The deafening dragon roar, carrying a majestic momentum, rushed into everyone’s ears.

Listening to this strange and familiar dragon groan, the faces of everyone in the navy changed greatly.

There are not many dragons in this world, but there are quite a few.

There are two dragons, all in a pirate group, and they are also pirate groups that give them a headache.

Lynn Pirates.

Since the formation of the Lynn Pirates, although they have not often made trouble for them.

But every trouble is a big trouble.

Forcibly rob the heavenly gold, beat the Draco, trespass into the city, execute the plan of the Four Emperors, and drive the navy out of the New World.

On average, less than one thing a year, every thing, is a big trouble.

Compared to the headache of the Navy, Auntie is very happy in her heart.

Originally, he thought that he would break his arm today to survive, but who would have thought that he would actually be in a desperate situation.

In the sky, Thor descends slowly, then floats on the sea.

“Sure enough, it’s them. ”

Sengoku’s face was very headache, and his heart was very unhappy.

They are about to succeed, even if they can’t catch Auntie, they can give Aunt Pirates a heavy blow.

As a result, someone actually bothered, and it was still Lynn.

At the same time, the hearts of the Warring States kept cursing.

Before making this decision, Sengoku also specially instructed the World Government to help watch over the other three, and as a result, Lynn actually appeared here.

There is no way around how Thor can fly without fear of being seen by the world government’s surveillance ships.

Lynn looked at the navy and the Aunt Pirates in front of him, the corners of his mouth rose, held Ratchet in his left hand, and took a step forward.

“Sengoku, give me Lynn a face, how about the battle end like this today?”

Sengoku gritted his teeth.

They were about to succeed, but because of Lynn, they lost their success.

If it is not successful this time, it is estimated that it will be difficult to solve the so-called four emperors in the future.

On the other side, Aunt saw Lynn and was overjoyed.

“Lynn, how about we join forces together, as long as the two of us join forces, we can definitely solve the Navy. “

Auntie is now very angry and can’t wait to leave the navy behind to avenge the hatred just now.

The navy’s face changed suddenly, if Lynn and Aunt joined forces, their navy would definitely be in big trouble.

Maybe there will be heavy losses.

Sengoku couldn’t help but set his eyes on Lynn, his hands clenched, and his heart was very nervous.

Lynn suddenly smiled, with a curve at the corner of her mouth.

“I’m sorry, Auntie, my health is not good, you know, men, there are always a few days a month when I am uncomfortable, and today happens to be my uncomfortable day.” ”

The destruction of the Navy is certain, but definitely not now.

Once the Navy is extinguished, the world will enter an era of riots, and Lynn will not yet have the ability to meet an era of full-scale riots.

The era of the sea thief alone is enough of a headache, if it is an era of complete violence, maybe even Lynn will be eliminated.

So without enough certainty, Lynn would certainly not be able to destroy the Navy.

Auntie listened to Lynn’s words, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

There were always days of discomfort in a month, but she remembered that it didn’t seem to mean men, but women.

Lynn: This is clearly a shirk.

Not sleepy, even if she knows Lynn’s purpose, Aunt has no way.

Who made her need Lynn now.

Not only was the aunt speechless, but as long as the others were women, their cheeks were slightly red, and they couldn’t help but glance at Lynn.

“Look at you, at such an age, you know all day that you are thinking blindly, I am uncomfortable, but I am unhappy in my heart and don’t want to do it.” ”

You’re not thinking about it too.

Most people complained in their hearts, but no one dared to say it.

“Okay, Navy, I think you can leave, the New World is the place of pirates from today onwards. ”

As he spoke, Lynn released his momentum and enveloped everyone in the navy.

Shrouded by this powerful momentum, most of the navy began to tremble, and their eyes were full of fear.

This momentum, like a boulder, oppressed the hearts of everyone and made them breathless.

Some navies couldn’t even grasp their weapons, and their bodies trembled slightly, as if they were cold.

Karp also noticed the abnormality of the navy, and quickly stepped forward and blocked Lynn’s momentum with his own momentum.

The sea water kept roaring, and the waves rolled one after another, making the warship tremble constantly, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

Sengoku gritted his teeth.

He really didn’t want to leave, but now that Lynn had intervened, there was nothing he could do.

“Sengoku. ”

Karp also saw the unwillingness in the heart of the Warring States, and couldn’t help but remind him.

Their navy is now in an absolute weak position, and once it fights, it will definitely not take advantage in the end.

The Warring States naturally saw this, exhaled deeply, and then shouted unwillingly: “Everyone, retreat.” ”

Although the other admirals were unwilling, they also knew the current situation and had to let go of their unwillingness.

As for those ordinary navies, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the Navy left, with loneliness, this place that saddened them.

After watching the Navy leave, Lynn patted Thor gently.

Thor immediately understood Lynn’s thoughts, flapped his wings, and left the sea.

“Auntie, I’m leaving, be careful yourself. ”

After seeing Lynn leave, Auntie looked gloomy, and her eyes were full of anger.

She didn’t know that Lynn didn’t want to help her solve the Navy, and she had to accept this reality and have to lick a smiling face.

“Hmph, Navy, Lynn. ”

Auntie had decided that she must teach the Navy and Lynn a good lesson, but not now.

Now that the Navy has just left, no one knows if the Navy will return halfway, so she must leave this sea.

“Why are you still stupid to stay here? ”

Auntie looked at the people in a daze and couldn’t help but shout.

Everyone’s bodies trembled slightly, and they quickly returned to their posts.

After a while, all the pirate ships left this sea area, and the target was naturally all nations.

Auntie is not stupid, at this time the navy may still be there, now in the past, in case of the navy that happens to be encountered, it will inevitably be another big war.

Originally, she thought that the navy did not dare to resist, who knew that the navy actually planned to solve her first.

There was no way, Auntie had to retreat temporarily.

Later, find a way to drive the Navy out of the New World.

Pirates’ bad doctors

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