After leaving the sea amusement park, both Xiaolan and Zekihei were sent to the hospital.

Although Xiaolan was not particularly serious, at Li Mu's request, Xiaolan was still hospitalized and lived in the room next to Fei Yingli's.

Xiaolan lay on the white sheets and looked at Li Mu.

Conan looked at Li Mu with jealousy, wishing to eat Li Mu.

Why is he also Xiaolan's childhood sweetheart, but Xiaolan keeps looking at another man?

"Xiaolan, come and eat, I'll feed you."

Li Mu ignored Conan's jealousy, picked up the food, and came to Xiaolan's side.

"Thank you, Brother Li."

Xiaolan's pretty face turned red, she opened her mouth and bit the spoon.

"Boy, you and I can go out and take a rest."

Moori Kogoro glanced at the two of them, took Conan and left directly.

"Wait, Uncle Maori, I……" boom!

Mouri Kogoro didn't wait for him to speak, and punched him on the head.

"that……" boom!

"I……" boom!

After a few punches, Conan no longer dared to speak, and could only look at Li Mu's back resentfully.

Li Mu, we are not done with this matter.

Poor Li Mu didn't know that Conan resented him again.

In the next day, Li Mu and Xiaolan chatted and secretly went to Fei Yingli's room in the evening. They had a very happy time.


Not long after, Xiaolan and others were discharged from the hospital one after another, and Li Mu returned to his previous life.

On this day, Li Mu received Xiaolan's invitation and came to Maori Kogoro's home.

As soon as he arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu saw the dark-skinned Kazuya and the fresh and beautiful Kazuye.

"Hattori, Kazuha, are you here too?"

"Hey hey hey, I'm not familiar with you, please don't call me Hattori so casually."

For some reason, Hattori Heiji was particularly unhappy with Li Mu.

In his heart, he always thought about who Li Mu was carrying Kazuha, and there was a trace of jealousy in his heart.

"Hattori, how can you say that to Brother Li?...Brother Li."

He Ye immediately complained dissatisfiedly after hearing this.

"Yes, Hattori, I won’t allow you to say that about Brother Li."

Xiaolan on the other side also became dissatisfied. He hit the table with his right hand and smashed the table a little.

Hattori suddenly shuddered and his body trembled slightly.

If this punch had hit him, he would probably be beaten. Get down

"Hahaha, how is this possible, Mu, you can call me whatever you want, Hattori or Heiji, it’s up to you."

There is no future.

Conan looked at the timid Hattori Heiji and felt contempt in his heart.

Li Mu also smiled and said nothing on the surface. In his heart, he was thinking about how to poach him and let Hattori Heiji cry when the time comes.

"Brother Li, you're not angry, just ignore Hattori, that's the kind of person he is."

Li Mu listened to He Ye's words and felt happy in his heart. He said,"It doesn't matter. I won't mind the child. Don't worry."

Listening to Kazuya's words, Li Mu felt a little happy.

Especially because Kazuye called Hattori Heiji no longer 'Heiji' before, but Hattori, which showed that the relationship between the two was not good.

Hattori Heiji was dissatisfied after hearing this, and the two Staring at Li Mu, a wave of resentment enveloped Li Mu.

Li Mu ignored Hattori Heiji's resentment, turned to look at Mouri Kogoro and said:"Detective Mouri, do you have anything to do with me today?"

"That's it, we're going to the Mermaid Island right away. What do you think? Do you want to go?"Moori Kogoro said.

"Go, of course, when and where?"

Li Mu naturally can't refuse.

With Ye Xiaolan, he can take good care of Ye Xiaolan and let Hattori Heiji go cry elsewhere.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow. Li Mu, you can have a good rest here today."

Mouri Kogoro looked at Li Mu with a smile, and a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Li Mu understood immediately, stood up and said:"Okay, let's go out to eat, I'll treat you."

"Great, Xiaolan, let's go now."

Mouri Kogoro stood up as if flying, then rushed out quickly, changing clothes in the blink of an eye.

Several people nearby smiled awkwardly, especially Xiaolan, who always felt particularly embarrassed.

That night , Li Mu and others rested for the night after eating, and set off by boat from the sea the next day.

On the sparkling sea, golden light shone on the sea, illuminating the entire sea.

On the blue water, a ship The luxury cruise ship was sailing. Mouri Kogoro and others stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea in the distance.

"That's great. If I had known there was such a luxurious cruise ship, I wouldn't have bought the ticket."

At the bow of the boat, Mouri Kogoro shouted happily.

"Damn it, this upstart"

"Yeah, rich people are so annoying."

Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu jealously, and became even more dissatisfied with Li Mu.

Li Mu felt the resentment between the two, ignored it, and then turned around and left.

On the other side, Kazuye glanced nearby, and then said :"By the way, Xiaolan, I'm going to use the toilet, you wait for me here."

After saying that, Heye ran away quickly.

After Heye left, he walked on the luxury cruise ship, returned to his room and went to the toilet.

After using the toilet, Heye left the room, turned around and left On the deck.

However, He Ye did not notice that she went to the wrong room and came to the back of the deck.

Li Mu also stood behind the deck, looking at the sea in the distance, closing his eyes and enjoying it.

He Ye After arriving on the back deck, he saw Li Mu alone and said in surprise:"Brother Li, why are you here? Where are the others?"

"other people? Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:"He Ye, you are mistaken. This is the rear deck, and everyone else is on the front deck.""

"Ah, did I make a mistake?"He Ye blushed after hearing this and said shyly:"No....Sorry, I was in a hurry when I came out."

After that, Li Mu didn't speak. He Ye also stood next to Li Mu, and the two fell silent.


Li Mu felt the breeze around him and felt the island not far away. The corners of his mouth raised. With a gentle wave of his right hand, a hurricane came and blew He Ye down.


"and leaves."

Li Mu jumped down, reached out and grabbed He Ye's hand, then pulled it, hugged He Ye, and fell into the sea together. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Beloved Concubine begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: Reading Three Things - Favorites, Recommendations

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