Bai Ze took a step and turned his back to Boni: “Boni, help cabbage remove the effect of Ain’s regressive fruit, with your fruit ability, you should be able to do it.”

Bonnie raised her eyebrows, glanced her right eye towards Cavendish and released a peach-colored light, leaving Cavendish quickly back to the normal state of 26 years old.

“Oooooooooooo Restored, restored! ”

Cavendish shouted excitedly.

“Shut up, cabbage!”

Bai Ze drank violently, so frightened that Cavendish almost fell.

Only to hear Bai Ze continue: “Except for me, the people here are the strongest with your strength, escorting Nami and them back to the dock safely, and Pa Dong was attacked by Zefa nine times out of ten.”

“That kid is not qualified enough to deal with Zefa, Cavendi promised you to assist him.”

Bai Ze said again.

“Hey, don’t order me!”

Cavendish just finished shouting, but after thinking about it, he can only cooperate with Bai Ze and his group now, after all, the other party is a general, and immediately said arrogantly: “Hmph, you owe me a favor, remember!”

Saying that, Cavendish pulled out Durandal and said to everyone: “Go! Come on! ”

“Isn’t it too arrogant to discuss in front of a general?”

The yellow ape turned into a flash of light.


Suddenly, the rushing yellow ape felt a sense of crisis ahead, braked suddenly, and instantly condensed a lightsaber to look over.


A violent storm of sword pressure erupted and shattered the slabs on the ground and the glass of the surrounding houses.

The yellow ape also returned from elementalization to his humanoid state, and saw Bai Ze in front of him holding the two swords covered in armed color with both hands, resisting his Light Sky Cong Cloud Sword.

“Oh oh~~ Domineering is actually you will use, what do you see in the two years you have disappeared~~”

The yellow ape was quite surprised.

The corners of Bai Ze’s mouth turned up slightly, and he suddenly increased his power output, and the two took three steps back at the same time, more than five meters apart.

“I really didn’t expect to meet the general so quickly, to be honest, although I like to skip the level of fighting, but I don’t like battles that are too risky, isn’t your goal Zefa?” How about putting our battles on hold for now? ”

Bai Ze asked in a joking tone.

The yellow ape smacked his lips and shrugged: “Let go of the old man, although Teacher Zefa is the target of the Navy, you are the target of the government’s name to take down.”

“Captain of the Bai Ze Pirates, a bounty of 200 million berry, Mr. Bai Ze yo~~”

The yellow ape finally dragged Chang Changyin.


Bai Ze suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in the sky above the yellow ape, and slashed down, “Lion Wei Chopper!” ”

“It’s actually a sneak attack, it’s too much~~.”

The yellow ape raised the Tiancong Cloud Sword and swung it horizontally to resist.

The two golden light sword qi collided, instantly overflowing, Bai Ze backhanded slashing, and the yellow ape also raised his sword extremely quickly to resist.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

The sound of the symphony of sword blades clashed one after another, and the two of them slashed dozens of times in this way before they separated again.

“That sword move, and those two famous swords… It’s unbelievable that that golden lion actually taught you his own skills. ”

Fighting dozens of moves, the yellow ape has already seen that whether it is a sword move or the sword itself, Bai Ze is the same as the golden lion Shiji more than twenty years ago.

“Whitebeard’s ability, plus the golden lion’s sword skills and swords, the old man suddenly feels that you are more dangerous than the fire fist Ace who was executed two years ago~~”

Before the yellow ape’s words completely fell, he suddenly kicked his right foot horizontally.

A cylindrical flash of light struck at a speed that could not be locked by the naked eye at all.

“Speed is weight, have you ever been kicked by light?”

At the same time, the voice of the yellow ape came faintly.

Lightspeed kick!

Bai Ze crossed his feet to resist, and the light-speed kick hit the blade of the sword, like a large truck, and continuously knocked Bai Ze backwards, suppressing all the way.


The familiar sound sounded, causing the yellow ape, who was already far away, to look slightly sluggish, and subconsciously whispered: “This voice… Could it be Whitebeard…”

“Speed is weight!”

Bai Ze’s voice, which had already been knocked into the distance, came back with obvious mockery, “Yellow ape, have you been kicked by the light?” ”

Bai Ze’s two hands holding the sword, along with the two swords, all appeared with a faint halo.

In the next instant, hold the sword with both hands.

The lightspeed kick that pressed him out of a distance of more than a kilometer was bounced back by the original way.

“Oh much!”

The yellow ape seemed flustered, but it was actually as stable as an old dog’s sideways avoidance.


The houses on the island of Mistria behind him thundered, and the explosion of the sky rose up to a height of twenty meters.

Bai Ze covered his lower abdomen slightly, slightly eliminating the burning sensation.

Although it bounced back, some of the power still hit itself.

Sure enough, the level of the general is different!

“Isn’t it… Too much trouble? ”

Yellow Ape chuckled.

“Oops, the Navy shouldn’t try to avoid fighting in urban areas, didn’t you learn at the Naval School? Yellow Ape. ”

Bai Ze smiled lightly.

Huang Ape’s eyes widened in surprise, “Have you ever learned?” ”

Of course, Bai Ze would not say that he was a soldier in his previous life, and the old squad leader taught him this.

“Zefa, as your teacher, should have reminded you that you rely too much on the Devil Fruit’s abilities, right?”

The yellow ape raised his eyebrows, “Although I don’t know where you learned about these old adult things, you made the old man recall a lot of things.” ”

“So, do you want to see my Devil Fruit?”

Bai Ze suddenly inserted Sakura-ten, deadwood swords into the ground next to his feet, and grabbed the air in front of him with both hands, as if he was pulling something.

The yellow ape’s pupils shrank, and from Bai Ze, who was doing this action, he seemed to see the figure of the white-bearded Edward Newgate shrouded him in an instant.

Then, two figures, one big and one small, coincided.

“Heaven and earth !!! sound”

Bai Ze roared. _

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