“General alternate. ”

The day after Anilu became an admiral al, the Navy released the news, and Lynn knew about it.

Lynn was very happy about this.

After all, of the two people he inserted in, one of them had become a candidate for the general, and Saab was already a major general.

Wait another two years, it is estimated that Saab is also a lieutenant general, and it is estimated that he is still an elite lieutenant general, plus the relationship with Karp, the status must be very high.

The secret trick arranged by Lynn is already good, just need to wait a few years, and in two years or so, the system can be fully revived, and Lynn also wants to see what use this system has.

After making him wait for so many years, if it still didn’t work, Lynn dismantled the system in minutes.

If you can.


In this way, when the system was about to recover, Lynn was very quiet and no longer provoked anyone.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, the year when the plot began, and the year when the big era began.

East Sea, Windmill Village.

At the head of the windmill village, a large group of villagers from the windmill village gathered here, including the mountain thief Da Dan and Lu Jiu.

At the port, there was a small flat boat adrift, and not far from the boat, there was a boy wearing a straw hat.

This teenager is none other than Karp’s grandson, the protagonist of One Piece, Monchi D Luffy.

Today, it is finally Luffy’s 17th birthday, which is also the day Luffy goes to sea.

“Everyone, I’m leaving, see you all. ”

Luffy waved his hand, feeling very excited.

After waiting so long, he can finally go to sea and finally realize his dream of becoming One Piece.

At the port, many villagers reluctantly watched Luffy, but no one stopped them.

Because they knew that this was Luffy’s dream, just like when Ace went to sea.

What reason can stop a man from running to the sea.

“Luffy, this is the clothes I prepared for you, as well as some food, you must be careful when you go out by yourself. ”

Marcino picked up a basket and walked over to Luffy’s side, revealing a gentle expression.

“Thank you, I will definitely become One Piece. ”

Luffy happily took the basket, his eyes all focused on the food inside.

If it wasn’t for the wrong situation, maybe Luffy would have already started eating.

On the other side, Lu Jiu also walked over, also holding a basket in her hand.

“Luffy, if you meet your brother, be sure to say hello for me. ”

As she spoke, Lu Jiu’s tone was filled with concern.

“Well, I will, you can rest assured. ”

Luffy took the basket again, then walked to his small boat, rowed the boat, and left the windmill village.

Everyone looked at the boat at Luffy’s feet, and they were still a little worried.

Such a ship, will it capsize halfway.

Not long after Luffy went to sea, he met the King of the Near Sea, but was knocked out by Luffy’s punch.

Subsequently, Luffy, like the original, encountered a big storm and had to hide in the barrel to escape the disaster.

On the other side, Lynn rarely passed the time, sitting alone at the top of the castle, patiently waiting.

Because the system is being repaired, and it only takes ten minutes, but let Lynn wait for a while.

“Lynn, do you have something?

Thor came over, looked at the daze Lynn, and couldn’t help but ask with concern.

Boyahan Cook also walked to Lynn’s side and looked at Lynn silently, with the same concern in his eyes.

“It’s nothing, I’m just waiting for an important moment when you guys rest here. ”

Thor and Boyahan Cook looked at each other, although they didn’t understand what was wrong with Lynn, but since Lynn said so, they could only listen to Lynn.

Ten minutes soon came, and Lynn became nervous in her heart, just looking at the system picture in her head.

System Repairing.

Ten, nine, eight… Three… One.

“Ding, system repairing, system repair successful, system initialization.

Ding, the system initialization is successful, the system is opening, dear users, welcome to use the strongest king system.

In view of the system’s mistakes, the system will give the host a chance to draw a big lottery, and in this lottery, the host must get a good thing, and there is a certain chance to get a particularly good thing. ”

“Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly, is there a newbie package?”

Lynn asked eagerly.

After waiting for decades, this broken system has finally begun to recover, and Lynn naturally wants to know what the newbie gift package was.

“Ding, dear user, hello, you have obtained the system gift package, four dragon contract cards, and have successfully contracted to four dragons, and share the physique and some abilities of the four dragons. ”

Well, Lynn thought too much.

He had always hoped that the Thor people were his other goldfingers, not the system’s newbie package, so that Lynn could get the newbie package.

But sure enough, Lynn thought too much.

But fortunately, there is also a big lottery, 100% any good thing.

“System, don’t say more, draw the lottery immediately. ”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a limiter lifter, which can lift the body’s restrictions.

From now on, as long as the host does 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 kilometers of long-distance running every day, as long as it persists for three years, it can be invincible and maintain a beautiful appearance.

You can become as strong as one-punch man Saitama, and you don’t need to be bald. ”

Lynn listened to the system’s words and almost shouted excitedly.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the ultimate jackpot of the system, and it can be regarded as something to gain after so many years of death.

With Lynn’s current abilities, the World Government could no longer kill him or lock him up.

Even if the world government starts ahead of him, he only needs to lead his subordinates, find a hidden place, and stay for three years.

Three years later, Lynn was able to blast the world government.

And most importantly, he can become as strong as Saitama, but not bald like Saitama.

If he becomes bald like Saitama, Lynn’s handsome face will be ruined.

In general, this time the draw is particularly good, and it is not in vain that the system has been hanging for so many years, and if you can, you can hang it for a few more years.

Pirates’ bad doctors

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