Xiaolan couldn't help but be stunned when she looked at the smiles of Sha Hui and Huimei, and then looked at Li Mu's face, unable to concentrate for a long time.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji noticed this and couldn't help but patted Conan and said:"Kudo, something seems wrong with Xiaolan, why are you always staring at that person?"

"hateful."Looking at Hattori Heiji who didn't open which pot, Conan gritted his teeth angrily, and then looked at Li Mu with jealousy.

Since the last incident, Conan found that Xiaolan was much colder to him and didn't even call him. He was so diligent before.

Sometimes he would even call. Although Xiaolan would answer the phone, she would not be as happy as before. Instead, she would talk and laugh with Li Mu.

After thinking about it, Conan suddenly saw Hattori Heiji and pulled him. Hattori Heiji said:"Hattori, please help me come up with an idea. This is what happened.……"

Then Conan told what happened at the Mihua City City Hall.

"What? are you an idiot? This kind of thing can actually happen."

After hearing this, Hattori Heiji stood up directly, grabbed Conan, and couldn't help but cursed.

Hattori Heiji seemed to have a low emotional intelligence, but when he looked at other people, his emotional intelligence was extremely high.

After a while, Hattori Heiji suddenly reacted and said awkwardly:"I'm so sorry, we still have something to do, let's go out and talk."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji took Conan and left.


Mouri Kogoro gave a look of disdain, and then continued to chat with others.

"By the way, I'm going to take a look at Misa's grave tonight. There happens to be moonlight there, so I can enjoy it."

Rob looked at a few people and suddenly said.

Except for Li Mu, no one could feel the murderous intent showing in the corners of his eyes.

"Moon, Xiaolan, how about we go and take a look together?"

"OK, I just want to see the moon."

As soon as the moon was mentioned, the two women immediately became energetic.

"Then why not take Li Mu with you so that he can protect you two? After all, you are two girls."

Moori Kogoro's eyes lit up and he started talking quickly.

Recently, he especially wanted to push Xiaolan to Li Mu, so he has been looking for time for Li Mu alone.

"Well, it has always been my honor to protect ladies."

Li Mu suddenly stood up and made a knight's salute.

Xiaolan and Li Mu looked at Li Mu and did not refuse.

After eating, Xiaolan and Li Mu left Takeda's house and went to Misa's grave.

After Xiaolan left Finally, Hattori Heiji pulled Conan back, cursing him all the way.

After coming back, Conan looked at Sora's position and asked curiously:"Uncle Mori, where is Sister Xiaolan?""

"Oh, Xiaolan, the two girls went outside to look at the moon. They will be back."Mouri Kogoro said casually

"Go outside and look at the moon? Conan was stunned for a moment and said with some confusion:"Is it okay to go outside so late?" What should I do if I encounter danger?"

"It's okay, Li Mu is also there, there won't be any"

"Oh, brother Li Mu is also there. Conan suddenly froze and shouted in surprise:"What, brother Li Mu is here too, I want to go too.""


Conan had just taken two steps when he was punched by Kogoro Mori and then grabbed his collar.

"You kid are not allowed to leave anywhere today, and you are not allowed to follow Hattori, or I want you to look good."

Mouri Kogoro warned the lightbulb, and then glared at Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji was startled, gave Conan a self-conscious look, and ran away.

On the other hand, Li Mu took Xiaolan and the two After leaving, they walked into the dense forest.

Li Mu walked at the front, while Xiao Lan and He Ye walked behind tremblingly.

After walking for a while, Li Mu suddenly turned around and said silently :"Xiaolan, Heye, if you are scared, why do you still come out to look at the moon?"

"I...I'm not afraid, I'm just...It's just that the atmosphere here is a bit eerie."

Xiao Lan forced an explanation, but this explanation seemed a little weak.

He Ye on the side also nodded and agreed:"Yes, this is indeed true. It is too dark here, and we are girls. We are afraid. normal."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

Two people, one a karate champion and the other a master of aikido, are actually afraid of the dark.


Suddenly, Kazuye screamed and immediately sat on the ground

".Heye, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

Xiaolan was also shocked. She quickly squatted down and looked at He Ye nervously.

"It's okay, I just didn't know what got bit me."

He Ye shook his head, picked up a flashlight and shined it. Li Mu glanced at He Ye, and then looked at a bush not far away.

Others couldn't see it, but Li Mu could see a snake swimming there. Walking.

Although I couldn't tell what kind of snake it was, but judging from the bright color, it was definitely a highly venomous snake.

"Xiaolan, get out of the way quickly. She was bitten by a poisonous snake and needs urgent treatment, otherwise something will happen."

Li Mu quickly pushed Xiaolan away, and then walked to He Ye's side.

He Ye suddenly became anxious and said quickly:"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you doing this to a girl?"

"Don't be kidding, this is a poisonous snake. If you don't suck out some of the poison quickly, do you want to die?"

"Ah (Dino Zhao)……"

He Ye was also shocked, subconsciously stopped, and did not dare to continue struggling.

Li Mu grabbed his calf and began to take drugs.

He Ye looked at Li Mu who was serious and his face turned slightly red.

Although Li Mu took drugs for her, this was the first time she was treated like this by a boy, which made her a little overwhelmed.

On the side, Xiaolan looked at Li Mu who was serious, and couldn't help but think of what happened last time.Skyscraper Li Mu protects her

"Brother Li."

Xiao Lan murmured to herself, and then looked at Li Mu carefully.

A few minutes passed. Li Mu took out a medicine bottle from the space ring, took one for himself, drank it, and then handed He Ye a medicine bottle.

"And leaves, anti-venom, you eat a huge amount"

"Oh, thank you."He Ye nodded subconsciously.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_

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