On one side, Dashang Zhushan suddenly fell down and lay on the ground, motionless and saying nothing.

"Hey, this trick of yours is no longer new. There is no need to continue to deceive children."

Miss Cangtian thought that the elder Zhu Shan was also joking, so she couldn't help but say something.

But when Li Mu saw the elder Zhu Shan, he calmly put down the spoon, shook his head and said:"That guy is dead, I can't see his Breathed"

"Time... Dashang Zhushan died. The cause of death was visually estimated to be poisoned."

Baima Tan took a watch and determined the time of death of Dashang Zhushan.

"Dead?"Miss Aota and Detective Motegi were also stunned, and then they said in confusion:"He was poisoned, so how did he poison him? There are so many of us, how did he determine the method of killing?"

"Yes, the murderer cannot kill unconditionally. Could it be that"097" means that he used some special method."

Everyone suddenly became confused and touched their chins to think.

Conan on the side looked at the calm Li Mu, took Li Mu's arm and said:"Brother Li Mu, you are so calm, you should know who the murderer is, right?"

Others also immediately set their sights on Li Mu.

"Yes, if it's Brother Li, he can definitely do it. I believe in Brother Li."

Xiaolan on the side looked at Li Mu with admiration.

Conan became jealous after hearing Xiaolan's words.

"That's right. If it were Mr. Li, a famous detective, he would definitely know."

"That's right, why not talk about it carefully and share it with us."

Several detectives obviously knew that Li Mu wrote novels, and they all looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu drank a cup of black tea and said calmly:"Who is this murderer? I will find out later."

"after a while? Conan was stunned and asked in confusion:"Is it possible, Brother Li, that you already know who the murderer is?""

Others also set their sights on Li Mu, with a glimmer of light in their eyes.

They thought they were detectives, but they didn't expect that they were surpassed by a young man today.

"Yes, if the murderer talks to me later, I will know who the murderer is."

Li Mu looked at a few people with a smile while drinking coffee.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Li Mu with confused expressions.

"Kid, I'm not a god. It's only been a few minutes. Shouldn't I wait for the murderer to tell me on his own initiative?"

Li Mu knocked the seeds on Conan's head and said speechlessly.

This kid really regarded himself as a god. Whenever someone died, as long as he was around, he would ask himself.

Conan was stunned at first, and then realized, Li Mu is He was teasing him.

Others also breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Li Mu would surpass them.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore, we’ve pretty much finished here, I’m going to wash my hands, and my cupcake is poisonous, so remember to be careful."

Li Mu put a cup into the dessert and left here

"poisonous?"Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale with fright, and he subconsciously covered his mouth.

I have to say that Kaitou Kid's character looks very much like Moori Kogoro's character.

"Don't worry, I took special medicine and I'm immune, so I'll be fine."

Li Mu comforted a few people, then stood up and left.

"Special medicine?"A few people looked confused, but Conan was the only one who started to think thoughtfully.

As a member of a large group, it is not impossible that Li Mu could develop such a medicine.

Conan even started thinking about how to obtain some medicine. Maybe he won't be poisoned in the future.

Several other detectives on the side also picked up the things and tested them.

Ten minutes later, after Li Mu washed his hands, he walked out of the bathroom and saw everyone waiting for him outside the dining room.

"You come out, let's go and go see other places together."

Detective Motegi smoked a cigarette, and then walked outside.

Kogoro Mouri came over, secretly pulled Li Mu, and said softly:"Hey, Li Mu, do you still have that antidote? give me a little"

"Okay, I get it now."

Li Mu immediately understood that Kaitou Kidd had taken a fancy to this interpretation potion and wanted to take it back for emergencies.

"Okay, Detective Mori, take it."

Li Mu picked up a bottle of medicine and handed it to Mouri Kogoro.

Conan on the side also walked over and secretly took Li Mu's arm........

"Brother Li Mu, can you give me some medicine?"

"What? Conan, what do you want this drug for? With this drug, you are not trying to stun a girl, such as the one named Ayumi, are you?"

Lin Fei looked at Conan with a smile and started teasing.

Conan was also stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing, looked at the people around him, and quickly waved and explained.

"No, Sister Xiaolan, this……" boom!

Before Conan could explain, Xiaolan hit Conan on the head and glared angrily.

"Conan, how young are you to think of such a bad idea?"

"for this I……"

"Kid, don't use this kind of thing casually, big trouble will happen."

"Yes, little Guitou, you are still young, don’t think about other things."

The detectives around were talking to each other, which made Conan blush and couldn't say a word.

"Okay, let's not talk about Conan, let's get out of here quickly."

Li Mu saw that it was almost done and interrupted a few people.

No one was too entangled in this matter. They still have very important things now, matters related to their lives, so naturally they don't care about these.

Conan had a dark face the whole time and gritted his teeth. He followed Li Mu.

Now Conan didn't think so much about the murderer. All he thought about was Li Mu's words just now.

Xiaolan walked behind Conan and said seriously:"Conan, remember, don't do that kind of thing again. Think, if you like Ayumi, work hard to pursue her, don’t think about drugging her"


"That's right, I'm going to inform Illya when I get back. Be careful about Conan in the future so that nothing happens."

Li Mu also touched his chin with a serious look on his face.



Mouri Kogoro patted Conan on the head and said seriously:"Conan, you can't do this in the future. Do you understand?"

God knows how happy Kaitou Kidd is now.

In the past, he was chased to heaven and earth by Conan, but today he finally saw Conan defeated.

Conan looked at the eyes of several people and said with a grimace:"I know."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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