On this day, Li Mu sat on the sofa of the Maori Detective Agency, drinking coffee and waiting for Xiaolan to finish school.

As the next target to be conquered, Li Mu naturally had to pay more attention.

On the other side, Mouri Kogoro looked at the horse betting as always and shouted from time to time.

After a while, Maori Kogoro sighed and said:"Really, I didn't expect to lose again. I really envy you, Li Mu, for being so rich. Have you spent all of it in your life?"

Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro. Wulang's eyes immediately understood and he patted his chest.

"Don't worry, Detective Maori. When Xiaolan and Illya come back, I'll treat you to something to eat."

Anyway, the two most important people in Mouri Kogoro are going to be Li Mu's people. Naturally, Li Mu won't mind spending a little money."

"Really, that would be great, Li Mu, it would be great if you were my son-in-law."

When Maori Kogoro heard this, he immediately became happy.

When it comes to cheating, Maori Kogoro is already familiar with it.

Yes, he is not only a son-in-law, but also a love rival!

Li Mu sighed inwardly, but did not say anything.


Suddenly, after the door opened, Xiaolan walked in wearing a student uniform and holding a backpack.

After entering, Xiaolan saw Li Mu, her cheeks turned red and she said,"Brother Li, you are here too.""

"Xiaolan, you are back and you are getting more and more beautiful."


Xiaolan's face became even more rosy and she ran over shyly.

"By the way, Dad, there is a very unlucky envelope here. It seems to be for you."

"What, it was probably sent to me by some boring fan again, it’s really boring."

Li Mu looked at the envelope, reacted immediately, and said,"Detective Maori, there is no need to read it. That letter was also sent to me, in the name of Kaitou Kidd, and there was a check for two million in it."

When he came today, Li Mu saw this letter.

There were white words on the black paper. Such an obvious thing happened today. How could he not remember it clearly?

"Kaitou Kidd"

"Two million check."

Moori Kogoro and Conan were focused on different things. One was focused on Kaitou Kidd, and the other was focused on the two million check.

After taking out the two million check, Mao picked up the envelope and looked at it.

"Who is this phantom of the abandoned son of God?"

Conan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"Yes, he is Kaitou Kidd, but I guess someone borrowed Kaitou Kidd's name, because he wouldn't do that."

Li Mu took the coffee handed over by Xiaolan and started drinking it.

"Also, Kaitou Kidd is indeed not this character."

Mouri Kogoro touched his mustache and pretended to be calm. In fact, he didn't know anything, but he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Li Mu.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Since the other party has given us the money, let’s go and participate, but I want to ask first if I can bring my family to participate."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro made a phone call.

······Asking for flowers·······

The next day, Li Mu drove a car and parked outside the Maori Detective Agency.

"Haha, I'm really sorry, Li Mu, to trouble you again, but you are so rich that you actually bought another car."

Mouri Kogoro happily touched Li Mu's car, touching here and there from time to time. He looked like a person without vision.

Xiaolan blushed, covered her face, and said shyly:"Dad, can you stop being so embarrassed and take good care of your image?"

"Got it, got it, really, why would you say that."


Mouri Kogoro straightened his tie, then opened the car door and got in.

"Xiaolan, you sit in the passenger seat"

"Oh, got it."

Xiaolan nodded, then opened the driver's door, glanced at Li Mu shyly, and then sat down quietly.

"Okay, Detective Maori, Xiaolan, and everyone, let's set off."

Li Mu waved his hand and drove away.

"Damn it, you actually called me everyone, what a disgusting guy."

Conan glanced at Li Mu with hatred. He thought of the scene where Li Mu and Xiaolan were kissing, and the fire in his heart couldn't help but resent him.

Li Mu looked through the rearview mirror and saw Conan's hatred. The corners of his mouth rose, and he didn't care at all. Conan's jealousy.

With the current gap between him and Conan, as long as he is careful, Li Mu will definitely win this battle to defend love.

The car moved forward slowly and soon left Tokyo.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Start with!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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