“Erina, I think your chef’s clothes are really good. ”

That’s right, Lynn looked at Erina’s chef’s suit and couldn’t help but praise.

I don’t know who designed this chef’s suit, but two extra buttons were installed.

That’s right, it’s the extra buttons, and the position of these two buttons is just in front of the two red dots, blocking the red dots.

It is estimated that this may have been designed by Erina, so that she could use these two twist buckles to block her red dots and prevent exposure.

Erina, who was stunned for a moment, then noticed Lynn’s gaze, her face instantly reddened, and she immediately reached out and put her hand in front of her.

“What you see, don’t look, if you look again, don’t blame me for being unkind.” ”

“Alas, you are really boring, I am praising your taste, forget it, if you don’t like it, then I won’t say it.” ”

Lynn sighed and showed a regretful expression.

It’s impossible for Lynn to admit that he’s peeking at Rina Kinai anyway, although it’s true.

But there are many people nearby, and if they admit it, wouldn’t they reveal their true nature.

But he has to take care of his perfect image.

Erina, who was so angry that she gritted her teeth, obviously she was peeping, but she still pretended that she didn’t see anything.

But what Lynn just said meant, she didn’t understand for a while.

Lynn carried her own food, walked to the judges’ table, and then placed it on the table.

“Three judges, this is my seafood hot pot dish, please try it. ”

“Seafood hot pot dishes? This tastes good and should look delicious.” ”

One of the female judges picked up the chopsticks and muttered something to herself.

“Yes, the taste alone is delicious. ”

“I just don’t know what it really tastes like. ”

Although these judges have not yet tasted the dishes, you can smell the smell from the air, and this seafood hot pot dish is delicious.

As long as Lynn doesn’t make any big mistakes, it’s probably a very good dish.

However, in their hearts, they did not think that Lynn could win, after all, Lynn’s opponent was Erina.

The one who has the tongue of God and is still the Ten Masters of the Far Moon.

In their opinion, Erina, who is the winner, is the winner.

But in the next second, a judge’s body froze, his pupils dilated, his spirit was in a trance, and the whole person fell into the delicious sea of cooking.

Not only this judge, but even the other two judges, all sank.

“It was so delicious, I felt the breeze blowing in the hot summer, bringing a touch of coolness. ”

“Yes, I felt it too, as if I was in Hawaii, feeling the coolness of the sea and taking away a trace of heat. ”

“The beach, the sea, the sea breeze, it’s really nice, if you can, want to go on holiday and spend this hot summer day.” ”

The three judges each sighed, and the sea, blue sky, white clouds, and cool sea water were all in their minds, which took away the irritability in their hearts.

Looking at the scene of the judges’ sinking, Erina’s heart felt uneasy.

However, Erina, who didn’t think much about it, immediately packed her own dishes, and then walked to Lynn’s side and waited patiently.

The spectators around them also tensed.

Most wanted Lynn to lose and Erina, who ketsue Erina, to win.

But seeing the expressions of the judges, these people were also a little worried, what if Erina, who was cut off, and Lynn won.

Deep down, they didn’t want Lynn to win.

Soon, the judges tasted Lynn’s cuisine.

“This seafood hot pot dish is good, the meat inside is delicious, and it has a strong fragrance, it seems that your ingredients are handled well. ”

“Yes, and I also tasted the taste of almonds, did you add almonds to it? ”

“By the way, I have never seen your ingredients, and now they are the so-called special ingredients?

The three judges gave high marks and then asked some questions.

They can taste it, and the ingredients in Lynn’s cuisine are particularly delicious, most likely special ingredients.

However, they hadn’t eaten much either, so they weren’t sure, so they could only ask Lynn.

“Of course, this was specially prepared for me by my family. ”

Lynn didn’t hide it either.

Although special ingredients are precious, they are easy to arouse the imagination of others.

But whether it is kidnapping for ransom or blackmail, it depends on whether they have the ability.

If someone comes to kidnap him, Lynn may be very happy, and he will accompany these people to have fun and pass the time.

And once many people know that Lynn has special ingredients, they will definitely trade with Lynn.

At that time, Lynn will be able to attract contacts and at the last moment, acquire the entire Far Moon Academy.

It’s men who do what they say.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be cheaper for the ghost father of Erina, it is better to use it to cheapen himself, which is much better than in Rina Hatsukiri.

Outside the venue, many people listened to Lynn’s words and were shocked in their hearts.

This kind of ingredient that they have never seen before is actually a special ingredient.

For a time, many people were very envious.

Why they haven’t been exposed to special ingredients in their entire lives, but Lynn can have them.

Is it possible to become handsome with Lynn?

Well, handsome people can indeed do whatever they want, that’s the truth.

On the second floor, in a certain room, several shining eyes looked at Lynn.

These people have a unified identity, and they are all Yuanyue Ten Masters.

For example, Isshiki is among these people.

Originally, these people just came to watch Erina’s halberd, but they didn’t expect to hear such a powerful news.

Lynn actually had special ingredients, but they didn’t know it.

Several people looked at Lynn with fiery eyes, or the dishes in front of Lynn.

They also want special ingredients, but they don’t have access or connections to do it.

If they could, they wanted to buy some special ingredients from Lynn.

Of course, it would be better if it could not cost money.

Although this is unlikely, you can still give it a try, and maybe it will be successful.

Several people were thinking about how to get Lynn’s special ingredients.

But unbeknownst to them, they had bitten the bait that Lynn had dropped and were about to take the bait.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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