The night passed like this.

Not long after, Yuanzi also woke up, blushing and looking at Li Mu shyly.

"Brother Li, do you really like me? Will you abandon me in the future?"

"Of course not, because I like you very much."

Listening to Li Mu's words, Yuanzi felt very happy.

Half an hour later, Li Mu got dressed refreshed and walked outside.

After going out, Li Mu looked at Xiaolan outside and said apologetically:"Xiaolan, that's it for today. Yuanzi may have something to do, so let's go out and play first."

"Just us?"Xiaolan pointed at herself and said with some worry:"This is not good, why don't we wait for Yuanzi?"

"It doesn't matter, that's what Sonoko said."

Li Mu pulled Xiaolan and ran away quickly, saying something as he walked.

Xiaolan was just about to resist, but when she heard Li Mu talking, she subconsciously stopped resisting and listened to Li Mu's words.

The blond man looked at Li Mu left, his eyes lit up, he pretended to follow Li Mu, secretly left halfway, and came to Yuanzi's room.

After arriving in the room, the blond man slowly picked up a knife, put it in his hand, and wanted to Stab at Yuanzi.

Li Mu stopped evading and rushed out quickly, kicking the knife away. The blond man was stunned and tried to run away.

Xiaolan also rushed out quickly, turned around and kicked the blond man away. Got it

"Officer, there's no need to hide, take him away."

Outside, a policeman came out and said awkwardly:"I'm so sorry, I can't catch him without evidence. Thank you very much."

After that, the police took the blond man away.

Yuanzi also opened his eyes and smiled:"Xiaolan, how are you? How about this plan? He was caught by my wisdom."

"I know, but you are also serious. I was scared when I just heard about this plan. You have to take such a risk."

Xiaolan started to complain, with worry in her eyes.

Especially when she just heard Li Mu's plan, she almost didn't come over.

"Don't worry, as long as he is there, I believe there will be no problem."

Xiaolan looked at the two people who were showing off their dog food again, her face darkened, and she said speechlessly:"Xiaolan, can you not do this? There are other people here, can you respect my feelings?"

""Xiaolan, you can also go to Xinyi, no one will stop you."

Li Mu smiled inwardly. It is basically impossible for Xiaolan to see Xinyi in this life.

He has asked Xiaoai not to give Conan The antidote is here. Even if Conan is suspected in the future, Li Mu will solve everything for him.

From now on, Conan can just be Conan quietly.

"Humph, I won’t tell you anymore."

Xiaolan blushed, turned around and left directly

"Okay, Yuanzi, please take a rest. We will go swimming at the beach tomorrow."

The next day, after Li Mu got up, he went to a nearby villa with Xiaolan under the leadership of Yuanzi.

······Asking for flowers·······

This villa is not any other villa, it is Yuanzi's villa.

As the daughter of a big entrepreneur, she naturally has many villas.

This is just one of many villas.

After arriving at the villa, Yuanzi opened his hands, pointed around and said,"How about it? This is my villa here, isn't it big?"

"It's really big, Yuanzi, your family is really rich."

Xiaolan sighed with emotion throughout her life, without any jealousy in her heart.

Perhaps it is because of this that Yuanzi and Xiaolan became best friends.


The friendship between the two is not measured by money at all.

Li Mu also followed the two of them and glanced around.

As a former king, Li Mu lived in a very luxurious castle.

This villa is nothing at all.

However, Li Mu didn't say anything either.

After all, in this small country, having such a big villa is considered a very wealthy person.

"Li Mu, this is my villa. We will live here tonight and pass the time here. What do you think?"

Yuanzi turned his head and saw Li Mu shyly, with some small expectations in his heart.

"Not bad, okay, let's go."

Li Mu walked directly into the villa and found a place to sit down.

In the next day, Li Mu, Yuanzi, and Xiaolan stayed in the villa all day and lived very happily.. ps The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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