"Sonoko, have a good rest,"

Li Mu said softly, and then walked out secretly. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tomoko Suzuki tiptoeing, sneaking about, and was about to leave.

But after seeing Li Mu come out, Suzuki Tomoko turned around quickly, stood up straight, and looked at Li Mu seriously

"It's you. How did you get out of Yuanzi's room?"

Li Mu listened to Tomoko Suzuki talking seriously, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Li Mu really admired Tomoko Suzuki for being able to talk nonsense like"Zero Nine Seven" in such a serious manner.

After saying that, Tomoko Suzuki complained many times, but Still pretending to be calm, she turned around and left.

Li Mu looked at Tomoko Suzuki's back, raised her feet, and followed her.

Not long after, Tomoko Suzuki walked into her own room, and Li Mu followed her.

"Mom, are you in there?"

Sonoko's voice suddenly came from outside, startling Suzuki Tomoko.

Suzuki Tomoko blushed slightly, but thinking of her daughter outside, she still said seriously:"Sonoko, what's wrong? Is something the matter?"

"Oh, Mom, it’s like this. I just took a rest, and when I got up, Li Mu was gone. I wanted to ask if Li Mu is here with you now, and would you call him to talk to him?"

"Oh, are you talking about Li Mu? He is not here with me. He may be looking around for you. You are looking for him or taking a rest. After all, our family is so big."

Tomoko Suzuki just found an excuse and wanted to send Sonoko away.

"Oh, I understand, then let me go and rest for a while. By the way, Mom, are you okay? I feel a little tired from your voice. Yuanzi asked with some concern.

"I just worked out and you came over just as I was about to rest. Naturally, I’m a little tired. You’d better leave and don’t disturb my rest."

"I understand, then mom, please have a good rest."

Yuanzi didn't think much and left directly.

Moreover, he also wanted to find Li Mu, so naturally he couldn't stay here for long.

Listening to the sound of Yuanzi leaving, Suzuki Tomo took a breath, fearing that he would suddenly be discovered by Yuanzi.

About 20 minutes later, Yuanzi's house On the rooftop of the villa,

Li Mu stood next to a window and looked at Waiyun.

At this moment, Yuanzi came over. As soon as Yuanzi came over, he saw Li Mu next to the window. He was immediately happy and immediately walked to Li Mu's side.

"Brother Li Mu, you are here too. I have been looking for you for so long and haven't found you yet."

As he spoke, Yuanzi's tone was full of resentment.

After all, he had been searching for so long and still couldn't find Li Mu. Normal people would feel unhappy.

Of course, Li Mu knew that Yuanzi was unhappy and patted Yuanzi gently.

"Okay, don't be angry. I'm not always here, and I've been waiting for you here for a long time. I believe you will definitely come........"

Yuanzi is not actually angry. Now that Li Mu has comforted him, of course it is even less likely that he will be angry.

"Okay, I'm not angry either."

Li Mu glanced not far away and gently patted Yuanzi on the shoulder.

"Yuanzi, look at the white clouds in the sky. Are they really beautiful? Those white clouds are just like you and me. Yuanzi immediately raised her head and looked at the white clouds in the sky. She couldn't help but take another look.

The white clouds were so white.

The white clouds of different shapes suddenly had the same shape in her eyes.

She didn't know how long it had been. For a long time, Yuanzi turned his head and looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li Mu, I specially prepared some oolong tea for you. Would you like to go over and taste it?"

"Is it 3.5? That's it."

Li Mu did not refuse.

He also likes oolong tea.

In other words, as long as the taste is not too unpleasant, Li Mu will not be too content with the cooking.

Soon, Li Mu and Yuanzi came to the living room, and the two of them came together Drinking tea.

Except for Li Mu and Li Mu, there is no one else.

Neither Suzuki Tomoko nor Sonoko's father seems to be here. ps The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites and Recommendations

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