s side, leaning on Lynn with a happy expression.

Jack also stopped and walked over to Lynn.

“Captain. ”

Lynn nodded, didn’t say anything, and turned to leave.

Jack and the others quickly followed Lynn.

After walking to the shore, Lynn boarded a relatively large pirate ship.

Nearby, there are more than a dozen pirate ships.

After a year of development, Lynn’s pirate group has more than a thousand people.

Of course, this is just some small pirates.

There are not many real elites, that is, Lynn plus Luke.

In addition, there are several pirates with a bounty of two or three hundred million Baileys, but they are not put in Lynn’s eyes.

In the future, the captain of the Lynn team will have a bounty of at least 7.8 billion Baileys.

Otherwise, how to show Lynn’s coffee position.

After Lynn boarded his pirate ship, the others returned to their pirate ship.

“That’s right. Lynn suddenly thought of something, and turned her head to look at Jack and the others on the side.

“You guys prepare, in half a month, I will form three teams, who is the captain of the first team, you can try it.” ”

Originally, Lynn planned to form five teams.

But considering that he did not have a suitable captain, Lynn had to give up.

Jack’s eyes lit up and immediately looked at Lynn.

They have been preparing for so long to become the best captain.

Now the moment has finally come.

Lynn didn’t say anything more, pulled Thor and walked towards the cabin of his pirate ship.

Not long after, the pirate ship slowly left.

Later, Jack and the others also got on their pirate ships and left the uninhabited island one after another.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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