That huge body, carrying the power of falling, is like an overwhelming sea, unstoppable.

But Luke is not bad, so he does not have the advantage of size and location, and he can’t wait for Jack’s arm.


A loud bang.

The ground instantly exploded, and a huge deep pit appeared at Luke’s feet.

Luke’s feet were also sinking deep into the ground.

Although it looks like Jack has the upper hand, Lynn can see that the two sides are still evenly divided.

Neither can help the other.

Luke suddenly raised his foot and kicked at Jack.


The two suddenly stepped back at the same time, widening the distance between each other.

Then, neither Jack nor Luke moved, staring at each other deadly, as if trying to find a flaw in the other party.

It is a pity that both of them have rich combat experience, and naturally there is no trace of flaws.

“Jack, your strength is very strong, but the position of captain, I will decide. ”

Luke suddenly became serious, his body began to swell, and black hairs grew out.

Then Luke’s figure quickly grew in size, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a tall, fierce-looking giant bear.

Fauna: Bear, fruit, giant bear form.

Luke is not as young and proud as Jack.

As long as he can defeat Jack, even if he uses the Devil Fruit ability first.

Jack saw Luke transform, also into a giant mammoth.

A giant brown bear that looks extremely violent, and a gray mammoth that looks fierce and vicious.

This is a war between animal lines, you are a war between a mammoth and a giant bear.

Although it looks like mammoths belong to the upper layers of the food chain.

But the real strength still depends on between Jack and Luke.


Jin Lami and everyone saw the two people who transformed, and suddenly became nervous.

They knew that Jack was serious.

This is a power-level battle.

Roar, roar~

Moo moo ~

Luke roared first, and then rushed towards Jack like a beast.

Not to be outdone, Jack replied, and then stepped on the ground, whistled, and pounced on the rushing giant bear.


Huge giant bears and mammoths collide together.

The two were at a stalemate, neither of them being able to help the other.

The giant bear’s two huge arms grabbed the mammoth’s body, but could not push the mammoth down.

And mammoths can’t knock giant bears away.


Thor looked at the two of them cheerfully, with a curious look flashing in his big shining eyes.

To him, a giant bear and a mammoth seem very interesting.

The others also looked at Lynn.

For the battle between Jack and Luke, they are interested in who exactly can win.

The corner of Lynn’s mouth twitched.

It is completely unknown when Thor was interested in this matter.

Buckle button!

Lynn reached out and knocked on Thor’s little head.

“How do I know this kind of thing, you can just watch it yourself.” ”

“Uh-huh. ”

Thor shook his little head, and then looked seriously at Jack in the battlefield.

“These two guys, it looks hard to deal with. ”

Screw looked at the two people who were fighting, and his heart also had a headache.

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Neither Jack nor Luke looked easy to deal with.

Whoever wins or loses, he has to go through a hard battle.

Bang bang!

Jack and Luke are like sumo wrestlers, you hit me, I hit you, neither can help the other.

The two also had a headache in their hearts.

I thought I had a good chance of winning, but now it seems that no one is sure of victory.

Suddenly, Luke punched hard and hit Jack’s mammoth head hard.

Jack’s head was tilted, his body stumbled, and he almost fell.

But Jack still kept his body steady, kept stepping on his two feet, and pushed Luke hard.

At the same time, the rough nose was also shaken off hard, hitting Luke’s head.

Luke’s head was also tingling, and he couldn’t help but shake and regain his consciousness.

Then Luke grabbed Jack’s nose with one hand and hit Jack hard with the other.

Bang bang!

After more than ten punches in a row, Jack was dizzy.

Even if Jack looks rough and thick-skinned.

Luke’s body is still very strong, and his strength is even greater.

This punch continues, it is estimated that Jack will not be able to eat it.

Sure enough, primate creatures prevailed.

But Jack is not vegetarian either.

Even if Luke had the upper hand now, Jack didn’t hurt much.


Jack’s two feet suddenly strained, his rough nose also shook vigorously, and his body was even harder at the same time.

The huge force hit Luke.

Luke’s body was unstable and he fell heavily to the ground.

Jack’s eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward, raised his feet, and wanted to step on Luke.

Such a huge body, once stepped on, it is estimated that Luke is also a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Luke’s reaction was not slow.

With a gentle tap on the ground, he flipped over and dodged Jack’s attack.


With a loud bang, two huge footprints appeared on the ground.

After Luke dodged, he quickly climbed up, and the huge bear eyes stared at Jack.

“Sure enough, this year, you have improved a lot, but I will not lose. ”

That’s what I’m going to say, I’m not going to lose to you. ”

Jack looked grim, with seriousness in his eyes.

He worked very hard for today’s captaincy election.

I went to challenge Thor every three or five days, and then was beaten by Thor and rested for another week.

And so on and so forth.

In a year, Jack has been injured many times to have such strength.

It can be said that Jack’s strength and his efforts are inseparable.

“Then come on, a showdown. ”

Luke roared, his fists clenched, and the muscles in his body tensed.

Not to be outdone, Jack flicked his nose, stomped on the ground, and then roared and rushed towards Luke head-on.


A huge aura rushed out, and two huge beasts collided together.

A fierce battle began.

Lynn also suddenly became serious and put down the fresh fruit in her hand.

For the battle between Jack and Luke, Lynn is very much looking forward to it.

After all, the current two are the two generals in their hands.

As for Thor and Liekong, they are already core members of their own pirate group.

Not even Jack can compare.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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