"Let me tell you, this is true, Miwako really has a boyfriend, and she will take him back to meet her family this Wednesday."

In a room at the Metropolitan Police Department, a beautiful woman wearing a police uniform kept saying something. There were grown men around her, and each man had an angry look in his eyes. This anger can burn everything.

Needless to say Well, this woman is the famous gossip reporter Miyamoto Yumi of the Metropolitan Police Department.

And those people are naturally members of Miwako’s protective camp.

As for Li Mu, after reaching an agreement with Miwako, he left Miwako’s office area

"Officer Miwako, I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Li Mu walked out of the office area.

As soon as he walked out of the office area, Li Mu felt countless murderous auras and malice surrounding him, making him unable to help but stop.

Next to him, Ilia looked at the fierce eyes around him, He pulled Li Mu's shoulder and said:"Hey, have you done something outrageous? Why do these people want to kill you?""

"this...Is eating your puffs in the morning considered outrageous?"

"What? I knew you must have eaten my dessert this morning secretly, and you still don’t admit it."

"Okay, no more talking, let's go."

Li Mu quickly pulled Ilia away from this place that exuded malice.

But even though he left, the malicious sight did not disappear until he left the Metropolitan Police Department.

After Li Mu left, the Metropolitan Police Department's Above the building, Officer Shiratori looked at Li Mu's car and murmured to himself:"It seems like Officer Sato's guard team needs to be dispatched.""


On Wednesday, Li Mu got dressed, stood in front of a mirror and looked at it, stroking his hair from time to time.

Ilya on the side covered her chin and said:"You are so charming, do you still need to dress up? I think you just need to go straight away."

"That’s right, I’m already incredibly handsome. If I were a little more handsome, would others still have a chance to survive?"

Li Mu said proudly to himself, then put on his clothes and left.

Ilia looked at Li Mu's back with a dark face, and then continued to eat and watch TV.

After leaving home, Li Mu drove his car and came Miwako's home.

As soon as he arrived at Miwako's home, Li Mu felt a lot of malicious eyes staring at him.

"Are they those boring police officers again? Forget it, leave them alone."

Li Mu muttered, and then entered Miwako's home.

As soon as he entered Miwako's home, Li Mu saw Miwako and a middle-aged beautiful woman walking over.

"Miwako, didn't you say you have only one at home? Why is your sister here? Miwako

's mother was overjoyed after hearing this, covered her face and said:"This one is joking, I am Miwako's mother, not her sister.""

With just one sentence, Miwako's mother had a crush on Li Mu.

After all, no matter who she is, as long as she is a woman, she cares about her appearance and age.

"Really? I really didn’t notice it. I thought Miwako’s intention came from somewhere else."

You can wear everything, but you can't flatter anyone. To please her mother, you must first be able to speak well.

Miwako's mother looked happy and said happily:"You must be Miwako's friend. Thank you for standing in for Miwako's father. I don't know how to thank you for solving the case."

"Sister, you're welcome, Miwako's matter is my business, and I am naturally obliged to solve Miwako's problem."Li Mu said politely.

"The little mouth is so sweet."

Suddenly, Miwako's mother took a fancy to Li Mu and hoped to take Li Mu as her son-in-law.

Miwako's face on the other side turned red. She quickly pulled Li Mu aside and asked in a low voice:"Hey, let me treat you. Eating is not for you to fuck my mother, don’t make a mistake"

"Miwako, why are you talking about him like that? I am very optimistic about him. If possible, I would like to……"

Although the words were not finished, Miwako's mother's eyes kept wandering between Li Mu and Miwako.

Miwako reacted immediately, blushing and said:"Mom, what on earth are you talking about?""

"Okay, I won’t say any more."

Miwako's mother shook her head, then pulled Li Mu and ran forward.

In just a few minutes before arriving at the dining table, Miwako's mother had already checked Li Mu's household registration. She also checked Li Mu's occupation, Income, family background, etc. were all asked. Every time she got an answer, Miwako's mother had a smile on her face.

Miwako's face turned red and she didn't know what to say.

After a while, Miwako's mother said hello and said Miwako pulled aside

"Miwako, let me tell you, this man is not bad. No matter in terms of appearance, family background, or future prospects, he is one of the best. He is a perfect son-in-law. You can't give up."


"Miwako, don't interrupt. Let me tell you, if I weren't already old, I would definitely pursue him. He has a girl and a house. What a great man."

Looking at her nymphomaniac mother, Miwako lowered her head and covered her forehead, not knowing what to say.

Miwako's mother talked for a while, and when she was done, she quickly said:"Okay 097, let's go eat now. I've already prepared the meal"

"Then thank you, aunt."

Li Mu said politely, then sat down with a few others and started eating.

"How about it, Li Mu, what do you think of this dish?"Miwako's mother asked with a smile.

"It's very good. The taste of this meal is very authentic. It must be made by a top chef."

Li Mu was not stingy in his praise and praised it vigorously.

Miwako next to him looked at the two singing and singing, with a dark face, lowered his head and ate quickly.

Miwako's mother was very happy, eating from time to time, and even chatting with Li Mu They talked and ate, looking very happy.

Not long after, after finishing the meal, Miwako's mother pushed Miwako and said,"Okay, Miwako, you will take Li Mu out for a walk later. The weather is so nice, don't wait at home"

"Ah, it's so troublesome, why should I do this? This is really a headache."Miwako complained after hearing this

"What's the trouble? Come out quickly. It's not until twelve o'clock today. You are not allowed to come back, or you can just say not to come back."

Miwako's mother scolded angrily, then stood up and pushed Miwako out of her home. ps The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!

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