Rift looked at Sakaski with expressionless gaze, and then glanced at Borusalino.

Although the attack of the two looked very strong, Liekong did not pay attention to it at all.

Especially Sakaski.

His ability to split the empty seat was completely ignored.

As a Pokémon whose attribute is Dragon + Flight, Rift is very resistant to fire.

The fire attribute attack can only deal him half of the damage.

Even if he came to the One Piece world, this characteristic is still on the Rift Empty Seat.

Including the characteristics of the rift seat.

As long as the Rift Empty Seat appears, no matter how heavy the rain is, it will be suppressed by the Rift Empty Seat, and the weather will quickly become clear.

This is the Sky Lord Rift Empty Seat.

The rift quickly twisted his body, waved his slender tail, and then quickly slapped Borusalino.

Although Sakaski’s fire attack did not hurt him much, Borusalino’s attack was still strong.

Bang bang!

Two loud bangs sounded.

I saw that Sakaski hit the Rift Empty Seat first, but did not bring any damage to the Fire Sky Seat.

At most, there is only a trace of pain.

Then there was a loud bang, and it was the tail of the Rift Empty Seat, wrapped in a faint light, and Polusalino’s calf collided.

Borusalino’s face was livid, and he was in pain.

Although the lightspeed kick gives him great power, his strength is much smaller than that of the Fire Sky Seat.

In particular, Borusalino himself is not good at physique, let alone compared to the ability of the Rift Empty Seat.

Just one move.

The Rift blocked Sakaski’s attack and gave Borusalino another attack.

“Big Spitfire. ”

After a move, Sakaski landed on the deck.

Then he rushed out again, and one after another crimson magma fists erupted from the Sakaski magma arm.

It was like a cannonball, filling the entire sky, enveloping the rift seat in it.

Rift just glanced at Sakaski, and then, his body quickly twisted, dodging one magma attack after another.

Although the body looks particularly large, the dexterity of the body is not bad at all.

“It’s so scary, are the animals so powerful now?”

Borusalino teased again, and finally moved to mid-air, placing his hands on his chest, and gathered a golden light.

“Eight-foot qionggouyu. ”

Roar, roar~

Before Borusalino could attack, the Rift Empty Seat opened its hideous mouth.

A golden light converged in the mouth of the rift seat, and then erupted fatally.

The golden dazzling light, with an unstoppable speed, soon cut through the sky and came to Borusalino.

Borusalino’s pupils shrank, and a sense of danger flooded into his heart.

It’s as if as long as you don’t dodge, you’ll get hurt right away.

This sense of danger surrounds my heart, and I can’t shake it off.

Borusalino didn’t care about continuing to attack, and quickly moved at high speed, dodging the attack covered by the Rift Empty Seat.

Rift twisted his head, looked at Sakaski, and the destruction death light in his mouth shot out.

The sky was instantly covered in dense gold.

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Endless dazzling light pierced everyone’s eyes.

Sakaski’s face changed drastically, and he quickly closed his eyes.

Fortunately, Sakaski learned to be domineering, otherwise at this time, Sakaski would definitely be injured.

“Meteor Fire Shower. ”

Sakaski had no intention of retreating at all, but instead faced the sky and punched hard.

In the blink of an eye, Sakaski’s fists instantly turned into magma, and then sprayed out directly like a flamethrower.

The huge lava fist flew into the sky, and then quickly split, like a meteor shower, constantly falling.

Boom rumble…

The golden destruction death light, along the way, directly broke through the magma fist and continued to rush towards Sakaski.

The shattered magma fist, as if it had lost power, fell with gravity and spilled on the sea.


The hot magma kept burning the sea, and countless water vapors kept evaporating, covering the entire sea.

The nearby sea is like a hot spring, steaming hot.

“Not good. ”

Although Sakaski did not open his eyes, he could sense the overwhelming attack of the Rift Empty Seat.

At the same time, a trace of uneasiness surged in Sakaski’s heart, as if as long as he did not leave, he would definitely die.


Sakaski was also not entangled, and quickly dodged to the side, avoiding the attack of the hot air.

One after another, the destruction of death hits the sea, sending a huge explosion.

Countless seawater burst out, mixed with sea fish, and spilled on the warship.

In just a short time, the Rift Empty Seat had an absolute advantage.

“It’s really powerful, I didn’t expect this dragon to be very powerful, no wonder you are so confident.” ”

Karp glanced at the Liekong seat, not taking the cracked empty seat in his eyes at all.

Although it seems that the Split Empty Seat has the advantage, Karp believes that he will definitely turn over.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth raised slightly.

Since the Rift Seat can gain the upper hand, it is certain enough to defeat the navy.

Once the Rift Seat wins, the balance of this battle will definitely tip in favor of the Lynn Pirates.

Do you think you can beat me? ”

Karp let out a silly laugh, then rushed towards Lynn with a whoosh.

Lynn was naturally not to be outdone, jumped hard, flew towards Karp, and her white arm swung towards Karp.


A roar erupted in the air.

Kapuna’s strong body and strong muscles carry tremendous strength, like a combat machine.

A sea of power emerged from his arm, stretching endlessly, constantly impacting Lynn’s arm.

If it was a side person, it is estimated that he would have been punched by Karp a long time ago.

Unfortunately, Lynn is not an ordinary person.

Lynn’s dragon’s physique also unleashed power that was enough to defend the mountains and rivers, blocking Karp’s fist.

A series of air waves swept the sea like a strong wind, leaving one ripple after another.

“Boy, you are really powerful, how about it? Do you want to join the navy?”

Karp fell in love for a while.

Being able to fight him and not fall behind, Lynn is definitely more talented than Borusalino.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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