An hour later, Hattori Heiji came outside Conan's toilet with a bag and a camera.

"Hey, Kudo, the things are here, please open the door."

Conan was about to open the door when he suddenly thought of something and knocked on the toilet door.

"Hattori, if you pass the thing from below, it should be possible here."

"under? No, it's too small. This is a big bag. Don't you want to put dirty clothes in it?" Hattori Heiji looked at it and refused without even thinking about it.

Although it's okay down there, he still planned to take pictures, how could he hand it over like"Zero Nine Seven"?

"Well, that's it."

Conan didn't doubt Hattori Heiji, so he stretched out his hand and opened the toilet door.


"Hahaha... I took a classic photo and ran away."

Hattori Heiji picked up the camera and ran away quickly.

"Damn it, Hattori, you bastard."

Conan wanted to pursue Hattori Heiji, but when he thought about how he was dressed, he could only go back bitterly.


On this day, after Li Mu, Xiaolan, Ye and others finished eating, this very ordinary day ended.

The next day, Li Mu tidied up his clothes, dressed up, and left Tokyo on the Shinkansen.

After sitting at the bottom of the bus, Li Mu left the Shinkansen.

At the Shinkansen bus station, a well-dressed mature girl was waiting patiently.

The girl wore a sunhat on her head, with brown hair tied under the hat, and sunglasses on her flawless face.

Although the girl looks like a girl and has a sunny face like a girl, she is actually a middle-aged beautiful woman.

This beautiful girl is naturally Kudo Yusaku’s ex-wife, Kudo, no, it should be Fujimine Yukiko.

After Yukiko saw Li Mu's figure, she quickly walked towards Li Mu with a smile on her face.

"You're here, I've been waiting for you for a long time"

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mu rubbed Yukiko's head, put on his sunglasses, and walked forward.

Today, Li Mu also wore a pair of Tai and a thick windbreaker to cover himself.

After the two walked for a while, Yukiko leaned on Li Mu, like a girl who had just fallen in love, with a happy face.

Li Mu touched Yukiko's head, with the same smile.

Since the last incident, the relationship between Li Mu and Yukiko has become very good. Intimate, sometimes secretly dating

"Yukiko, let’s go in for dinner. There is a nice hotel there. I booked a private room."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Yukiko nodded and leaned on Li Mu's shoulder.

Soon, the two of them entered the hotel.

The environment in the hotel was relatively dark, and the curtains were tightly drawn, blocking the sunlight outside and preventing people from entering. You can see it.

In the center of the room, there is a large square table.

On the table, there are two red candles. The red candles are lit, and there is a glistening firelight on them........

Around the table, there are bright red roses everywhere, as if overflowing in a sea of ​​roses.

Looking at the thick atmosphere around her, Yukiko felt happy and leaned in Li Mu's arms.

"Li Mu, the environment here is really nice. Is this a candlelight dinner? I'm really happy."

Yukiko laughed happily, and then like a child, jumped to the side, and then sat down.

Li Mu looked at the lively Yukiko, shook his head, and then sat opposite Yukiko, and then waited patiently He stood up.

After sitting like this for a while, Yukiko suddenly looked at Li Mu, with sadness in his eyes.

"Li Mu, I once……"

"Don't talk about it."Li Mu directly interrupted Yukiko and said affectionately:"Yukiko, no matter what you have in the past, I like you today, not who you were in the past."

"Thank you, Li Mu, you are really a good person."

Yukiko wiped her tears, but the hazy tears in her eyes fell from time to time.

Li Mu quickly walked up and comforted her carefully.

"Yukiko, okay, don’t cry anymore. If you cry later, it won’t be good if you turn into a tabby cat."

" are the tabby cat, you are not good-looking."

Yukiko patted Li Mu hard, as if she was being coquettish.

"Okay, I won’t go into details. How could Yukiko be a tabby cat? Yukiko is obviously so cute."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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