The next day, after Li Mu woke up, he left Suzuki's house, returned to his own home, and lived a normal life.

But the only difference is that Xiaolan feels particularly shy every time she sees Li Mu.

On this day, Li Mu came to Xiaolan's house and saw Yuanzi.

As soon as Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he immediately waved and smiled:"Li Mu, you are here. Xiaolan and I have decided to go to the hot springs. Do you want to go with me?""

"Okay, I'll get the car ready, and then we'll go together"

""Zero ninety-seven" Li Mu saw Yuanzi winking at him and immediately understood that Yuanzi had probably prepared something.

Only Xiaolan didn't know this

"Okay, let's set off now, hurry up and don't let that little devil see us."

When Yuanzi saw that his plan was successful, he quickly pulled Xiaolan and left quickly.

Li Mu also hurriedly ran downstairs to prepare the car.

If he didn't walk faster and was discovered by Conan, he would definitely clamor to come with him..

Unfortunately, Li Mu and others were still a step too late, and were finally discovered by Conan.

"Sister Xiaolan, where are you going? Can you take me there?"

Conan focused his eyes on Li Mu, thinking that he must not let Li Mu and Xiaolan be together.

So he had to follow the two of them and then interrupt them.

"No, this is a matter between us adults, you must not go there."

Before Xiaolan spoke, Yuanzi couldn't wait to refuse.

After all, she knew exactly what she was going to do today. How could she let Conan, a troublesome guy, pass by?

How could she continue to develop after Conan passed.

Lou. Go up, Mouri Kogoro also walked down and glanced at Sonoko and the other two people.

"Are you three going out to play? The little devil is also taken away, and I don't have time to take care of him."

Yuanzi was about to say something, but suddenly thought of something, and there was a look on the corner of his mouth.

"You do not want it? There is nothing we can do. In a few days, there will be tickets for Okino Yoko's concert, and they will be in the front area of ​​the infield.

Originally I didn't plan to go there to see it, but in this case, I could only take Yuanzi and Li Mu there with me."

"Yoko Okino."

Moori Kogoro shouted, and then he immediately became interested and directly picked up Conan with one hand.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Sonoko, I will take care of this guy. You can play as long as you want.

By the way, do you see the tickets for that concert?"

"Uncle Maoli, don’t worry, I will give it to you when you come back."

Sonoko showed a very proud smile.

If you want to deal with Mouri Kogoro, it shouldn't be too easy........

Conan rolled his eyes, feeling very contemptuous.

But Conan kept tossing and wanted to go with Li Mu.

Unfortunately, he was eventually suppressed by Moori Kogoro.

Not long after, Li Mu prepared the car and left with Xiaolan and others.

In the car, Li Mu was driving, and Yuanzi was secretly saying something behind the car. Xiaolan blushed and peeked at Li Mu from time to time.

It's a pity that neither of them knew that Li Mu's ears were very sensitive. Li Mu heard what they said clearly.

After a long time, Li Mu came to a famous hot spring hotel, stopped the car, and walked in with Xiao Lan.

"Li Mu, let me tell you, later……"

Yuanzi took Li Mu's arm and whispered.

Li Mu nodded after hearing this, then picked up his clothes and entered the hot spring.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let’s go together. Let’s have some afternoon tea first, and then go to the hot springs together."


Xiaolan didn't know Yuanzi's purpose, so she just nodded in agreement. On the other side, after Li Mu changed his clothes, he walked into a relatively large hot spring.

Not long after washing, Li Mu heard two people talking. The sound of footsteps came, and I couldn't help but look up.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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