Whitebeard was not angry. In his opinion, a strong man with personality is his good son!

But for Ling Aotian, he does not need to recognize others as his father to get protection. Since he has obtained the template of his motherland, he does not need to be bound by others, even the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

He cannot be asked to bow his head and recognize his father.

"Gulala, interesting people, I like them very much." Whitebeard laughed loudly, which made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates feel funny. This is the first time that someone refused the invitation of the old man, but did not make the old man angry.

The navy below sneered repeatedly. Vice Admiral Akainu had almost recovered at this time, only the shoe prints on his face were still very obvious.

"Whitebeard!" Akainu's hands turned into lava again, and he roared at Whitebeard in the sky, "This is our territory, pirates of the old era, don't be too arrogant!"

[Meteor Volcano·Super·Dog-bite Red Lotus! 】

In an instant, countless huge dog-bite red lotuses gushed out and roared towards the sky.

Navy Admiral Zephyr Black Arm's pupils shrank: "Sakaski, you can't attack Whitebeard without a transfer order!"

"You have always been submissive and dare not attack pirates. What kind of navy is this! In order to implement absolute justice, I will start this battle!" Akainu turned into lava, spewing a large amount of lava from the ground, turning into lava shells, and flew towards Whitebeard in the distance.

Countless giant dog-biting red lotuses began to fall from the sky, and lava meteors that were enough to melt everything roared towards everyone.

The navy screamed and ran away.

Everyone on the Whitebeard Pirates felt a little solemn.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you going to use your ultimate move just after meeting?" Diamond Joz's forehead dripped with a drop of cold sweat. Looking at the sky full of lava meteors, he gritted his teeth and jumped into the sky.

[Super Large Diamond Barrier! ]


Countless diamonds emerged from Joz's body, forming an extremely hard diamond barrier in an instant, which he held above the Moby Dick.

Boom boom boom.

The meteor volcano also contained the dog-biting red lotus, which opened its sharp mouth and kept biting the diamond barrier.

The powerful lava force actually melted the diamond barrier and penetrated it to attack the Moby Dick.

"Damn it!" Diamond Joz shouted angrily.

When the dog-biting red lotus fell, a ball of blue-green flames soared into the sky, turning into countless phoenixes to devour the falling lava.

Marco, who was flapping his wings in the air, stared at Akainu below with a bad face: "Navy, don't be so arrogant, it should be you!"

Marco, who turned into a phoenix, was extremely fast. He appeared in front of Akainu in an instant, his right foot drew an arc in the air, and kicked Akainu with the blue-green flame of the phoenix.

But at this moment, Akainu raised his hand to block Marco's attack, and a large amount of lava condensed on his shoulder erupted.

Even Marco had to avoid the large-scale lava, flapping his wings and flying high into the sky.

Even Akainu, who had fought with Ling Aotian, was extremely powerful at the moment.

"Marco, stop." Whitebeard called Marco at this time, and no one knew what Whitebeard was thinking.

Marco listened to his father's words and was a little puzzled: "Dad, he attacked us."

Whitebeard shook his head and smiled, looking at the navy admiral Zephyr: "Zeffer, lead your navy to retreat, I will protect this boy!"

As soon as these words came out, countless domineering burst out from Whitebeard's eyes, and the broken Sabaody Archipelago was shattered by infinite domineering, and the whole sky turned into a terrifying dark blue domineering.

Black-armed Zefa burst out with a strong Armament Haki, and slowly stood in front of all the navy: "Edward, I can't promise you this time...

And don't forget, we are the navy!

Zefer's forehead veins bulged, and the powerful Armament Haki turned into black arms, roaring at Whitebeard.

"How can I give in to a pirate like you!"

"Don't be ridiculous! "

[Z-shaped storm·tempest·Armed Roar——!]

Zeffar's right arm was covered with armed color, and his muscles were all bulging. His right foot suddenly stepped forward, and all the stones and tree roots on the ground flew away. He roared and punched out with his right fist.

The powerful punch tore through the air, tore through everything, and turned into a powerful storm, sweeping everything away and turning into a terrifying black Z-shaped storm that rushed towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ling Aotian was also covered in it.

Facing the terrifying storm, Ling Aotian used his superb maneuverability to quickly fly at the speed of light to leave the sweeping range of the Armed Roar Z-shaped storm.

But behind Whitebeard was the Moby Dick and his family. He couldn't be like Ling Aotian.

I only saw Whitebeard smiling slightly, and this smile seemed extremely confident. Bang! Whitebeard inserted Kusugawa-Kiri into the ground with one hand, and the muscles of one hand swelled. He slowly grasped the armed storm roaring in front of him with five fingers.

The power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit penetrated the air, shattering the entire space, and with a powerful force, it swiftly attacked the armed and roaring Z-shaped storm.

The two powerful forces collided with each other, rumbling, and the sky was completely broken by the dark clouds brought by Ling Aotian. The sky turned into daylight again, and the clouds split open the sky. It was so terrifying, and the collision of the black and white air was shocking!

Ling Aotian dodged this attack and looked at the distance: "What a terrifying power. Sure enough, I am still a long way from the top combat power."

The G24 of the Sabaody Archipelago, which was already in ruins, suffered such a severe blow again, and there was no place to stand.

Lava erupted from Akainu's body, and the spray took him away from this ruined place.

Kizaru had already seen that the situation was not right, so he came to a good spot and stopped to look around.

Seeing Akainu flying over, he even said hello: "Sakaski, you are so slow."

Akainu was very unhappy with his dark face: "Borsalino, sooner or later I will sew your mouth shut."

Kizaru smiled brightly and took the initiative to close his mouth.

The violent collision between the armed storm and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit completely shattered the ground under his feet.

Zephyr jumped out of the sea, came to a broken piece of soil and stood, staring at Whitebeard who had returned to the Moby Dick.

Now both sides are at their peak, but Whitebeard's strength is better. After a collision, Zephyr also understood Whitebeard's strength.

Just when the battle was tilted towards Ling Aotian, a naval warship slowly approaching in the distance changed the battlefield again.

Several huge shells were suddenly launched from the naval warship, and the strong man standing on the deck smiled excitedly: "Such a grand battle, how can you not call me?"


A figure suddenly jumped out of the sky, and his figure was covered by the sun, making it difficult to see his specific face.

The sound that echoed throughout the island became the only key for everyone to judge the identity of the person.

"Whitebeard, you pirates, what are you doing in the navy's territory? You don't take the navy seriously, Whitebeard!" Garp roared and turned into a meteor, suddenly falling from the sky.

"Fist Bone Impact!!!"

Vice Admiral Iron Fist Garp joined in--!

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