The next morning, the bright sunshine passed through the wooden door and illuminated Li Mu's room.

Li Mu slowly opened his eyes, put on his clothes, washed up, and left the room.

In the other room, Xiaolan and Yuanzi also got dressed and washed up.

After the two came out, they happened to meet Li Mu

"Li Mu, hello"

"Hello Brother Li."

Compared with Yuanzi's carelessness, Xiaolan is much shy.

As soon as he saw Li Mu, he thought of what happened yesterday. He couldn't help but blush, lowered his eyes, and continued to look at Li Mu in embarrassment.

Li Mu looked shy. Xiaolan smiled and said:"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, let's go have breakfast. After dinner, we can probably go back.""

"Okay, let's go now."

Yuanzi took Xiaolan's hand and strode towards the restaurant.

Then several people had breakfast in the restaurant and left the hot spring hotel....…………

In Tokyo, after Li Mu and others returned to Tokyo, they took the lead in drivingYuanzi sent home.

Then he drove Xiaolan home.

Not long after, Li Mu arrived at the Maori Detective Agency in Mihua Town.

Downstairs in the office, Li Mu looked at the window of the office

"Xiaolan, you’re home. You have to be careful and don’t get into trouble."

"Don't worry, Brother Li, he's already home and nothing will happen to him."

Xiaolan blushed, got out of the car quickly and left.

Li Mu looked at Xiaolan's back, then looked at the window of the office, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Near the window, Conan was standing there, looking at him with teeth.

Li Mu looked at Conan for a moment and then drove away.

On the other hand, Xiaolan had just returned home when she saw Conan and Mouri Kogoro sitting in the living room waiting.

Conan even ran up to him and asked,"Sister Xiaolan, Where did you go to play yesterday? He won't take me with him either."

Although Mouri Kogoro didn't ask, his little eyes looked at Xiao Goro, and his flowers stood up.

"Oh, we went out to the hot springs and the garden."

Xiaolan pretended to be calm, then put down her backpack and quickly ran into the room.

Conan looked at Xiaolan's back and had a very ominous premonition in his heart. He didn't know what happened.

Li Mu, on his side, left the Maori Detective Agency Then, he drove along the street.

Suddenly, Li Mu passed by Fei Yingli's house, immediately changed his goal, and drove into a nearby parking lot.

Then Li Mu stopped the car and came to Fei Yingli's house. Outside, he opened the door and walked in.

Li Mu's door key was naturally not stolen, but was given to Li Mu personally by Fei Yingli.

After entering the door, Li Mu smelled the refreshing fragrance in the air.

Li Mu was in the house After staying for a while, he set his sights on the kitchen, walked over, and opened the refrigerator.

······Asking for flowers·······

"If you have food, let’s make lunch."

Li Mu didn't hesitate. He picked up the vegetables in the refrigerator and started making them.

When he came to this world, Li Mu had never cooked much. This time he could get familiar with it.

Not long after, Li Mu finished cooking and looked at it again. After a while, he immediately picked up the phone and started dialing.

"Hello, Yingli, it's me. I'm at your house. I made you a lunch. Are you coming back?"


On the other side, Fei Yingli, who was watching the case, listened to Li Mu's voice on the phone, her face turned red, and she took a peek around.

After confirming that no one would find out, Fei Yingli whispered:"Wait a minute, I'll finish reading this case and I'll be there in a while.""

"Okay, I'll wait for you, Yingli, please go faster."

Li Mu hung up the phone, sat on Fei Yingli's sofa and waited patiently.

Fei Yingli's home was not far from Fei Yingli's law firm, but in less than half an hour, Fei Yingli drove back. As soon as she opened the door, Fei Yingli Yingli saw Li Mu on the sofa and couldn't help but smile. Then she took off her shoes and changed into slippers.

"Li Mu, I'm really sorry that you're here. I even bothered you to cook for me."

After Fei Yingli came in, she sat directly next to Li Mu.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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