The next day, Azusa Enomoto came.

Azusa Enomoto had just arrived at the coffee shop when he saw Lynn.

“Boss, why don’t you go to school, and what about the new chef you said?

After that, Azusa Enomoto still looked around, she was still looking forward to the new chef.

Lynn smiled, picked up the white coat on the side, and put it on her body.

“Xiaozi, I forgot to tell you, I am the new chef, and from today onwards, this coffee shop will be in charge of me. ”

“You’re in charge?”

Azusa Enomoto looked at Lynn suspiciously, with a questioning look in his eyes.

“Boss, are you sure that what you make can really be eaten?”

It wasn’t that Enomoto questioned Lynn, she hadn’t seen Lynn cook for so long.

And a handsome and rich young master like Lynn doesn’t look like a person who can cook.

The corner of Lynn’s mouth twitched.

This little girl films, actually doubts himself, does not show a little strength, he does not know his level.

“Don’t worry, my cooking is very good, or you can taste it, this is the cake I just made.” ”

Lynn pointed to the cake on the side and set her eyes on Azusa Enomoto.

Azusa Enomoto also saw the cake on the side.

At first, Azusa Enomoto thought that someone else had done it, but who knew that it was actually done by Lynn.

Azusa Enomoto walked to the side table, picked up the knife and fork, and looked at the cake with some suspicion.

Of course, he did not doubt the authenticity of this cake, but only wondered whether it could be eaten and how it tasted.

Especially what Lynn did.

Although he was a little skeptical, Azusa Enomoto still had to give the boss a face, so he picked up a knife and fork and ate it gently.

In the next second, Azusa Enomoto’s eyes lit up.

A very sweet scent poured into her bud and filled her brain.

At this moment, a huge grassland appeared in Azusa Enomoto’s mind.

And Azusa Enomoto seemed to run on this grassland, and there were many cows running with her.

This taste is very sweet, she has never eaten such a delicious cake.

After a long time, Azusa Enomoto came back to his senses and kept eating the cake with a knife and fork.

Not long after, a small cake was eaten by Azusa Enomoto.

“How? This cake is good, right?”

“Nice, very nice, boss, when will you make a cake? ”

Azusa Enomoto has also eaten a lot of cakes, but never had a cake as delicious as Lynn.

Of course, this is also the fact that Azusa Enomoto has never eaten a truly top-notch cake.

This cake made by Lynn, although it is just an ordinary cake, has been added by Lynn’s junior chef.

In addition, there is a large milk jar, so the taste is very sweet, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary cakes.

Especially the big milk tank Nai, the taste is several times thicker than the world’s best cake, and it is very nutritious, so the taste is already good.

It is for various reasons that this cake tastes very good.

If we use this cake, can we bring back some traffic?”

“This is indeed possible, but boss, how about your other dishes? ”

Lynn naturally understood this.

After all, this is a coffee shop that also serves food, but after all, it is not a special dessert shop.

But even so, with this cake, Lynn can make the café’s business very hot.

The only pity is that although there are many large milk cans, they are limited after all, and they may only sell cakes, and it is estimated that they are not enough to sell.

But now, what Lynn has to do is not to make the business hot, but to complete the second task.

“Well, those things are not important, the most important thing now is to bring back some guests, so I am going to do an event.” ”

Saying that, Lynn picked up a sign from the side and placed it in front of him.

Azusa Enomoto looked at the sign in front of him and couldn’t help but glance at Lynn again.

“Boss, will the price be a little bigger?”

“No, there is no giving, where is the return. ”

Lynn has a special event in mind.

Anyone who eats cake here and spends a certain price can be drawn in a lottery.

The ordinary reward is naturally a pack of facial paper.

But in addition to this reward, Lynn also prepared a lot of prizes.

Ten gold rings, although not very big, but also a lot of money.

There is also a rather large gold nugget, although it is only a kilogram, but for ordinary people, it is definitely a huge income.

As long as you do this event well, you will definitely be able to attract a hundred guests, and you can also promote your own cake by the way.

After today, Bailuo Coffee Shop will definitely have many customers.

Lynn is still very confident in the cake he makes.

“Okay, Xiaozi, you go to publicize it, and when it is eight o’clock, the event officially starts, take advantage of this opportunity to let everyone know.” ”

“Well, since you said so, boss, then I’ll go and publicize it now. ”

Although the prize is very luxurious, Lynn has said so, and she is an employee, and there is no need to refute it.

And she also thinks that Lynn’s cooking is very good, it should be able to attract a lot of guests, and it should not take long to return the book.

Then, Azusa Enomoto held the sign and Lynn took the leaflet on the side, and the two left the coffee shop together and came to a nearby street.

As for why not go to the school opposite, please, now at the gate, there is a queue of luxury cars, each of them is a rich second generation, how can you possibly fancy your nuggets.

So only go to the street next door.

Fortunately, Lynn’s harvest was very rich, and many people were very interested in the lottery.

At about eight o’clock, Lynn saw a lot of people standing in front of her shop, about a dozen or so people, each interested in gold.

Most of them come over to draw prizes.

For gold interest, many are ordinary families, for breakfast, naturally will not be too demanding.

So it’s okay to eat here in Lynn.

And if you eat here, you can also draw gold rings and nuggets in the lottery, and if you are lucky, you will earn.

These people naturally do not refuse.

By the end of the day, you can definitely get together 100 people.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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