On the sea surface on the back of the Red Earth Continent, a pirate ship is adrift on the sea.

The pirate ship is none other than the Lynn Pirates.

Lynn sat at the bow of the boat while the others gathered around, watching the picture projected by the phone bug.

In the picture, this is the scene of the battle between the Navy and Whitebeard.

Everyone watched with relish.

After watching for a while, Lynn smiled, slowly put away the phone worm, and then stood up.

“Well, the Navy and Whitebeard are fighting, you have no one to disturb me, I should appear.” ”

The others also came with interest, each took up his weapon, and just looked at Lynn like that.

Showdown with the world government, what a magnificent spectacle, and they will always be remembered by the world.

The green-eyed white dragon immediately grabbed the huge iron chain on the pirate ship, and then flew directly towards the sky.

In less than two minutes, the blue-eyed white dragon came directly above the Red Earth Continent.

Because last time Tiger raided the Holy Land of Mary Joa, this time, the lessons learned by the world government have arranged many people here.

As soon as Lynn arrived, she was discovered by the people of the World Government.

“Enemy attack. ”

A person shouted heartbreakingly, and then fell directly to the ground, his body split in half.

Next to him, Yu no Hiru wiped the second-generation Oni Toru in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He has been waiting for a long time to avenge his parents, and today he finally has a chance.

Behind Rain no Hiryu, Tiger sighed with emotion.

Last time, he was there to save the slaves of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, but this time, he was there to save the whole world.

Woo hoo… Woo hoo…

Because Lynn had no intention of hiding it at all, soon the sound of a bleak alarm spread throughout the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

For a while, all the soldiers became nervous.

Soon, a large number of soldiers rushed over and surrounded Lynn.

Lynn walked directly ahead, slowly pulling out the ratchet at his waist, and the tip of the sword touched the ground, leaving a slender mark.

“Guys, let’s start, everyone play separately, but remember not to go too far away, so as not to be surrounded. ”

“Kill. ”

All the cadres shouted, then took up their arms and rushed towards the Draco’s escort.

The shouts of killing spread throughout the square.

Unfortunately, all of Lynn’s subordinates are cadres, and these black-clad guards are elite soldiers at most.

So soon, these black-clad guards were lost.

Not only that, but all the senior cadres of Lynn also rushed out.

Jack, Ross, Rainy no Hiliu, Luke.

There are also Hawkeye Mihawk, Moonlight Moriah, etc., which can be described as masters like clouds and strong as rain.

Coupled with Lynn himself, Yang Mi and Connor, who have broken through the limit, the blue-eyed white dragon and the Liekong seat, this lineup is very powerful.

In less than a minute, Lynn broke through the defenses of the world government and came directly to the central zone of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

“Okay, everyone is free. ”

After that, all the cadres rushed out and wreaked havoc all around.

After all, they don’t know where the masters of the world government are, and it’s useless to break in casually, it’s better to make a fuss here, so many people take the initiative to come out.

Lynn sat on the roof on one side, patiently waiting.

If the world government did not have a strong person who broke through the limit, there would be no need for Lynn to do it, and Yang Mi could do it alone.

But if there is a master, Lynn doesn’t mind doing it.

On the other hand, the base camp of the five old stars.

Five Old Stars and the others were paying attention to the war on top, and suddenly felt the riot in the Holy Land Mary Joya.

Feeling this riot, the five old stars suddenly felt uneasy.

Somehow, they thought of Lynn.

Because he dares to be so presumptuous, there is only Lynn in the whole world.

The five old stars didn’t know, they guessed correctly, but this time was different from before.

In the past, there were only a few people in Lynn, but this time there were all the cadres of the Lynn Pirates.

“It’s not good, Lord Five Old Star, Lynn called, Lynn called. ”

A guard said in a panic.


All the five old stars looked like this.

It’s just Lynn, who will call over if he has nothing to do, and they are all used to it.

“Call as soon as it comes, then let people greet and go to the Draco Guard.” ”

The five old stars didn’t know that it was the members of the Lynn Pirate Group who came over, but they only thought that it was Lynn and Yang Mi again, so they still didn’t care.

“Lord Five Old Star, it’s the Lynn Pirate Group coming, all the cadres of the Lynn Pirate Group are coming, and they are currently killing people when they see them, and breaking in when they see a place. ”

“What? Are all the people from the Lynn Pirates coming?”

This time, it was the turn of the five old stars to be shocked.

After all, the concept of several people in Lynn and everyone in the Lynn Pirate Group is different.

One is at most here to destroy, and the other may be to overthrow the world government.

“That’s right. ”


The five old stars holding the sword gripped the original ghost and smashed it the floor.

“Hmph, this guy Lynn is also too rampant, I really thought that his pirate group could overthrow the world government, I think I will destroy them today.” ”

“That’s right, we must destroy them, and by the way, inform Lord Im to completely solve this trouble.” ”

It is not convenient for the five old stars to send troops on a large scale, but since they have hit the door, it is just right, and they can take the opportunity to solve the trouble.

“Do you want to inform the Navy?”

A five-old star asked.

The other five old stars also thought.

Now the Navy is fighting against Whitebeard, and it is estimated that it will not be able to draw troops.

Even if they can draw troops, they will not be able to transfer much, the main thing is to rely on themselves.

“Forget it, let the Navy fight Whitebeard, if the Navy loses, some will have a headache in the future, Lynn and these people, we have enough here.” ”

A five-old star shook his head.

If nothing else, the world government has a strong background, and there is no problem in suppressing the navy, let alone dealing with Lynn.

“Well, let us old bones appear, plus the Draco Guard, Lord Im, it’s completely enough. ”

The bald five old stars stood up, then took off their suits and walked outside.

The other five old stars also followed.

At the same time, on the other hand, the Draco escort also came to the battlefield.

In addition, in the center of the Holy Land of Marie Joa, a huge figure opened its eyes and emitted a fierce cold glow.

Pirates’ bad doctors

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