A few days later, news of Lynn’s escape from the Navy spread throughout the New World.

For a time, the reputation of the entire Lynn Pirate Group increased greatly.

There are countless pirates who have defected to the Lynn Pirates, but there are also countless pirates who regard the Lynn Pirates as opponents.

Every day, a large number of pirates come to provoke.

However, most of these pirates were buried by Jack and others, and a few joined the Lynn Pirates.

It also greatly increased the strength of the Lynn Pirates.

After the failure of the naval encirclement, it did not continue to trouble Lynn.

Instead, he returned to the naval base to recuperate.

On this day, Lynn was resting when she suddenly received news of fashion.

Very important news.

Lynn also thought that fashion had been successfully studied, so she put down what she was doing and came to the secret research room of fashion.

“Fashion, have you already studied it?

The fashion suddenly froze, and the body trembled slightly.

Lynn’s brows furrowed slightly, and there was a sudden bad feeling in her heart.

“Fashion, you shouldn’t be good at nothing, then you come to me, what’s the matter?”

Fashion was full of hot sweat, his hands kept wiping his forehead, his body trembled, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

“The ship… Captain, something is happening here, I specially asked you to come over. ”

Tell me, if it’s not that important, I’ll educate you well tonight.” ”

Lynn sat on a stool on the side, looking at the fashion with interest.

If fashion doesn’t please Lynn, Lynn doesn’t mind teaching fashion a lesson.

Fashion was taken aback, quickly bent down, pointed to the side, and looked at Lynn respectfully.

“Captain, when we expanded the experimental base, we dug up some things, so we specially asked you to come over. ”

“Oh, dug something out?”

Lynn came interested.

This buried thing is a treasure nine times out of ten.

Maybe there are also devil fruits.

“Fashion, show me, if the thing is good, this time there is a reward.” ”

“Yes, yes, Captain, come with me. ”

Fashion hurriedly walked in front and led Lynn towards the depths of the experimental base.

After walking for a while, Lynn came outside a room and looked at fashion.

“Captain, that thing is inside, two large stone slabs, but there are many incomprehensible words written on them. ”


Lynn’s brows furrowed slightly.

He thought it was some kind of treasure, or a devil fruit.

I didn’t expect it to be some stone slabs.

What is the use of these stone slabs, and it is estimated that no one wants them to build a house.

Although somewhat disappointed, Lynn walked in and turned on the light inside.

“This is…”

Looking at the red slate inside, Lynn’s whole person was stunned.

Although he guessed a lot of results, he did not expect that what they found was actually this.

Historical text.

That’s right, fashion they found is the text of history.

Although Lynn couldn’t read the words, Lynn could guess that this thing was valuable to the world government.

Once the world government knows that Lynn has obtained the two historical texts, it will definitely let the Navy increase its pursuit of Lynn.

At that time, Lynn will be in trouble.

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Lynn had a bit of a headache.

What is not easy to find, just find this.

Lynn wasn’t at all interested in the blank 100-year history in the text of history.

Of course, if it is the three ancient weapons, Lynn is still very interested.

But unfortunately, Lynn does not know historical texts, and naturally cannot decipher the historical text.

“Headache, what to do now? Throw this away, or hide this. ”

Lynn touched her chin and thought.

What should you do, it’s okay to hide it, as long as you are careful, you will definitely not be discovered.

Until then, though, the history text seems to have a good use.

Lynn’s eyes suddenly lit up, and her mind flickered rapidly.

“There you have, just like that, give this to the golden lion. ”

This thing, as long as you know the above information.

You can copy it first and decipher it later.

As for the real historical text, it can be sent to the world government, and then this news can be passed on to the world government.

Once the world government knows the news, it will definitely increase the hunt for the golden lion.

At that time, Lynn can relax for a while.

Give Lynn enough time to develop.

When Lynn develops, when the Navy encircles again, Lynn can also retreat peacefully.

Thinking of this, Lynn hurriedly walked out.

“Fashion, this thing is yours first, no one is allowed to know, let alone say it, and when the evening comes, I will ship this out.” ”

“Yes, yes, Captain. ”

Fashion also has some doubts in mind.

What exactly is this thing, actually made Lynn so serious, but also afraid of being discovered by others, specially shipped out at night.

It’s a pity that fashion doesn’t dare to ask at all, so I have to endure the doubts in my heart.

After Lynn left the experimental base, he took out the amethyst that summoned the empty seat, and silently chanted in his heart.

The Rift Seat instantly received Lynn’s order, and then immediately searched the world for the whereabouts of the golden lion.

As soon as the golden lion is found, Lynn secretly gives the text of history to the golden lion.

With the intelligence of the world government, it will definitely know.

At that time, Lynn can develop safely for a period of time without worrying about the Navy coming to find trouble.

Thinking of this, Lynn couldn’t help but snicker.

“Lynn, what’s wrong, why are you smiling so much?”

Before she knew it, Lynn had returned to her castle.

As soon as he returned to the castle, Thor saw Lynn and couldn’t help but ask.

Lynn also reacted and reached out to wipe the corners of his mouth.

“Nothing, just thinking of a good thing and couldn’t help but laugh. ”

“Good thing?”

Thor’s eyes lit up, his big twinkling eyes and looked at Lynn excitedly.

“Oh, Lynn, can you tell me?

“Well, I’ll tell you, but you can’t say it. ”

Lynn wasn’t worried that Thor would say it either.

Others may accidentally leak secrets, but Lynn believes that Thor will never leak them.

That’s why Lynn was relieved to tell Thor about it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say it. ”

Thor nodded his little head with a serious face.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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