On this day, many people came to the town of Rogue.

Not only the navy, but also a lot of pirates.

Most of these pirates are to confirm whether Roger was really caught, and watch the execution of One Piece by the way.

The Navy, on the other hand, is to ensure the safety of the execution.

The Navy also knew about the large number of pirates in Rogue Town, but did not take action.

Their main target now is Roger, so they can’t cause trouble.

Soon, it was time for execution.

Around the execution table, countless people were standing.

There are ordinary civilians, there is the navy, there are pirates, there are navies in disguise.

Densely packed, countless people surrounded the execution platform.

Only one passage remained, guarded by the Navy.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was time for execution.

“Look, someone is coming, it’s One Piece Roger. ”

Suddenly, one of the eyed people shouted, and everyone else set their eyes into the distance.

I saw a man wearing a red coat and somewhat messy clothes walking over.

Everyone looked closely and found that this person was Roger, the Pirate King.

Roger’s hands were handcuffed by ordinary handcuffs, and he followed behind the two navies and walked slowly in the direction of the execution table.

Although he was about to be executed by the Navy, Roger still had a smile on his face and was not afraid at all.

As if he wasn’t going to be executed next, he was going to attend a concert.

Looking at Roger’s indifferent smile, outside the field, a white-haired teenager was extremely shocked in his heart.

He didn’t understand what kind of belief, what kind of mentality, allowed a person to face death so calmly.

Not only this white-haired boy, but also many people were very shocked.

Teenagers with eagle-eyed eyes, teenagers with blonde hair, teenagers who look like bats, and so on.

These future famous sea thieves all set their eyes on Roger, with admiration and disdain in their eyes…

In the distance of the execution table, the red-haired Shanks had tears in his eyes, and his right hand subconsciously covered the Western sword in his hand.

This sword is the last thing Roger left him, and it is also his memorial to Roger.

Next to the red-haired Shanks, Bucky the Clown also burst into tears and was full of grief in his heart.

On a beach in Rogue Town, Renly kept drinking a glass of wine in his hand, his glasses shining strangely in the sun.

Reilly drank for a long time, and then poured the rest of the wine from the bottle into the sea.

“Old friend, this is my invitation to you, and in the future, I may never be able to drink with you again.” ”

As he spoke, crystal clear tears flowed from the side of his eyes.

After Roger walked to the execution table, he sat down very indifferently, as if it was not him who was about to be executed.

Behind, there were also two navies with spears standing.

The navy looked at Roger nervously, sweat breaking out of their hands.

After all, in front of him is the One Piece King Roger, the famous sea pirate.

Once Roger is gone, it will definitely be the two of them who are unlucky.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

A navy looked at Roger nervously.

The corners of Roger’s mouth rose and he moved his wrist.

“Can you take this off for me, my wrist is a little sore. ”

“It can’t be. ”

The Navy refused without hesitation.

You know, this is the only tool that binds Roger’s actions.

Although it may not be useful, it can at least give him a sense of security.

Roger didn’t speak, silently looking at the people below, and his heart was full of emotion.

He also did not expect that he would come to this point, and he voluntarily turned himself in.

After a long time, the Warring States walked not far from Roger.

“Everyone, what we are going to execute today is the legendary One Piece King Goldoroje…”

Next, Sengoku listed a large number of Roger’s crimes, saying that Roger seemed to be unforgivable.

But seriously, Roger doesn’t have much crime now, and his real crime is probably to create the era of sea thieves.

Roger listened to the words of the Warring States and did not care, anyway, he will cooperate well with the Warring States.

After all, the Warring States have planted so many crimes, how can he also carry them out.

Therefore, after the trial of the world government, it was decided to sentence Roger to death and execute immediately. ”

Below, everyone heard the words of the Warring States and did not care.

After all, the navy is so fanfare, it is nothing more than the execution of One Piece Roger.

At this time, it would be strange if Roger was released.

“Roger, those treasures of yours, the legendary great secret treasure, where exactly are you placed?”

A man suddenly asked.

The others also widened their eyes and stared at Roger, their right hand subconsciously clenched, and their hearts suddenly tensed.

“Not good, hurry up and execute. ”

Sengoku’s face changed drastically, and a feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart.

Roger smiled, and finally it was his turn to speak.

“Want my treasure?”

“Shut up, Roger. ”

It is a pity that both the Warring States and the Navy are one step slower.

“Then go and find it, I put everything in the world, all there. ”


As soon as the words fell, the spear in the navy’s hand penetrated Roger’s fierce chest.

A drop of bright red blood stained the clothes red.

Everyone who watched was stunned, whether it was the live audience in Roguetown or everyone who was in front of the live phone bug.

Subsequently, countless people began to cheer.

Roger’s treasure, the legendary great secret treasure, is actually all hidden in the sea.

In fact, the so-called treasures of Roger are all nonsense of world politics, and there are no treasures at all.

But in the eyes of others, Roger does have treasure.

The world government has shot itself in the foot.

It is estimated that the five old stars are also having a headache now.

“Damn, it was actually put up by Roger. ”

Where the Warring States still do not understand why Roger turned himself in, it is estimated that the purpose is for this.

“Hahahaha… Roger, I’m coming. ”

Suddenly, a loud laugh spread throughout the town of Rogue, masking the cheers of the others.

Everyone also subconsciously quieted down and looked up at the sky.

A huge black dot fell, followed by a loud bang, directly hitting the house on the side.

I saw a warship directly hit the house, crushing the house, and a big hole appeared on the warship.

Then one figure after another jumped down from the warship and landed not far from Roger.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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